2019-2020年八年级英语Unit 5 Bird-Watchers.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语Unit 5 Bird-WatchersI. 重点句型讲解1. Seagulls are long-winged and web-footed birds海鸥是一种长着长翅膀和蹼足的鸟。注意:winged,footed这两个词的构成形式。它们都是在名词的后面加上-ed,然后在句中用作形容词:longwinged bird,webfooted bird。在本单元中,具有相似结构和用法的词还有: point-pointed-pointed wings fork-forked-forked tail hook-hooked-hooked beak2. It is one of the worlds most important wetlands它是世界上最重要的湿地之一。本句中的one of the worlds most important wetlands的结构是:one of+最高级+名词的复数形式,这个句型的意思是“最之一”, 如:Benz is one of the most famous cars in the world奔驰车是世界上最有名的车之一。Hobo is one of the cleverest edogs that we know霍波是我们所知道的最聪明的电子狗之一。 、3. The area is a great place for wildlife because it provides food and shelter for them这个地区是个理想的野生环境区,因为它为野生动物提供了食物和庇护的场所。provide通常用作provide sbwith sth或provide sthfor sb文中这句话还可以这样说if provides them with food and shelter, 如:We will ask people in the whole society to provide the children from poor areas with more love and money我们将要求全社会的人都来为贫困地区的儿童提供更多的爱和更多的资金。He had to provide the large family他不得不供养一个大家庭。They provided the sufferers with food and clothes. 他们提供食物和衣物给受难者。4. Many birds live in Zhalong Nature Reserve all year round, and some go there for a short stay许多鸟全年都在扎龙自然保护区生活,而有些鸟去那儿仅仅作短暂的停留。all year round 这里的all year round意思是“全年,一年到头”,round在此为副词,表示“周而复始地”“从头到尾地”。要注意的是,这里的year通常以单数形式出现。例如:The winter es round once more冬天又一次来了。The farmers work on the farm all year round农民们长年累月地在田里干活。for 3 short stay作短暂的停留stay在这里是名词,意思是“逗留,停留”。例如:They made no stay in New York他们没有在纽约停留。There are some long-stay patients in the hospital.医院里有一些长期住院的病人。5. Zhalong Nature Reserve is an important living area for the rare red crowned cranes扎龙自然保护区是珍稀鸟类丹顶鹤的一个重要生存之地。living是形容词,通常用作前置定语。用作表语的是alive。常作后置定语, 如:Bears always eat living things instead of the dead ones. 熊通常只吃活食而不吃死的东西。Its very difficult for giant pandas to stay alive in such situation. 在这样的环境中大熊猫很难生存。6. This means there will be less and less space for wildlife这就意味着野生动物生存的空间将会越来越少了。less and less space:越来越少的空间,这里的space表示“空间”,是不可数名词。我们用形容词或副词的比较级叠加使用的方式即:“比较级+and+比较级”来表示“越来越”, 如:The weather is getting colder and colder天气越来越冷了。The air pollution is being worse and worse空气污染变得越来越严重了。7. This year,members of our Birdwatching Club are studying the different kinds of birds in Zhalong and the changes in their numbers今年,观鸟俱乐部的成员在研究扎龙地区鸟的种类及其在数量上的变化。study研究,仔细察看例如:He is studying the map to find the shortest road to the village 他正在研究地图,想找出通向村子的最短的路。What did you study when you were in the university? 你以前在大学里研究什么?changes in numbers数量上的变化这里的change是可数名词,表示“变化”, 如:There are great changes in Nanjing these years南京这些年发生了巨大的变化8. We hope this information will help them understand and make them take actions to protect wildlife我们希望这些资料能够有助于人们理解(我们的工作)并采取行动保护野生动物。make sb. do sth. 使得某人干某事,其中不带to的动词不定式,作宾语sb. 的补足语。另外,make 后还可以用形容词来做补足语,如:Miss makes us work hard. 肖老师让我们努力学习。She always makes me happy. 她总是让我开心。 9. We talked loudly until Mr. Wu told us to be quiet我们大声地交谈直到吴老师让我们安静下来。这里的until表示“直到”,引导一个时间状语从句。until的用法分两种情况:当until与短暂性动词连用时,动词必须用否定形式,notuntil意思是“直到才”, 如:We didnt stop talking until Mr. Wang walked into the classroom直到王老师走进教室我们才停止讲话。当until与延续性动词连用时,动词一般用肯定形式, 如:I lived here until 1990. 我在这儿一直住到1990年。10. Wetlands are important because they also prevent flood湿地很重要因为它能够防洪。prevent动词,意思是“防止,阻止”,常见短语是:prevent sb:fromdoing sth. (=stop sbfrom doing sth.), 如:The snow prevented him from ing on time大雪使他不能按时到达。II. 备用练习题A. 根据句意和首字母,写出单词,使句子意思完整1. We call the people who are interested in birds and study on the birds b_2. All the children shouted“Y_”when they had a taste of the delicious food cooked by the famous cook3. Modern ladies prefer the p_ shoes although they are too narrow(狭窄的) and long and are bad for their feet4. Its our duty to keep the balance of n_,otherwise we human beings will be punished seriously by it5. Most of people from western countries have h_ noses which are quite different from ours6. We must try our best to help the e_ animals,such as red-crowned cranes,the golden monkeys and Yangtze crocodiles7. Wetlands in Zhalong p_ enough food and space for the wildlife living there8. Can you see the red sign over there? It is the e_,you can go into the cinema there9. The shy girl speaks so s_ that I can hardly hear her clearly for most of the time10.The man and his wife quarreled(争吵)so n_ behind me that I had to get off the bus before my destination(目的地)B. 用所给词的适当形式填空1. Seagulls are web-_ ,just like ducks(foot)2. The male peacocks have_ feathers while the female peacocks dont (colour)3. The Great Wall in China is one of the most famous _ in the world (wonder)4. The badly wounded solider is still_,lets send him to the hospital as quickly as possible(1ive)5. I go to see my grandparents _ a year because they live in another province which is very far from me.(one)6. The Chinese painting show _ (start) at 9:00 amtom。rr()w morningIt_ (be)0n show for a week in our city. 7. According to the calendar,spring of this year _ in February. (e)8. Youd better not write_,otherwise your teacher cant see your words clearly(care)C. 选择填空1.Japan is _ the east of China while Shanghai is _ the east China Ain:to Bto;in Cin;at D. at;to2. Someone says that there are some_ things on the moon, do you believe it? Aalive B1ived C1iving D. live3. The number of the red-crowned crane will bee _if we dont take any actions to protect them Afewer and fewer B1ess and less Csmaller and smaller D1arger and larger4. I wont choose the subject this term because I think it is one of _ subjects Athe most important B1ess important Cmore important Dthe least important5. People built the Great Green Wall in order to prevent the wind and from _ the good land in the south. Adestroy Bdestroying Cdestroyed Ddestroys6. Will they_ us outside the park gate tomorrow? Ajoin Bjoin in C. take part in D. attend7. Which symbol has the meaning of “per cent”? A B C D. #8. Would you please make _ for me? My son is over there,I have to go with him Aa room B. space C. place D. spaces9. The government official says it is our duty to _ food and shelter. Aprovide the children from Ix)or areas to Bprovide the children from poor areas for Cprovide the children from poor areas with Dprovide the children from poor areas by8. Do the victims have enough houses_ ? A1ive Bto live Cto live in D1iving9. I found it _ to solve the problem only by myselfWho can do me a favor? Adifficult Bdifficulty Cdifficulties D. difficultly10. Swallows are a kind of birds with long pointed wings and _ Awhite feathers Bforked tails C1ong thin necks DHooked beaks11. Remember:Call 110 as quickly as possible when you are _ Ain danger Bin fearCin a hurry Din a moment12. How many times do you_ a bird count during a year? Amake Bdo Cproduce DtakeD. 按要求改写句子1. Cranes are tall with long legs, long beaks and long necks (对画线部分提问)2. What is your favorite bird?(同义句改写) _3. The policemen are trying their best to rescue the people in danger now. (对画线部分提问) _4. Luckily,no one died in the traffic accident. (同义句改写)Luckily,no one_ in the traffic accident. 5. It is impossible for us to see the birds in the future if we do not protect them well. (用黑体字部分的句型造句) _KEYS:A: 1. birdwatchers 2. Yummy 3. pointed 4. nature 5. hooked 6. endangered 7. provide 8. entrance 9. softly 10. noisilyB: 1. footed 2. colourful 3. wonders 4. alive 5. once 6. starts, is 7. es 8. carelessly C: 1-5 BCCDB 6-10 ABBAC 11-14ABD: 1. What are cranes like? 2. What bird do you like best? 3. Which people are the policeman trying their best to rescue now? 4. was dead 5. It is impossible for them to finish to work so quickly.


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