2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Unit 5 Topic 1 You look excited Section B教学案(无答案)(新版)仁爱版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Unit 5 Topic 1 You look excited Section B教学案(无答案)(新版)仁爱版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Unit 5 Topic 1 You look excited Section B教学案(无答案)(新版)仁爱版.doc_第2页
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2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Unit 5 Topic 1 You look excited Section B教学案(无答案)(新版)仁爱版学习目标与要求:1.能正确拼读并运用单词表中的黑体单词seem, 并正确运用以-ed结尾的形容词和以-ing结尾的形容词。2. 学生能正确运用“linking verb+ adjective”结构造句。3. 学生能自如地运用系表结构的句子进行交流来谈论情绪。第一段:【短课】 组织学生独立完成。模块一:自主学习学习内容摘 记一、熟悉课文。(一)起立、大声自由练读1a,扫清生词障碍及对话含义。看看自己能在哪个等级上达标)大声流利的朗读 流利自然的诵读 在理解的基础上流利背诵(二)在课本划出重点短语或句子(比如含生词的句子),读一读,记一记,译一译。(三)短语或句子翻译1. 的票/入场券 2.感觉有点不开心 3.一点也不,根本不 4.呆在家里 5.你最近怎么样? 6.be glad to 二、在理解课文的基础上完成下列练习。(一)听读-感悟短文Listen to 1a and mark T (True) or F (False). Finish 1b.1. Mr. Brown couldnt get a ticket to Avatar, so he was unhappy. ( )2. Jane likes the film, The Sound of Music, because it is very interesting. ( )3. The opera, Cats, is Marias favorite. ( )4. Kangkangs parents think that Beijing Opera is boring. ( )(二)Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the given words. Finish P4-2b.Michael: Hi, Steve! This is Michael. Ive got a bad cold. My mother will stay at home with me. Are you _ ( interest )in her ticket to The Sound of Music ?Steve: What a pity! However, I dont think the movie is _ ( interest ). Why not give the ticket to Mr. Brown? Michael: Great! He must be _ (excite) to get it. Steve: OK, you can tell him the _ (excite) news right now!(三)Listen to the passage and plete the sentences. Finish 3. 第二段:【长课导学】模块二:交流研讨研讨内容摘 记内容一:小级成员之间交换讲学稿,看看同学的答案与你的有什么不同。把你的修改意见在讲学稿上直接写下来。内容二:按照组长的分工,每位同学选择一个内容向全组同学进行交流。如有不同意见,请直接提出或质疑。内容三:品读-读出理解,在理解的基础上,完成知识点归纳。请看1:1)He seems a little unhappy. 他好像有点不高兴。 seem + _2)He seems a nice man. 他看起来是个好人。 seem + _3) He seems to know the truth. 他似乎知道真相。 seem + _4) It seems that they know everything. 好像他们无所不知。It seems + _ 【反馈训练】1. It _ to be the best way to do with the matter.(seem)请看2:Find out the key structure: linking verbs + adjectives.请找出含有系动词的词组。Kangkangs parents got everything ready for supper at 5:30 on Saturday afternoon. Then they left for the movie theater. They met Marias parents and Mr. Brown at the gate of the movie theater. Mr. Brown felt excited to have a ticket but sorry that Michael was ill. The music in the movie sounded really beautiful. They felt happy to see the movie together. The children were glad to have supper at Kangkangs house. The food smelt nice and tasted delicious. They had a good time together. But they missed Michael and felt sorry for him. 模块三:巩固内化学习任务摘 记任务一:请翻译下列词组并背诵由组长听写。1.的票/入场券_ 2.感觉有点不开心_ 3.一点也不,根本不 4.呆在家里 5.你最近怎么样?_ 6.be glad to_ 任务二:用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。 smell, seem, set the table, proud 1. It _ to be the best way to do with the matter.2. She feels very _ to be a part of the team.3. The flower _ very sweet.4. Mom is cooking in the kitchen and I am _ for my friends.( ) 5. She was _ at the _ news.A. surprising; surprised B. surprised; surprise C. surprised; surprising D. surprising; surprise 教学后记:_课题:Unit5- Topic1 You look excited. P3-4 Section B 第2课时 授课时间 第1周周二 班级 姓名 模块四:当堂训练(独立完成)老师的话:复杂的事情简单做,简单的事情认真做,认真做的事情重复做,重复做的事情创造性做!一时专一事,做最好的自己,你一定成功!一、单项选择。( ) 1.- _ you _ drive a car two years ago? No. But now I can.A. Are; able to B. Can; / C. Do; be able to D. Were; able to( ) 2. Whats wrong with him? He feels _ because he cant buy a ticket _ the concert.A. disappointed; to B. excited; to C. disappointed; of D. excited; of( ) 3. Mom, Mr. Fan asked you to call him this morning. OK. I will _ later.A. ring him up B. ring up him C. call up him D. call her up( ) 4. Whats wrong with him? - _.A. He had a temperature. B. He caught a cold. C. He had a fever. D. A, B and C( ) 5. Michael fell off his bike and broke his leg. - _.A. Really? B. Im so sorry to hear that. C. I hope everything goes well. D. Thats all right.( ) 6.Were going to a model plane show this summer holiday. - _.A. I hope everything goes well. B. I dont like it. C. Thank you. Im glad to hear that. D. Thats too bad.二、句型转换。1. He could ride a horse when he was 15. (同义句转换) He _ _ _ ride a horse when he was 15.2. He gave me a call last night. (同义句转换) He _ me _ last night.3. Michael sounds upset. (改为一般疑问句) _ Michael _ upset?【学生自主反思】(写出今日一得和今日不足)今日一得 今日不足

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