2019-2020年八年级英语 模块3 Unit1 Remember to look out for the real light教案.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语 模块3 Unit1 Remember to look out for the real light教案FunctionGiving advice and warnings; talking about memoriesStructureVerbs followed by ing form or infinitiveListening/Speaking Listening for specific information; inferring Asking and answering questions about the radioReading/Writing Predicting; evaluating the text; reading for main ideas Writing about important events in the past and background informationAround the worldThe Clockwork RadioTaskMaking a school radio programme模块3 Unit 1 Remember to look out for the real light!Warm up by learning to use some words Hi, lets go to page 18. Look at the nine words in the box. Lets make sentences with these words.I want to buy the latest issue of the English Language Learning. 我要买最近一期的英语学习。 Have you heard the latest news? 你听到最新消息了吗?Irene has all the latest pop records. 最新的流行歌曲唱片艾琳都有。 Be here by twelve oclock at the latest. 最迟十二点来到这儿。 We must be there by 7 p.m. at the latest. 我们最迟七点要到达那里。 We read the newspaper every day. 我们每天读报。 Will you get me a newspaper when youre out? 你出去顺便给我捎份报纸好吗? The newspaper carries an important article. 报上刊登一篇重要文章。 The Guardian and Daily Telegraph are newspapers. 卫报和每日电讯报都是报纸。 Its going to be a cold winter, or so the newspaper says. 今天冬天将会很冷,至少报纸上是这么说的。 Has the rain stopped yet? 雨停了没有? Weve had too much rain this summer. 今天夏天雨水太多了。 Her coat is wet because she was out in the rain. 她的外套湿了,因为她刚才在外面淋雨了。 The crops need rain. 庄稼需要雨水。 Scouts reported the presence of enemy planes. 侦察员报告出现敌机。 The press in China widely reported these events. 中国报纸广泛报道了这些事。 He often reports for a newspaper. 他常给报纸写报道。 He is going to report on his trip in Canada. 他准备谈一谈他的加拿大之行。 The policeman reported that he had not seen anybody. 警察报告说他什么人也没有看见。 He reported that his task had been fulfilled. 他汇报说他的任务已执行完毕。 He was an American news reporter. 他是个美国新闻记者。 What is the result of your entrance examination? 你入学考试成绩如何? Every time he got the same result. 每次他都得到同样的结果。 What was the result of the war? 这场战争的结局如何? We worked all day, but without (any) result. 我们干了整整一天,可是毫无结果。 It resulted in success. 事情终于成功了。 The score (of the two teams) stood at 5 to 3. 两队比分是五比三。 What s the score? 比分是多少? Our class made a high score in the last test. 我们班上次测验得了高分。 Its too sunny here. 这里阳光太强了。 This won for him the first prize of $15,000. 这为他赢得一万五千美元的头等奖。 We shouldnt have won without your support. 没有你们的支持,我们是打不赢的。 Which team won? 哪个队赢了? One learns to win without pride and lose with grace. 人们学习胜了不骄傲,败得也体面。 We won in the game at last. 这场比赛我们终于得胜了。 Doug came first and won the race. 都格跑在最前面,赢了这次赛跑。 I am sure he will win the game. 我确信他会赢得这场比赛。 He won the love and respect of the surrounding peasants. 他赢得了周围农民的热爱和尊敬。 He has won a gold medal. 他获得了一枚金质奖章。 Listen and read.On page 18 in the box is a conversation among Tony, Betty, Lingling and Daming. Before we listen to it, lets go on to read it first. While reading, try to: cut/ the sentence into thought groups, study the predicative, darken the connectives and underline all the useful expressions. (阅读过程中,断开/意群,观察谓语构成,圈出连词,摘录短语搭配。)Blacken and underline verbsSome verbs are followed by ing form, while some other verbs are followed by infinitive. Now read the conversation again to blacken all the verbs followed by infinitive, and underline all the verbs followed by ing form.decided to write an English newspaperagreed to make a newspaperneed to make a planlove to talk about shoes and clotheswant to write about fashionlove watching sportslike to find out about peoplelearned to take good photostry writing some quizzes and jokesenjoy making people laughlike giving people advicewants to write about the weatherhate writing about the weatherstop making all the decisionshate to hear people arguingremember to listen to our ideasTalk as they do. (仿说)Now in groups we shall try to say something about saving our world. We shall talk as they talked just now. Tony: Thank you/ for calling. Last week/ we decided to save our world.And/ we agreed to plant trees very week. Now/ we need to make a plan.Betty: Im interested/ in planting trees. I love to talk about saving our world, so/ I want to work with you. I can do something protecting the environment.Lingling: I love doing a survey about saving our world. I can write saving our world articles. And I also like to find out/ about environment problems, so I can interview saving our world people, too.Darning:Ive got a digital camera/ and I can take good photos of our world. Tony: OK, lets agree that youre the photographer.Darning:I can also try recycling things. I enjoy working to save our world. Betty: What about saving energy? I like giving people advice. When someone takes shorter showers, he can save some energy.Tony: Good idea. Im still looking for ways to protect the water and the air. Who wants to do something to stop the air pollution?Betty: Oh yes, thats my job. I love working to save our air. I1l stop smoking. Lingling: Wait a minute, Betty. Stop smoking right now!Close down by read an Interview with a Newspaper EditorNext is a interview with a Newspaper Editor. Read it and act it out.We were very lucky to take an in person interview with Mr. Cannon, an editor at The School Newspaper.1. Can you talk about your job?I am an editor at The School Newspaper, a daily newspaper for students. I write about the biggest news of the day. I help get photos and other artwork to go with these stories and get readers attention. 2. Do you like your job? What do you like best? Least? Most days, I like my job a lot. Some days, though, I hope I am a teacher of English. The best part of my job is when my reporters write a good story. For example, when we find out about something wrong, and it gets right because of our report, that is very nice. The thing I like least about my job is telling people No. People call and think they have the best story in the world, but then I know its a real boring thing that even the best writer in the world couldnt make interesting. I have to tell those people that we wont be writing about them. Sometimes they get mad. Oh well, part of the job. 3. Did you always want to be a newspaper editor? How long have you been an editor? I knew I always wanted to be a writer writing in some way. I was an editor on high school and college newspapers. After college, I was a reporter for 10 years, and then decided to turn into editing. I have been an editor for about 15 years. I know what youre going to say - I really dont look old enough to have spent all those hard years working for newspapers. e on, thats what you were going to say, right? 4. What other jobs have you done on the newspaper? Early in my work, I worked on small newspapers. I work as a news reporter, a sportswriter, a sports editor, a photographer, a photo lab worker, a page designer, a copy editor, a headline writer, a makeup editor, a news editor (helps decide what goes on the front page), and a weekend editor. 5. How long does it take to edit one story? Like everything else in life, that depends. If its a important, we can spend days and even weeks writing it. If its a fairly simple little story, it might only take 30 minutes to edit.6. Do you use dictionaries, spell checkers or other tools to help you with your job?Absolutely! I have a dictionary and a grammar book to help.My puter at work has a spell checker, which I use on every story. 7. Can you explain the steps of producing a newspaper? Its easy. Heres what you do: listen and look for unusual things that are happening; write about those things and get pictures to show people what youre talking about; edit those stories; decide where theyll be placed in the newspaper; design the pages; write the headlines and photo captions8. Do you have to know about many things to be a good editor?It is a very good idea to know about many things. It is important to keep reading books, magazines and newspapers. 9. How many editors are there at a newspaper? At the School Newspaper, there are probably 125-150 editors. 10. What part of the newspaper do you edit? I edit school about things in our city.


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