2019-2020年八年级英语上册 Unit4 How do you get to school Section A学案(无答案) 人教新目标版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语上册 Unit4 How do you get to school Section A学案(无答案) 人教新目标版 Unit4 How do you get to school? SectionA教学要点:1、重点词汇:数词,minute, shower, quick, kilometer, mile, early(late), bicycle(bike), take(spend) 2、重点短语:how long,how far,by bus/subway/train/taxi/bike, take the bus/subway/train/taxi, ride the bike, on foot(walk) have a quick breakfast, take sb. to sp. 3、重点句型:-How do you get to school?-I ride my bike. -How does he get to school?-He walks to school. -How do they get to school?-They take the train. -How long does it take?-It takes about 25minutes to walk. -How far is it from your home to school?-Its three miles.教学重、难点:1、“How to get to places”话题交谈 2、How long与How far 的运用 3、句型:It+takes+时间+to do sth.课前预习:1、背诵、听写教学要点 2、听音、完成SecA听力练习 3、完成P21 3a问题,了解3a短文大意 课堂展示: 1、同桌操练P202d Pairwork 2、同桌操练P21 3b Pairwork,然后小组做替换练习。 3、小组互读P21 3a,纠音、纠错,并讨论3个问题答案。【课堂练习】一、用所给词的适当形式填空。1He often (ride ) to school, but sometimes he (walk) to school.2.My mother always ( go ) to work by bus3. Tom never ( take) the train to school .4.Yesterday I ( walk) to school .5.How ( do ) your sister get to school ?二、将下列句子改为同义句1I often go to school by bus . I often a bus school.2Jane rides the bike to work on Mondays. Jane goes to work on Mondays .3He gets to school on foot every day. He to school every day .【要点归纳】take 和 by 都有“乘、坐”之意。 Take 是一个动词,后面接具体的交通工具,且在该交通工具前一般应有冠词;而 by 是一个介词,它后面所跟的表示交通工具的名词前一般不用冠词等修饰语. by+交通工具的短语在句中修饰动词等作状语。如: 格林先生常乘火车去上班:Mr. Green often goes to work by train. /Mr. Green often takes a train to work. 课后反馈:一、翻译下列短语1、多远_ 2、多长时间_ 3、坐地铁_ 4、骑自行车_ 5、乘火车_ 6、到达_ 7、起床_ 8、快速吃早饭._ 9、离开去学校_ 10、公共汽车站_11. 距离学校10公里_12.在六点半左右_ 13.公交车程_ 二、单项选择( )1、_photos do you have?-Seventy-two. A.How long B.How far C.How many D.How often( )2、_does it take?-It takes 20 minutes by bus. A.How long B.How far C.How many D.How often( )3、_is it from your home to school?-Its two kilometers. A.How long B.How far C.How many D.How often( )4、_do you exercise?-I exercise every day. A.How long B.How far C.How many D.How often( )5、-How far is it from Beijing to Shanghai?- . A.Two hundred mile B.Two hundred miles C.Two hundreds mile D.Two hundreds miles( )6、My home is around 3 kilometers_ the library. A.to B.from C.by D.on( )7、Then the early bus_him_school. A.takes,with B.take,of C.takes,from D.takes,to( )8、How far is_from Hangzhou to Wuhan? A.that B./ C.this D.it( )9、How long does_take you to get from to school? A.that B./ C.this D.it( )10、It takes around half an hour_there. A.to walk B.walks C.walking D.walk三、句型转换1、It takes about 10 minutes._ _ it_?2、LinHui gets to school by bus. LinHui_ _ _ to school?3、Its 5 kilometers from my home to Changsha._ _ _ _from your home to Changsha?4、I often take the train to get home. (同义句) I often get home_ _.5、Ben likes riding his bike to get to school.(同4) Ben likes_ to school_ his bike. Ben likes_ to school _ bike. 6、It takes me an hour to finish the work.(同4) I_ an hour_ _ the work. 7、She spent half an hour reading books last night.(同4) It_ her half an hour_ _books last night.

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