2019-2020年九年级英语下册Unit5 American or British--Topic 2 Section D.doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语下册Unit5 American or British-Topic 2 Section DThe main activities are 3, 4a and 5. 本课重点活动是3,4a和5。. Teaching aims and demands教学目标1. Master some new words:prize, physics2. Learn the attributive clause (with the use of who, whom, whose):(1)Deng Xiaoping is a great person who has made China richer and stronger.(2)I know the girl in green whom/who John is talking to.(3)Confucius is a great man whose sayings are still very famous.3. Learn more about great men in China. Teaching aids教具图片/幻灯机/小黑板. Five-finger Teaching Plan五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟)1. (学生作英语值日报告,介绍影响自己最大的人物情况。)T:Whos on duty today?S1:I am. Today is .T:Good. Thank you, sit down, please.Now, everyone. Did you search for the information about your favorite great man?Ss:Yes. We did.2. (检查学生家庭作业情况,两人一组进行对话。)T:Now lets check the homework. S2, S3, please.Ss:(抽查三、四组学生。)T:Well done. Congratulations.3. (教师拿出教学挂图杨振宁的照片。)T:Look at this picture, please. Do you know him?Ss:No, we dont.T:His name is Yang Zhenning.He is a Nobel Physical Prize winner.(板书、标音,并带读两遍。)prize praIzphysics 5fIzIksphysical adj. 物理的T: Yes.(板书,跟读。)Yang Zhenning is a great scientist whose inventions won the Nobel Physical Prize.He is a great man whom I like.4. (提醒学生注意这个定语从句,引导词有什么不同。)T:Now, my class, please pay attention to “whom, whose”. Can you make some sentences like this?Ss:Yes, we can.T:Very good, but first, lets look at 1a.Here are some pictures. Try to find out the reasons why they are great, then report them to your class.(让学生做2分钟,完成1a表格,然后抽三个学生汇报。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:8分钟)1. (教师与学生一块儿复习关系代词的用法。)T: Now, lets review the use of the relative pronouns.As we know, the relative pronouns can be used to introduce an attributive clause.(板书,带读并略加讲解。)who, whom, that, which, whoseT:Now, look at the blackboard. Fill in the blanks with the proper relative pronouns. Before you choose the relative pronouns, you should pay special attention to the function of it. For example, in the first sentence we should fill in the blank with the relative pronoun “who” or “that”, “that” or “which”, because the noun before the clause refers to a person and “that” or “which”refers to an object. Whats more, the word to be filled in is used as subject in the clause. Do you understand?Ss:Yes.T:OK. You can do the exercise by yourselves.Then Ill check the answers with yours.(把写在小黑板上的句子展示给学生。)(1)I know the girl in green John is talking to.(2)Confucius is a great man sayings are still very famous.(3)The girl lost her way last night is Mrs.Smiths daughter.(4)I have a TV set was made in Japan.(5)The postcard I received was from Kangkang.(6)Michael knows the girl I met at the party yesterday.(7)I know Jackie Chan movies are very popular with the young.(两分钟后,与学生一起核对答案。)T:OK, boys and girls. Have you finished?Ss:Yes.T:Good, lets check the answers.(板书)The answers are: (1)who/whom (2)whose (3)who/that (4)that/which(5)which/that (6)whom (7)whoseT:Look at the third sentence. Here “who”or“that”is used as the subject in the clause. But we cant put “whom”. Because its used as the object of the preposition in the clause.Ss:Yes.T:Very good. Lets do some more exercises.(再让学生理解,巩固。)Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:10分钟)1. (巩固上面讲到的定语从句。)T:Now my class, well fill in the blanks again using the relative pronouns. Think it over. Try to plete the sentences quickly.(呈现小黑板上的另一部分练习。)(1)The house we used to live in is 7 km away.(2)The person to I lent my bicycle is Mr.Bill.(3)The place to I used to go was just for a picnic.(4)The girl you need to speak to isnt here.(5)Wang Hai is the boy handwriting is the best in our class.(6)A doctor is a person looks after patients in a hospital.(7)A fish is an animal lives in water.(学生单独做完后,教师与学生核对答案。)T:Now, finished?Ss:Yes.T:OK. Lets check the answers. S1, please.S1:That or which.T:Thats right. Next.(让学生一个一个向全班汇报。)(板书)The answers are: (1)that/which (2)whom (3)which (4)who/whom(5)whose (6)who/that (7)which/that2. (用连句子的方法来巩固定语从句。)T: Now everyone. Please match the sentences with that, which, whose, who or whom. First look at the example.(板书,跟读。)I know the girl in green who/whom John is talking to.Confucius is the great man whose sayings are still very famous.T:OK. Can you match the following sentences?Ss:Yes, we can.T:Good, go for them.(Work alone, 让学生到黑板上演练完成P16 3。)(做完后,与学生一起检查,核对答案。)Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)1. (教师将学生分为四组,每组到黑板上写由关系代词引导的定语从句,所写句子不能相同,且一定要用到每个代词。)T:Now, my class. Lets have a contest. Each group writes the sentences using the attributive clause as many as possible. OK?Ss:OK.T:Ready? One, two, three, go!GAGBGCGD(1).(2).(3).(写的多的组为赢者,给予奖励。)T: OK, finish! Well done, everyone. GD are the winner, congratulations!2. (要求学生合上书,归纳总结一下本话题中有用的表达法。)T:Now, my class, close your books and sum up the useful expressions in this topic. OK?Ss:OK.T:Very good. Volunteers? Hands up!(然后学生逐个总结,完成4b。)(教师提出有用词组,让学生做造句训练。)Its hard to do sth.in ones thirties/forties break down.T:Well. Can you make some sentences with these expressions?Ss:Yes, we can.T:Great. S1, have a try!S1:Its easy to say. Its hard to do.S2:Marx began to learn English in his fifties.S3:Premier Zhou broke down from hard work and passed away in 1976.T:Well done. Thank you. You know, in this topic, we learnt about the Long March in Section B. The Red Army faced not only the enemys attack but also hard living conditions. However, suppose you are going to make a new programexperiencing the Long March, pare the difference between the Red Armys difficulties and yours. Then make a plan for yourselves.(学生通过本话题了解到红军长征的艰辛,试想在当今社会,你计划经历一次新的长征,鼓励学生大胆设想、创新,比较两者的不同,按P15 2的形式制定一个计划。)(要求学生独立完成,积极参与。)Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:7分钟)1. (学生设计完后,教师抽一、两个写得较好的学生做示范。)T:Now, boys and girls. Have you finished writing? Who wants to tell us something about your plan? S1, please.S1:(两个学生表演完后。)T:Wonderful! Its true that the Long March is very interesting. So that many foreign friends are very interested in Chinas history. They e to China to learn more about it, including Maria. She has learned much about Chinas history.Now, please help her write a diary about China. Do you agree?(Written work, 要求独立完成5。)2. (学生独立完成后,将它写在练习本上。)T:OK, children. If youve finished it, youll have to write it down on your exercise books. Now, its time for a break. Good-bye, class! Ss:Bye-bye!


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