2019-2020年八年级英语上册 8A Unit 3 全部教案 牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语上册 8A Unit 3 全部教案 牛津版Warm-up activities1 Review some keywords and phrases such as exercise,climb,keep fit and enjoy. Ask students to look at the pictures and read the conversation between Eddie and Hobo.2 Try to elicit from students the funny aspects of the ic strip. Allow students to express their feelings.Ask two more able students to role-play the conversation in front of the class.Presentation1 Divide the class into groups of three. Set strict time limit of 1-2 minutes. Each student in a group reads one of the postcards in Part A. Ask students to underline the names of places mentioned in the postcard and add the names of the city and the country.2 Encourage each student to take turns to explain the postcard to the other students in the group. Then students match the pictures to the text on the postcards on their own. Check answers in class.3 Ask students to do Part B on their own, and then check answers with their partners. Check answers in class. Elicit sentences from students such as The Opera House is in Sydney, Australia. Language pointsExercise, climb the hill, need to do, keep fit, e on, enjoy ourselves, take sb. to swh. , what happened there, the famous Harbour Bridge, the Opera House, the River Seine, the White House, Homework1 Learn the language points by heart.2 一课三练 P.253 Preview the Reading Part.Revision1 Review key vocabulary according to the general ability of the class. Presentation (Reading A)1 Show the pictures of the World Park in Beijing. Elicit the names of the places or building.2 Explain to students the context of the letter. Ask Whos writing the letter? Whos Linda? Whos she writing to?3 Read the letter to the class while students follow in their books. Try to read with expression.4 Divide the class into groups of three and allocate one part to each group. Ask them to find adj., verbs or phrases in the letter, which describe how Linda felt that day. They can either underline the words they do not know or write them on a piece of paper. Then go through the words students have underlined.5 Ask students in each group to go through the three sections in Lindas letter and discuss the different feelings expressed in it.3 Ask students to write a schedule of the day out indicating places and movements only. Ask them to list the key words.6 Check students understanding. Ask prehension questions.Presentation (Reading B)1 Ask students to read the conversation on their own.2 Ask students to replace the underlined phrase with the correct words. Encourage less able students to find the words in the letter on page 36&37. 3 Ask students to pare answers in pairs. Then ask two students to read out the conversation in class to check the correct answers.4 Ask students to write the list of new words and definitions in their vocabulary record books.5 Divide the class into pairs and ask them to read the conversation.Presentation (Reading C)1 Do Part C as a class petition.2 Ask students to close their books . Then read the sentences at random one at a time. Write them on the Bb only one at a time. Make it clear that students raise their hands when they are ready to answer.3 Ask students to correct the false sentences. Allow less able students to open their books and find the correct information.4 Talk to students about a home page to focus their attention on Part C2. Then ask them to sequence the pictures on Daniels home page on their own.5 Check answers as a whole class activity.6 Ask students if there are any disagreements. Encourage them to explain why they have selected a certain sequence in order to identify reasons for mistakes.Language points (Part A)Invite sb. to do, at the beginning, get on a coach, be boring, on the highway, feel sick, most of the trip, arrive at, be made of metal, in front of, places of interest, from all over the world, the real ones in Egypt, an amazing day, join in, teach himself, a home page, for everyone to look at Language points (Part B)Travel from one place to another, movement of cars, the main road, e up from your stomach, the tall metal building, the old stone building Language points (Part C)It takes sb. time to do Homework1 Learn the language points by heart.2 一课三练 P.26-273 Preview the Vocabulary Part.Presentation (Vocabulary)1 Part A is a recognition task asking students to identify the English names of popular places of interest in Beijing. Bring in photos of these places.2 Explain the context of the tasks. Ask students to study the pictures and words.2 Ask students to check answers with a partner. Then check the correct answers with the whole class by asking individual students to read out the sentences.3 Part B is a problem-solving task and students need to use their existing knowledge of Beijing to do it. Bring in a map of Beijing.4 Revise means of transport by asking students how they go to school or work.5 Ask students to do the task in pairs. Then ask students in a pair to pare their answers with another pair. Then ask students to take turns to read the sentences aloud to check the correct answers. Language pointsThe Monument to the Peoples heroes, the red maple leaves, walk slowly around the big lake, feel the beauty of, the names of the transport, more than an hour.Homework1 Learn the language points by heart.2 一课三练 P.283 Preview the Grammar Part.Presentation (Grammar Part A)1 Elicit from students the context illustrated in the picture.Focus students attention on the trip and how the Class 1, Grade 8 students felt at the time. E.g., How was the trip? (boring, too long) Then ask them to form sentences with the keywords and write them on the Bb. E.g., The trip was boring. It was too long. Ask them to join the two ideas in one sentence.2 Ask students to list other similar ideas about the journey using and.3 Ask students to bine the two contrasting ideas- of a boring trip on the coach and a wonderful day. Ask them when we use and and but to elicit the rulers.4 Ask students to bine the two options.5 Elicit a few sentences from students own experiences, focus on the sentences with the same subjects and verbs.6 This is a deductive learning activity. Encourage students to work it out as a problem-solving task following a set sequence of deduction. Students should be able to work out the correct joining word and also which words to delete by applying rules on Page 41.7 Elicit feedback from the class. Ask students to read out their new sentences. The others listen carefully and express agreement or disagreement. If theres any disagreement, encourage students to explain their reasons to help them focus on the different details of the rule.Presentation (Grammar Part B)1 Read the sample sentences. Ask students to identify the verb and the to-infinitive in each sentences.2 Elicit other verbs that are usually used with to-infinitive. Give them the extra examples listed on page 43.3 Ask students to plete Work out the rule! at the bottom of the page. For less able students, tell them to go through the example sentences and the explanations again. 4 Ask students to plete the conversation in pairs. They should make sense of the sentences before they select a verb. Remind less able students that they need to use to-infinitives in the conversation.6 Ask students to read the conversation in pairs. Ask a pair of more able students to read out the conversation to the class.Presentation (Grammar Part C)1 Write down some sentences containing reflexive pronouns. You can use the following examples: * I fell over and hurt myself. * My baby sister can feed herself. * My cat cleans itself every day. * We found ourselves in the centre of the city.2 Underline the reflexive pronouns in the sentences. Explain the use of reflexive pronouns. Tell them we use them when the subject and the object are the same person or thing.3 Explain the difference between reflexive and personal pronouns by giving some examples.4 Go through the table. Make sure students are able to distinguish between the singular and plural forms.5 Write some more verbs, e.g., teach, give, buyfor, look after,etc.6 Ask students to plete Work out the rule! at the bottom of the page.7 Explain the context and tell students that they need to find out Linda and Simons secret. Ask students to read the cartoon story first without working out the correct reflexive pronouns. Check the understanding of the vocabulary.8 Then ask students to go through the story again and work out the correct reflexive pronoun for each blank.9 Ask more able students to read out the speech bubbles in sequence. The rest of the class should listen carefully and check their answers.Language pointsDecide to do, prepare to do, see the sunset, take some photos of it,climb the rocks, hide-and-seek, pull himself up, luckily, do not tell anybody about this, keep their secret to themselvesHomework1 Learn the language points by heart.2 一课三练 P.29-303 Preview the Integrated skills Part. Presentation (Integrated skills A)1 Talk to students about different school events. Elicit from students names of such events, e.g., a sports day, a funny day, a school fair, etc.2 Set the context of organizing sports, music, drama or any other events involving petition.3 Briefly review language required for a schedule using your students own experience. Use information based on the school. Write some details on the Bb.4 Read the poster in pairs. Ask some questions to find out the main points, e.g. , Whats it about? Who is it about? What will happen? Where will it happen? When? 4 Ask students to look at Kittys notes and plete as much of the schedule as possible on their own. Encourage them to find the answers in the poster and underline them.5 Play the recording for Part A2 and ask students to plete the rest of the notes on their own.Play the recording again so that Ss are able to check, confirm or change their initial responses.6 Ask more able student to read the pleted notes to the whole class to check answers .7 Present Part 3 as a quiz reading the sentences one by one. Ask more able student to rewrite the false statements with the correct details.Presentation (Integrated skills B)1 Ask students to practice the conversation in pairs and then change roles. 2 Close the books and listen to me while I read the conversation. Ask students to repeat the sentences as they hear them.3 Encourage Ss to memorize the sentences. Ask them to pretend they are talking on the phone.4 Ask Ss to work in pairs and use the conversation as a model to make suggestions about visiting a place, express their opinions and make arrangements.Language pointsThe final of, take place, cheer for our team, with your support, we will win, half-time, presentation of cup and medals, per person, cost of the trip, over an hour, Shall we go to the Great Wall?, Im afraid, Why dont we?, play hide-and-seek Homework1 Learn the language points by heart.2 一课三练 P.313 Preview the Study skills, Main task & Checkout Part.Presentation (Study skills)1 Make Ss aware of the difference between facts and opinions. Ask more able students what is a fact and what is opinion.2 Ask students to read the leaflet about the World Park.3 When they are paring their answers, ask them to underline the words which express opinions and personal feelings.Language points (Study skills)467,000 square metres in area Presentation (Main task)1 Introduce the topic of planning a day out. Ask Ss to bring in brochures of local places which they would like to visit.2 Elicit from Ss the need for accuracy in terms of times, dates, transport, places and types of activities.3 Remind students the context of this section. Go through the plan in Part A and point out the information which Kitty and Daniel want to include in the invitation letter.4 Tell Ss that the model plan prepares them for writing an invitation letter with their own information and details.5 Ask students to go through kitty and Daniels letter quickly and plete it on their own.6 Direct Ss attention to the different parts of the letter. Ask students to cover the prompts on the left. Ask them to match them with the corresponding parts in kitty and Daniels letter.7 Ask students to write a rough draft using the plans they have prepared in Part B.Language points (Main task)Is ing to visit you, all the way to,Presentation (Checkout)1 Revise the use of joining words, reflexive pronouns and verbs +to infinitives.2 Ask students to read through the conversation and plete the sentences.3 Check the correct answers with the whole class and tell them to write their scores in the paw.4 Ask Ss to look at the pictures in Part B and explain the context. Ss then write the names of the places on their own.Language points (Checkout)Planned to go, pack my bag instead, play badly, shuttle bus, go climbing on rocks Homework1 Learn the language points by heart.2 一课三练 P.32-343 Preview the Unit 4.


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