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2019-2020年九年级上册第三单元讲学案1一、根据中文、英文解释或首字母写出句中单词1. I wish I could have my parents (支持).2. Can you teach me how to improve my football (技巧)?3. My father bought me a (珍贵的) gift for my birthday.4. Would you please give me a cup of (咖啡)?5. Our school (成功) in holding the sports meeting last month.6. I dont understand why they are so (严厉的).7. He was _ (打分数) the tests when I came in.8. Can you give me some (advice)?9. My brother and I used to ( have an angry argument)with each other all the time.10 The food is so d that I want to eat it up.二、用括号内单词的适当形式填空1. Clod food is bad for our (stomach).2. I think their school life is _ (colour).3. Eating too much makes you (health).4. The classroom is always (noise) after class.5. I have a problem and I want to know how (solve) it.6. _ (keep) your worries to yourself can make them worse.7. Sandy wants to know where _ (ask) for help.8. My parents often ask me (not stay) out late.9. I wish I (can) spend enough time football.10. My friend _ (not reply) to my last letter yet.三、单项选择( ) 1. I always advise my father _ smoke. I think it is _. A. not to, a good idea B. not, a piece of good advice C. not to, a good advice D. not, a piece of advice( ) 2. Sandy likes to share her happiness _ his friends. A. on B. in C. with D. for( ) 3. _ ahead is very important for your study. A. Plan B. Plans C. Planned D. Planning( ) 4. Having _ homework makes me feel stressed. A. too many B. too much C. much too D. many too( ) 5. Jackson is crazy _ music and Im fond _ football. A. about, about B. about, of C. of, of D. of, about( ) 6. Choose the correct structure of this sentence “We consider John the best student.” A. S+V+ DO B. S+V+ IO+DO C. S+V+ P D. S+V+ DO+OC( ) 7. Sam seemed much _ today. A. happy B. happily C. happier D. more happily( ) 8. He lives _ but he never feels _. A. alone, lonely B. alone, alone C. lonely, alone D. lonely, lonely( ) 9. I agree _ your parents that it is better for you _ home earlier. A. to, to go B. with, to go C. with, go D. to, go( ) 10. “What a wonderful film!” belongs to _. A. statements B. questions C. imperatives D. exclamations六、根据汉语提示完成句子1请准时交作业。 Please .2我父母对我非常严格。 My parents .3我喜欢逗留在外很久踢足球。 I like to play football.4我爸爸很生气当他得知我数学分数得的很低的时候。 My father when he knew I in the maths exams.5你能教我如何才能达到学习与玩乐两者之间的平衡吗? Can you teach me how to study and play.6我们经常踢三小时的球只是忘记何时结束。We often play football for 3 hours and just forget .7谢谢你的宝贵建议。 Thank you .8他还没回我的上三封邮件。 He my last three e-mails.牛津英语中考一轮复习 第三单元参考答案参考答案一、1. support 2. skills 3. valuable 4. coffee5. succeeded 6. strict 7. marking 8. suggestions 9. quarrel 10. delicious二、 1. stomachs 2. colorful 3. unhealthy 4. noisy 5. to solve 6. Keeping 7. to ask 8. not to stay 9. could 10 hasnt replied三、 ACDBB DCABD四、1. hand in your homework on time 2. are very strict with me 3. to stat out late/ staying out late 4. got angry, got low marks 5. achieve the balance between 6. when to stop 7. for your valuable advice 8. hasnt replied to

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