2019-2020年八年级英语上册 Unit 5 Can you come to my party? 教案2 人教新目标版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语上册 Unit 5 Can you come to my party? 教案2 人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年八年级英语上册 Unit 5 Can you e to my party? 教案2 人教新目标版I. Teaching article(课题): Unit FiveII. Teaching aims and demands(教学目的和要求): Can you e to my birthday party? Yes, Id love to. Sorry, I cant. I have to study for a test. Im sorry. Im playing soccer on Saturday. When is the party? Its at seven-thirty.III. Teaching importance and difficulty(教学重难点): Make, accept and decline invitation. Talk about obligation.IV. Teaching ways(教学方法): Revision, Learning, Practice and Reading.V. Teaching tools(教学工具): Tape-recorder and Lantern.V. Teaching time(教学时间): Six periodsVI. Teaching procedure(教学过程): P. 25 The first periodI. Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge ObjectsKey vocabulary.Target language.Groupwork.2. Ability ObjectsLearning skill.municative petence.3. Moral ObjectLearn some foreign culture.II. Teaching Importance and DifficultyTarget language.Can you e to my party on weekend?Sure, Id love to.Sorry, I cant. I have a piano lesson.Im sorry, too. I have to go to the doctor.III. Teaching MethodsListening method.Learning approach.IV. Teaching AidsA tape recorder.OHP.V. Teaching ProceduresStep I Greet the class as usual and check the homework.Step II Section AT: Can you e to my party?Show these expression on the blackboard by a projector. Read the expression to the class and ask the students to repeat each one.S: Id love to Im sorry , I have to Step III 1aRead after me:Helping his parents studying for a testGoing to the doctor babysittingHaving a piano lessonThen ask students to write the letter of the correct picture in the blank next to each of the phrases.Step IV 1b Let the students to plete the activity individually.Listen carefully.Ask students to plete the activity individually.Then correct the answers.Step V 1c GroupworkFirst let four students read the example in the speech bubbles to the class.A: Can you e to my party on Wednesday?B: Sure, Id love to.C: Sorry, I cant. I have a piano lesson.D: Im sorry, too. I have to go to the doctor.Then help students form groups of four.Step VI An Optional ActivityAsk students to practice some invitation and refusals. Play the recordings for the class and have a student ask about any words or sentences they cant understand.Step VIII Culture NoteIn some cultures, it is not considered polite to accept an invitation the first time it is offered. In such places people usually thank the people but do not give a definite answer at that time.Step IX Summary and HomeworkThis class weve learnt some key vocabulary and the target language. After class ask write the phrases in 1a down in your exercise books.Step X Blackboard Design Unit 5 Can you e to my party?How about PoliteWhat about ImpoliteP. 26 The second periodI. Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge ObjectsKey vocabulary.Target language.Grammar focus.2. Ability ObjectsLearning skill.municative petence.3. Moral ObjectIts polite to refuse ones invitation if you cant go.II. Teaching Importance and DifficultyTarget language.Can you e to my party on weekend?Sure, Id love to.Sorry, I cant. I have a piano lesson.Im sorry, too. I have to go to the doctor.III. Teaching MethodsGrammar Focus.Pairwork.IV. Teaching AidsA tape recorder.Cards with “Yes” and “No” for Follow-up Activity 1.V. Teaching ProceduresStep I Greet the class as usual and check the homework.Step II 2aNow tell students well have five conversations.Conversation 1:Anna: Hi, Jeff. Can you e to my party on Saturday?Jeff: Im sorry, I cant. I have to visit my aunt on Saturday.Conversation 2:Anna: Hello, Marry. Can you e to my party on Saturday?Marry: Id love to.Conversation 3:Anna: May Lee, can you e to my party tomorrow?May Lee: Im sorry. I have to help my mom.Conversation 4:Anna: Claudia, Can you e to my party on Saturday?Claudia: Im sorry. Im going to the movies.Conversation 5:Anna: Say, Paul. Can you e to my party on Saturday?Paul: Id love to.Step III An Activity Pick a CardRead after me:Prepare fifteen cards to give students. Five of the cards have the word Yes on them. Ten of the cards have the word along with the name of an activity.Step IV 2b Ask a student to read the five sentences in Activity 2b. Tell students these are the reasons why people cant go to the party. Now listening to the recording again.Step V 2c PairworkNow let students look at the sample conversation in the book. Ask a pair of students to read it to the class.A: Hey, Dave, can you e to my party on Saturday?B: Im Sorry, I cant. I have too much homework.A: Thats too bad. Maybe another time.B: Sure, Joe. Thanks for asking.Step VI Grammar FocusReview the grammar box. Ask students to say the questions and answers.Talk about the two ways people give reasons for saying no to an invitation.Step VII Summary and HomeworkThis class weve learnt how to say “no” to someones invitation and give a reason. After class copy the grammar box in your exercise books.Step VIII Blackboard Design Unit 5 Can you e to my party?Has to have toShe play basketball.He study.They go to a party.I to study for a test. P. 27 The third periodI. Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge ObjectsReview vocabulary items.Oral practice.2. Ability ObjectsReading skill.Writing skill.municative petence.3. Moral ObjectUse puters to help with your study.II. Teaching Importance and DifficultyReview vocabulary items.Oral practice using target language.III. Teaching MethodsGrammar Focus.Pairwork.IV. Teaching AidsA picture of puter.A tape recorder.V. Teaching ProceduresStep I Greet the class as usual and check the homework.Step II 3aShow an invitation in the blackboard.Lisa: Hi, Simon. Can you e to my party?Simon: When is it?Lisa: Its on Friday June 30 at four-thirty.Simon: Id love to.Step III 3b pairworkPractice the conversation in 3a. Then fill in the card with details of a event.Then call your classmates to invite him or her to the event.Step IV 4 Invite a FriendTell the class how to do the activity. For example:Li Hua, you are Lu Eliza. Look at the this page.Fang Fang you are Lu Qing. Look at the page 87.Look at your calendar for this week.Then make a dialogue.Step V Show the picture on the blackboard.Tell students Evite is the webs leading in line invitation service. Its easy to get people together and best of all, its FREE!Step VI SummaryToday weve learnt how to write an invitation and done a lot of pratice.Step VII HomeworkIf you have a puter, you may send the invitation each other.Step VIII Blackboard Design Unit 5 Can you e to my party?Lu Qing ElizaWednesday afternoonFriday afternoonSaturdaySunday P. 28 The fourth periodI. Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge ObjectsKey vocabulary.Target language.Oral practice.2. Ability ObjectsListening skill.Speaking skill.municative petence.3. Moral ObjectPrepare for the next class game.II. Teaching Importance and DifficultyWhats today?Its Monday the 14th.Can you play tennis with me?When?Today.Sorry, I cant.III. Teaching MethodsListening and speaking methods.municative approach.Pairwork.IV. Teaching AidsA current wall calendar.A tape recorder.V. Teaching ProceduresStep I Greet the class as usual and check the homework. Ask students if they send invitation by puter each other.Step II Section B 1aFirst let students look at the days of the week at the top of calendar in the book. Read the words and ask them to repeat.Then display a current calendar and ask a student to copy them numbers into the calendar in their books.Step III 1b Show the words on the blackboard:Yesterday: 昨天Today: 今天Tomorrow : 明天;明日The day after tomorrow: 后天Now ask students to write the words below the correct dates on the calendar in 1a.Step IV 1c PairworkAsk the students to read the dialogue in the speech bubble.A: Whats today?B: Its Monday the 14th.Then have students work in pairs. One student point to a date and asks, whats today? The other student answers, Its .Step V 2aFirst let students look at the picture.Ask students to tell what the boy is doing.(Hes talking on the phone.Play the recording for the first time. Students only listen. Then play it again. This time ask students to circle yes or no.Step VI 2bNow look at the list of five activities. Ask a student to read it to the class.Call attention to the three lettered words: a. today b. tomorrow c. the day after tomorrow.Step VII Summary and HomeworkToday weve reviewed the days of the week. And weve leant some key vocabulary and the target language. We have leant how to ask the date, how to invite some body and how to refuse and give a reason. Next class well do a game: Name That Day.Step VIII Blackboard Design Unit 5 Can you e to my party?Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri SatP. 29 The fifth periodI. Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge ObjectsE-mail message.Writing practice.Reading practice.2. Ability ObjectsReading and writing skills.municative petence.3. Moral ObjectAsk your friends and classmates to your birthday party and have a good time.II. Teaching Importance and DifficultyReading passage.Im + verb + ing.I have to + verb.Reading and writing practice.III. Teaching MethodsReading and writing methods.municative approach.Groupwork.IV. Teaching AidsA picture of a puter.A wall calendar.V. Teaching ProceduresStep I Greet the class as usual.Step II Play a Game: Name That DayPlay a game of speed with the class. Display the wall calendar. Say a students name, point to a date on the calendar and say either yesterday, today or tomorrow. Give the winners little presents.Step III 3a Now open your books at page 29. First Ill read the e-mail message to you. Have you any questions about this e-mail message.Tell the students to read the e-mail message again and plete Sonias answers.Step IV 3bPoint out the sample answer and ask students to use their imagination to plete the e-mail.Tell students to use “Im + verb + ing.”or “I have to + verb.”Ask the students to plete the activity on their own.Step V 3cAsk students to give some sample answers. Write them on the blackboard. For example,I cant visit you next week.I have to go to school on Monday.Im playing soccer on Tuesday.On Wednesday, Im going on vacation.Step VI 4 Groupwork Plan a Party!First ask two students to read the conversation in the speech bubble.A: Can you e to my party?B: When is it?A: Next week. ON Thursday night.B: Im sorry. I have to study for a math test.Then ask students to turn to page 88.Step VII Topic for DiscussionHave you had your birthday party? Did you have a good time? Have you invited your friends and classmates?Now let students have practice.Step VIII Summary and HomeworkWeve leant how to write an e-mail and had a discussion.Now homework. Read the e-mail message again.Step VIII Blackboard Design Unit 5 Can you e to my party?Sample sentencesI cant visit you next week.I have to go to school on Monday.Im playing on Tuesday.On Wednesday, Im going on vacation. P. 30 The sixth periodI. Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge ObjectsReview key words and target language of the unit.Reading and writing practice.2. Ability ObjectsReading and writing skills.3. Moral ObjectBeethoven, a famous musician.II. Teaching Importance and DifficultyReading and writing practice.Review key vocabulary and the target language.III. Teaching MethodsReading and writing methods.IV. Teaching AidsA projector.V. Teaching ProceduresStep I Greet the class as usual and check the homework.Step II Show some new words on the blackboard.Read the words to the class and ask students to repeat. Make sure everyone understands its meaning.Step III Self check 1Ask students to fill in the blanks on their own.Check the answers:1. My American friend is going to visit me next vacation.2. Are you playing football this weekend?3. Please keep quiet! Im trying to study.4. I cant join you because I have to help my mom.5. Do you want to e to my birthday party?Step IV 2Ask students to read the invitation.Imagine you are Marie. Look at your schedule. Write replies to the invitations.Tell Rose, Julie, walk around the class offering language support where necessary.Step V Just for Fun!Ask students to read the cartoon to themselves.Then have two students read the words to the class.Help students understand that its the famous musician, Beethoven, who has to practice the piano.Step VI Read about Meimei and JudyJudy is ing to the party. She wants to help Meimei on Saturday, but she cant. She has a soccer game in the morning. And in the afternoon, shes going to her uncles house. Shes ing to the party at 8:00.Step VII SummaryToday weve reviewed the key vocabulary and the target of the unit by reading and writing.Step VIII HomeworkFinish off the exercise of workbook.Step VIII Blackboard Design Unit 5 Can you e to my party?BeethovenA famous musicianPractice the pianoVII. Teaching conclusion(教学后记):


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