2019-2020年八年级英语Unit 1 Friends(VII)STUDY SKILLS.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语Unit 1 Friends(VII)STUDY SKILLSTeaching Objectives To show the students how to find the main points of a passage To help the students to guess the meaning and to generate mental pictures while reading To encourage the students to help others to solves the problemsTeaching ProceduresSTEP 1 Enjoy yourselves!Get 8 pieces of paper that are about the same size. Write 8 long sentences on each. Divide the class into 8 groups column by column. Do chain work and get the students to pass the sentence orally to see which column get all the sentences right. Explain the rules as following. The first student in each team will get a piece of paper. He or she will read what is written on the paper silently and try to remember it. Then he or she will pass it to the student behind him/her orally, until the last student gets it. At last, the last student in each team will tell the whole class what he/she knows. We will see which group can pass the words correctly and quickly.Here are the 8 possible sentences: Yesterday Millie went skating and had a good time. Millie danced for two hours last Friday. Nobody cleaned the classroom yesterday. Sandy will sing in the school show next week. Yesterday Kate went to the park and had a picnic there. Tomorrow Toms father will go to Shanghai. Last year, Jim and Tim went to a Halloween party. Sandy will tell us about her best friend this Tuesday.When the game is finished make a summary. Obviously, it is not easy for us to remember the sentences very well in such a short time. However, we may definitely remember the main points. Now, I am trying to use three words to summary the main points of each sentences. They are who when and what. You see!STEP 2 The quickest, the best!When we read a passage, we can also use this method. You can find them from these seven points.(Show students the sentences. ) Now lets try!Can you find out the main points in the following passage? What is it about? ( Mrs Browns car stops at the crossroads)Who is it about? (Mrs Brown)What happened? (Her car stops and doesnt start again.)Where did it happen? (At the traffic lights)When did it happen? (One Saturday)Why did it happen? (Because her car is too old.)How did it happen? Mrs. Brown is eighty years old. She has an old car. She always drives to the shops on Saturday and buys some food. One Saturday she stops her car at some traffic lights whey they are red. But it doesnt start again! The lights bee green, then yellow, then red, then green again, but Mrs. Browns car cant start. Just then a policeman es and says to her with a smile, “Good morning. You like all of our colors, dont you?”The method works, especially when the story is long. It is really difficult to remember everything from the very beginning. Why not just remember the main points?STEP 3 Reading to find the main pointNow please open your book to page 14. Here is an article about a girls Can your read and find the main points of it? What is it about? Its about problems with a new school.Who is it about? A Grade 8 student called Cindy.What happened? She changed to a new secondary school. She is unhappy, nervous and unfortable at the new school. She is always aloneWhere did it happen? In sunshine town. When did it happen? After changing to the new school. Why did it happen? She doesnt have friends there and she misses her classmates in the old school.How did it happen?STEP 4 Putting in Cindys shoesStudents are now in a new school. So it is easy for them to put themselves in Cindys shoes. That is to say they can understand how Cindy feels easily. Make full use of this and get them to guess the meaning of some of the new words, such as nervous. Get the student to read the whole passage loudly. Help them to remember and understand the passage. I will get the students to focus on the following questions. What are Cindys problems? Why does Cindy have these problems?How does Cindy feel? Why does she feel so. This passage is about the things at school. They are happening around the students. So it is not difficult for the students to have some images in mind while reading. Therefore, we may find another good way to remember a story. That is to be a film-maker. Try to imagine a Cindy in your mind and remember the story by transfer the words into pictures. STEP 5 Helping CindyDo you have any good ideas to help her?Get the students to think of some ways in which we can help Cindy. She can try to talk with her classmates.She can talk about the problem with her good friends.She can try to play with somebody around her.The teacher can ask somebody to help her, talk with her and solve her problems.STEP 6 Homeworka. Read the passage and try to recite it. b. Finish off the exercises in the Evaluation Handbook and Learning English.

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