2019-2020年九年级英语 Unit5 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are教案2 鲁教版.doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语 Unit5 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are教案2 鲁教版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年九年级英语 Unit5 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are教案2 鲁教版I Teaching objectives 教学目标Skill FocusLearn how to ask for information politelyTalk about directionsTalk about advantages and disadvantages of a place Learn to write a guide to a place Describe a place using adjectivesIu.目标语言功能句式Ask for information politely (P86-87)Can you please tell me where I can .?Do you know where I can .?Could you tell me how to .?Talk about directions (P87-88)Take the elevator to the second floor.Turn left / right. Go past the bank.The bank is next to the bookstore.Go out the front door .Walk about three blocks.词汇1. 重点词汇safe, park, lend, wonder2. 认读词汇restroom, shampoo, drugstore, department, fairfield, escalator, magic, fresh, block, oak, uncrowded, slide, clown, staff, market, Newtown, alright, trouble, offend, structure, Sunville, Killeen, Valve, West3. 词组hang out, water slide, dress up, hand in语法Ask for information politely:Can you please tell me where I can .?Do you know where I can .?Could you tell me how to .?StrategyFocus1. Listening for specific information2. Cooperating Culture FocusLearn about etiquette in English language.III. Teaching materials analyzing and rearranging 教材分析和重组1. 教材分析本单元以“Getting around”为话题,共设计了四个部分的内容:Section A 该部分有4个模块:第一模块以“places”和相对应的“activities”为话题展开思维(1a)、听力(1b)、口语(1c)训练;第二模块围绕“directions”进行听力(2a-2b)和口语(2c)训练;第三模块要求学生就一些活动场所的优点与缺点阐述自己的观点,并展开训练,训练形式为列举归纳(3a)和联系生活实际角色表演(3b);第四模块仍就“directions”为话题,联系实际,以小组活动形式展开练习(4)。Section B该部分有4个模块:第一模块是对一些描述性词汇的学习(1a)和运用所提供的词汇以pairwork的形式进行讨论(1b);第二模块以三个对话为载体,对“places”和“directions”进行听力(2a-2b)及口语(2c)训练;第三模块是一个有关Watertown的阅读材料,训练形式为填表(3a)和写作训练(3b -3c);第四模块就第三模块的话题以口语训练形式展开小组活动(4)。Self check该部分有2个模块:第一模块对所学描述性词汇的适当形式进行填空(1)训练;第二模块以同桌讨论的形式写出五个有关方向的问题,然后就这些问题展开会话(2)训练。Reading该部分共设置了5项任务:第一项任务以有关家庭作业方面的问题进行讨论(Section 1: 1a-1b),来激活学生对相关背景知识的联想;第二项任务要求学生通过快速阅读(Section 2)获取信息;第三项任务利用讨论、填表等练习形式(Section 3: 3a-3b)进一步加深学生对阅读内容的理解,并通过反复阅读找出相关段落的主题思想;第四项任务要求学生能运用所学的语言礼仪判断交谈者之间的关系近疏,并解决实际应用中所遇到的问题(Section 4);第五项任务要求学生列举出从电影或书中看到的有关语言礼仪的例子(If you have time)。2 教材重组和课时分配Period 1 (Section A: 1a, 1b, 1c) New function presentingPeriod 2 (Section A: 2a, 2b, 2c, 3a, 3b, 4) PracticePeriod 3 (Section B: 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 2c) Vocabulary building Period 4 (Section B: 3a, 3b, 3c, 4) Integrating skills Period 5 (Self check: 1, 2) Self checkPeriod 6 (Reading: Section 1-Section 4)Reading prehension IV. Teaching plans for each period 分课时教案Period 1 New function presentingLanguage goals语言目标1. Words & expressions生词和短语restroom, shampoo, drugstore2. Key sentences重点句子 (P86)Do you know where I can .?Can you tell me where I can .?Ability goals能力目标Enable the Ss to learn how to ask for directions politely.Emotion & attitude goals情感和态度目标Be polite when you ask for information.Strategy goals策略目标Matching.Culture awareness goals文化意识目标Etiquette in English language.Teaching important points教学重点Expressions used to ask for directions politely.Teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式Step I Lead-in (1a: P86)T: Good morning / afternoon, boys and girls. Nice to see you again. Ss: Good morning / afternoon.T: Do you like traveling? I am sure most of you do. When we are traveling in strange cities, sometimes we may find it difficult to get to a place. So we have to ask the locals for information. What do you usually say when you ask for directions, for example, you want to visit a museum? What should we pay attention to when we ask others for information? S: I think we should be very polite in using language. T: You are right. In this unit, we will learn some polite expressions in English used to ask for information. They will be very helpful for you, especially when you travel in English-speaking countries.Ask the Ss to match the places with activities in 1a, introduce the structures “Do you know where I can . / Could you tell me where I can .” to them.T: What kinds of places do you usually go to in your city? List as many as possible.S: Restaurant, bank, museum, theater, department store, shopping mall, bookstore, post office, supermarket, park and so on.T: What do you do in a post office?S1: I can send mails to my friends or buy some stamps.T: Good. What do you do in a shopping mall?S2: I usually go to the shopping mall with my mother and buy some clothing there.T: OK. Now look at the box in 1a on page 86, suppose you want to do the following things, match each thing with a place in the picture below.There may be different answers. After the Ss finish matching, collect the answers.T: Now suppose you are not in your own city, you are traveling in another city, which you are not familiar. For example, you want to save money but you dont know where the bank is. What would you do?S3: I would ask a local citizen for help.T: What would you say then?S3: Where is the nearest bank? I cant find it.T: If I were the local citizen, I would say nothing and turn away.S3: Why?T: Because your request sounds very impolite. He / She wont help a rude person, you see? We can use the following expressions instead to ask for help.Show the following structures on the screen.Could you tell me where I can .?Do you know where I can get to .?T: By using these two structures, your requests may sound very polite and I am sure he / she will tell you how you can get to the bank. Will you have a try Make? S3: Could you tell me where I can get to the nearest bank? T: Great, that sounds much better. Or we can also say “Do you know where I can save money?” Make more sentences using these two expressions.S: Do you know where I can buy any local presents? Could you tell me where I can make a phone call?Step II Listening and Speaking (1b & 1c: P86)Ask the Ss to listen and plete the conversations. After that let the Ss work in pairs and practice the structures orally.T: Now listen to the tape and plete the conversations in the picture. Check the answers.T: Work in pairs, and make conversations by following the example.Sample conversations:1. S1: Hi, good morning.S2: Hi, good morning.S1: Where are you going?S2: Im going to buy shampoo for my mother. Do you know where I can buy the cheapest shampoo?S1: I know a mall between the cinema and the bookstore on River Road. Things are very cheap and nice there.S2: Thank you very much. 2. S1: Excuse me. Can you tell me where I can drink some coffee?S2: Sure. There is a Starbucks Caf on the first floor of that building.S1: Thank you.3. S1: Excuse me. Do you know where I can mail a package?S2: Yes. The post office just around the corner.S1: Thank you very much.Step III Homework Ask the Ss to prepare for the next period: Talk about directions.

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