2019-2020年九年级英语上册 Unit 5 Art world Task教案 (新版)牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语上册 Unit 5 Art world Task教案 (新版)牛津版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年九年级英语上册 Unit 5 Art world Task教案 (新版)牛津版教学目标To finish a questionareTo write an article about your favorite art formTo finish a questionare教学重难点To generate personal ideas, plan and organize text to express ones own opinions教学法指导集体智慧个人设计(二次备课)教学反思Step 1 Learning AimsWhat problems of writing will be mainly solved?By the end of the class, we students are expected to1. find out highlights and problems in our own writing as well as our peers while fulfilling some tasks.2.focus on writing problems of contents and languages, such as the lack of details about ideas, poor word choices and boring sentences, etc. 3. improve our oral and written ability in evaluating and improving both our pieces and others, especially editing our own first drafts.Step 2 lead inDoes the writer manage to tell readers: what art form he likes best? whether he is good at this art form? when he became interested in this art form? whether he has any stories about this art form? how important this art from is to him? Adapted from the questionnaire in the text bookStep 3 Characteristics of good writinggood writing : Good organization fine languageenough content1. Show enough details instead of telling a fact 2. Use good words or sentences to create pictures 3. In this way, you can make the piece more interesting to read or much easier to understand. In a word, when you are writing a piece never forget about its reader(s).1. Does the writer use any details to make the story more interesting or easier to understand? 2. Does the writer use any specific, effective or memorable words in telling the story? 3. Do any sentences help to create pictures in your mind when you are reading the story?Step4 PracticeLets help to improve the following paragraph in groups. Both my teachers and classmates think I am able to sing well because I have a gift for singing. I began to learn my first song Twinkle, twinkle, little star when I was six years old. At that time, I found that singing was such an interesting thing. Up to now, I have learnt over two hundred songs. In my spare time, I often sing songs to others. Everyone is happy to be my listener because of my passion and confidence. Even though I can not be a professional singer, I still get a lot of fun from singing. Because of singing, my life bees more colourful.Lets edit the first draft on our own and then show.1. The biggest problem in my first draft is2. I try to add / cut off / change / because I hope my readers can know / understand / realizebetter. I make such a change in my piece because I want to express / show / find a way to . The best words / sentences / most interesting details in my piece areI wrote them because I am satisfied with this change most because pared with my first draft, the new version 3. What do you think of my new piece? Can you give me some advice for further improvement? Step5HomeworkContinue to edit your first draft and hand in your favorite version tomorrow. 目的较明确以一些问题导入,培养学生口语We can help them if they need.Encourage them to speak loudly.重点短语的讲述。给出句型,学生们可以仿写,相对容易上手。It is hard for them to write a passage correctly.


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