2019-2020年八年级英语上册 考点剖析+典题精讲 Module 4《Education》教案 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语上册 考点剖析+典题精讲 Module 4Education教案 外研版三点剖析单词典句考点 since conj.自从【经典例句】They have been friends since childhood.他们自幼时起一直是好朋友。【考点聚焦】 1)since和for短语都可表示时间段,since 后接时间点,而for后接时间段。如:since two days ago/xx/last week;for two days/three years/five hours2)since后还可接从句,从句使用一般过去时。如:She has taught here since she left school.自从毕业以来,她一直在这儿教书。3)对for或since提问时,都用how long。【活学活用】1.对画线部分提问Wei Hua has been ill since her mother left. 答案:How long has Wei Hua been ill?raise v.筹集;收集【经典例句】Our aim is to raise money for a charity.我们的目的是为慈善组织筹钱。【考点聚焦】1)注意:raise还常作“举起,抬高”讲,如:raise your hand 举起手来。2)形近词:rise v.上升,不及物动词。如:The sun rises in the east every day.太阳每天从东方升起。importantadj.重要的【经典例句】Its very important to learn English because it is widely used in the world.学英语很重要,因为它在世界范围内广泛使用。【考点聚焦】1)派生词:importance n. 重要性,the importance of. 意思是“的重要性”;2)important 一词常用在“Its important for sb.to do sth.”句型中,表示“做某事对某人来说很重要”。【活学活用】2.选择 is very important for people to protect the environment.A.ThisB.ThatC.It D.They答案:Cill adj.生病的【经典例句】She cant go to school because she is ill.她不能上学了,因为她病了。【考点聚焦】 1)派生词:illness n.病2)同义词辨析:ill和sick都有“生病”之意,ill作“生病的”讲时只可作表语,不可作定语;sick既可作定语,又可作表语。如:a sick person 一个病人。【活学活用】3.单句改错The ill boy has been ill in bed for three days.答案:第一个ill改为sickluckily adv.幸运地【经典例句】He passed the exam luckily.他幸运地通过了考试。【考点聚焦】1)luckily可修饰动词或整个句子,如:Luckily,he is not badly ill.幸亏他病得不重。2)派生词:luck n. 运气。如:Good luck to you!祝你好运!lucky adj.幸运的,幸亏。如:You are really a lucky dog.你真是个幸运儿。3)反义词:unluckily不幸地;同义词:fortunately。【活学活用】4.用所给词的正确形式填空He is too to pass the exam.But ,he can take an exam again.Wish him good next time.(luck)答案:unlucky;luckily;luckpoint n.点,分;v.指着,指【经典例句】We won by 5 points.我们赢了5分。【考点聚焦】1)用于读小数时,如:2.3读作two point three;2)point 作动词时,常用在point at/to短语中,意思是“指着,指向”,如:Its impolite to point to/at others with your chopsticks.用筷子指着别人是不礼貌的。短语典句考点 get on with 与相处【经典例句】 Im getting on well with my classmates.我和同学们相处得很好。【考点聚焦】1)同义短语:get along well with sb.与某人相处得好;2)get on/along with sth.某事进展得【活学活用】5.翻译句子你的工作进展得如何? 答案:How are you getting along with your work?an eight-year -old boy 一个八岁的男孩【经典例句】He cant do that.He is only an eight-year-old boy.他不可能做得了那件事。他只不过是个八岁的孩子。【考点聚焦】1)这个短语中包含一个复合形容词,其结构为“数词+名词+形容词”,中间有两个连字符,用作定语;2)还要注意不用连字符的时候描述某人或某物的状况,通常作表语。如:She is twelve years old.她十二岁。【活学活用】6.根据括号内的汉语提示完成句子I wrote a letter.(我写了一封两千字的信。)He is 2.1 .(他2.1米高。)答案:twothousandword;metres tallstop doing sth.停止做【经典例句】We stopped running when it began to rain.天开始下雨时我们就停止跑步了。【考点聚焦】1)stop doing sth.强调停止一直在做的事;stop to do sth.强调停下来去做另一件事;2)stop.from doing sth.意思是“阻止做某事”。【活学活用】7.用所给词的适当形式填空They were very tired,but they didnt stop (have) a rest.When the teacher came in,the students stopped (talk).答案:to have;talkinglook after 照顾【经典例句】She has to look after her younger brother.她不得不照顾她的小弟弟。【考点聚焦】1)同义词组:take care of 照顾,照料;2)要记住以look为中心的一些短语:look at 看look for 寻找 look out 注意;当心look over 检查(身体);翻阅look up 在字典中查look forward to盼望;期待【活学活用】8.用上面look短语的适当形式填空Ive my watch everywhere(到处).Youd better this word in your dictionary.He has his sick mother for many years.答案:looked for;look up;looked afterwith the help of.在的帮助下【经典例句】With the help of his teacher,he passed the exam.在老师的帮助下,他通过了考试。【考点聚焦】1)同义词组:with ones help,如:with his teachers help。2)help作动词时的用法:help sb.(to) do sth./help sb.with sth.意为“帮助某人做某事”。【活学活用】9.根据括号内的汉语提示完成句子 (在因特网的帮助下),we can chat online. 答案:With the help of the Internetpay for 付款,支付【经典例句】If you lose the library book,you must pay for it.如果你丢了图书馆的书,你就必须赔偿。【考点聚焦】1)可以是pay for sth.或pay some money for sth.如:I paid three yuan for a pen.我花三元钱买了枝钢笔。2)花钱买某物还可以说:spend some money on sth./sth.cost sb.some money.because of 因为【经典例句】I didnt go out because of rain.因为下雨,所以我没有出去。【考点聚焦】1)because of是介词短语,后接名词或名词短语;2)注意与because的区别:because后接从句,如:I didnt go out because it rained.【活学活用】10.选择 the heavy snow last winter,the wheat is growing well now.A.BecauseB.Because ofC.ForD.Since答案:B句子剖析拓展 Its easier to learn a foreign language when you visit the country.当你在那个国家时,学外语就容易些。【剖析】1)句中it 是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式短语to learn a foreign language,其句型是:It+be+adj./n.+to do sth.2)when you visit the country是时间状语从句。【拓展】it 除作形式主语外,也可作形式宾语,其后常用不定式作真正的宾语,常见句型为sb.find it difficult to do sth.。He finds it difficult to learn English well without speak it a lot.他发现在不常说英语的情况下学好它很困难。Its important for him to work on their farm because there are seven people in Lius family and they are very poor.对他来说,在他们农场干活很重要,因为刘家有七口人并且家里还很穷。【剖析】1)前半句还是基本句型:It+be+adj.+for sb.+to do sth.,表示“对某人来说,做某事是”;2)后半句是由because引导的原因状语从句。【拓展】如果描述做某事的人的状况,要用It+be+adj.+of sb.+to do sth.句型。Its very kind of you to help me with my English.你帮我学英语真是太好了。Many children like Li Yinming and Liu Sanzi cant get an education because their families are poor.因为家里穷,像李因明和刘三子这样的许多孩子都无法接受教育。【剖析】介词短语like Li Yinming and Liu Sanzi 作children 的定语。【拓展】形容词作定语一般置于名词之前,短语作定语一般放在被修饰的名词或代词之后。Liquid like water can be made into different shapes.像水一样的液体可以被制成不同形状。In the last fifteen years,this project has raised money and paid for the education of 2.5 million poor students in rural areas.在过去的15年里,希望工程已为250万乡村地区的贫困学生筹集并支付了教育费用。【剖析】1)这是and连接的并列句,raised money 和paid for the education 是两个并列的动作;2)in the last fifteen years常与现在完成时连用。【拓展】“in the last+一段时间”还可用“in the past+一段时间”,指“在过去的(一段时间)”,从过去到现在的一段时间,因此用现在完成时。In the past three months,he was learned to operate the machine.在过去的三个月里,他学会了操作这台机器。语法剖析现在完成时态自述(三)今天来讲讲我的第三种用法吧:我还能表示过去已经开始,持续到现在的动作或状态。我常与for/since连用,而且要求动词都必须是延续性动词,提问时要用how long。有人问我,如果是非延续性动词怎么办?那就变成延续性动词呗。仔细读读下表吧:非延续性动词延续性动词ebeLeavebe away (from)Beginbe onBuyhaveBorrowkeepDiebedeadjoin the Leaguebe a League memberbe in the League如:They left Beijing ten years ago.They have been away from Beijing for ten years/since ten years ago.How long have they been away from Beijing?注意:现在完成时不能跟表示过去的时间状语连用,如:yesterday,last night,three years ago,in 1997等;一般过去时只表示过去的动作或状态,和现在不发生关系,可以跟表示过去的时间状语连用。如:I have already seen the film.我已看过这部电影。I saw the film last week.我上周看了这部电影。典题精讲经典题型例1(xx南通中考)What bad weather we have!It has rained the day before yesterday.A.onB.forC.sinceD./思路解析:此题题意是“天气太糟了,从前天起就一直下雨”。句子用了现在完成时,而且the day before yesterday又是时间点,因此用since,故答案为C。黑色陷阱:本题有两处陷阱:一是没有注意到句子用了现在完成时而误选D;二是搞不清the day before yesterday是时间点还是时间段而误选B。例2(xx上海中考)The cheese cake tasted so that the kids asked for more.A.deliciousB.wellC.badD.badly思路解析:此题题意是“这种奶酪蛋糕很好吃,所以孩子们要了更多”。so.that.句型是包含结果状语从句的复合句,that之后的从句表结果。taste是连系动词,后面跟形容词作表语。答案:A黑色陷阱:本题有两处陷阱:一是误认为副词修饰动词,因此错选B项或D项;二是误解句子的意思,不知so.that.句型表示“如此以至于”,因此错选C项。例3(xx天津中考)Bill said they would have holiday.A.a two-monthB.two-monthsC.two-monthsD.two-months思路解析:此题题意是“比尔说他们将过一个两个月的假期”。“两个月”此处作定语,因此应用twomonth这种形式,故答案为A。绿色通道:解对此类题应注意复合形容词作定语时,其中的名词要用单数;此外,所有格形式也可作定语,名词用复数,如:two months holiday。例4Ive finished my homework,Mr Black.When you it?A.have;finishedB.do;finishC.did;finishD.will;finish思路解析:此题题意是“我已完成作业。你什么时候完成的?”后面问句是用when提问,完成作业这一动作是瞬间动作且发生在过去,故答案为C。黑色陷阱:本题有一处陷阱。上面一句用了现在完成时,因此可能误导有些同学选A。原创题 仿照示例看图写句子: nearly an hour since 7:00 an hour since 40 minutes ago half an hour1.A:How long has she washed clothes?B:She has washed clothes for nearly an hour.2.A: B: 3.A: B: 4.A: B: 5.A: B: 参考答案: 2.How long has he done his homework?He has done his homework since 7:00.3.How long have they played basketball?They have played basketball for an hour.4.How long has he swum?He has swum since 40 minutes ago.5.How long has he run?He has run for half an hour.思路解析:本题旨在考查现在完成时与for/since连用时,用how long提问这一用法。根据图画判断是何动作并考虑使用延续性动词,回答时注意for和since 的不同。绿色通道:掌握现在完成时表动作持续的用法,非延续性动词与延续性动词的转换,for和since用法的区别对做题至关重要。巧学法园地巧记数词的用法、读法、写法百千万十亿,用法真类似,(hundred/thousand/million/billion)前方有数词,不能加s,(two hundred/three million)后方有of,必须加s。(hundreds of/thousands of)十亿和百万,一对亲兄弟,(billion/million仅首字母之差)千位和百位,连在一起读,(如:数字1,234,567,899的读法是:twelve billion,thirty-four million,five hundred and sixty-seven thousand,eight hundred and ninety-nine)百位和十位,要用and连, 十位和个位,须加连字符。


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