2019-2020年九年级英语上册《Unit 5 Art world》单词教学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语上册Unit 5 Art world单词教学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版1. pleasant (adj) 令人愉快的 a trip _ weather反义词 unpleasant pleased (adj)高兴的,满意的 be pleased with. 对.满意pleasure ( n ) 乐意 Its my pleasure.不用谢,是别人感谢你的时候说的,也可说成Thats all right/ thats OK/ Not at all./Youre wele./Dont mention it. With pleasure.乐意效劳,是别人请求你帮助的时候说的。(1)-Thankyouforhelpingme. - _ .(2)-Wouldyoupleaseopenthewidow? - _2. drama (n.)戏剧_戏剧表演 _ (我最喜欢戏剧)3.photography n.摄影 win an award for its amazing photography 因其令人惊异的摄影术而获得奖项 Photograph n/v. 照片/拍照4.musical adj. music n. musician n.音乐家 musical instruments 乐器 music without boundaries 音乐没疆界 He sings well and wants to be a _ when she grows up.5.talent n 天赋 He has a talent for music.他有音乐才能。He was a man of many talents.他是一个多才多艺的人。 talented adj.天赋的 Beethoven is a talented musician. 贝多芬是一个天才音乐家。6. present v颁发 presentation n.颁奖仪式present sth. to sb./present sb. with sth.The headmaster _ _ _ to the _ student.校长颁发了一枚奖牌给那优秀的学生。be presented to 被赠给Each time a medal _ a winner at the Beijing xx Olympic Games, the music was played. _after _. 在他赢得比赛后,他被授予了金牌。7. winner (n.)获胜者 win (v.)-won-won8. poser作曲家 a world-famous poser9. central中心的centre 中心 be born in central Jingjiang be born in the centre of Jingjiang10. instrument 乐器、工具 musical instruments11. mon 普通的、一般的、共同的mon objects 普通的物品mon people大众、平民; mon sense 常识have nothing in mon (with)与.毫无共同点12. be known/famous for 因.而著名 特别指以某种技能、作品、事物而出名 be famous /known as 以某种身份、职业、地位而出名He is famous his great inventions.He is famous a great inventor.France_ its fine food and wine.法国以它的美酒和佳肴闻名于世。Luxun is known _ us _ a writer_ his novels.13. control v.控制 controlling controlledcontrol the speed of water flow 控制水的流速Traffic lights are controlled by puters.交通信号灯是由电脑控制的。control n.控制out of control 失控The car went out of control and crashed over the cliff.汽车失去了控制,掉下了悬崖。14.flow 流动 (v) The river flows into the sea.这条河流入大海。Blood flows round body.血液在体内循环。流动 (n)water flow 水流 air flow气流 flow chart流程图,作业图15. successfully(adv.)-successful(adj.) unsuccessfully(反)He has successfully brought Chinese and Western music together.他成功地把中西音乐结合在一起。success (n.) be a great success非常成功 achieve success获得成功succeed v. succeed in doing sth.As a result, he succeeded in _ (get)a scholarship.16. traditional(adj.)tradition (n.)traditional Chinese music /food 17. though尽管、因为Though the old man is poor, he is still happy.Its quite pleasant today, though the wind is rather cool. 尽管风有点凉,今天天气还是很不错。注意:though 和but 不可同时出现在句子中。改错:Though he works hard, but he still fails in the exam.18highly 高度地;高地(adv.)通常不指实际的高度而主要用于程度,常用于由动词派生的形容词之前praise highly评价很高speak highly of sb. 称赞某人think highly of sb. 极其赞赏某人high高 adj./adv指具体的高He climbed high.他爬得很高。He speaks highly of the boys behavior.他称赞这个男孩的表现。19.breath (n.)呼吸 breathe(v.)out of breath 上气不接下气 hold ones breath 屏住气 take a deep breath深呼吸He is out of breath after running for a long time.19. last (v)持续last long持续很久 last for an hour持续一小时How long_? 好天气能延续多久?lasting(adj.)持久的have a lasting valueHe had_ in art.他对艺术的兴趣持久不衰。20. value (n.)价值 lose value失去价值 economic value经济价值be of some value to = be valuable to对有价值This book is of little value to you. 这本书几乎对你没价值。valuable (adj.)有价值的I look forward to your valuable advice.21. African 非洲人的,非洲人 Africa非洲American 美国人;美国人的 America美国African American(非洲裔)美国黑人22. make up (1) 编造make up the music编曲 make up a story编一个故事The famous musician can _ music in a short time.A.makeinto B.makeof C.makeup D.makefor(2) 组成、构成 Fifty-one states make up the USA.=The USA is made up of fifty-one states.美国是由51个州组成的。24.praise (1)(v.) 赞扬All my teachers and classmates praise my designs for the fashion show.He praised her for her courage.他赞扬她很勇敢。 (2) n. 赞扬 不可数win high praise from the art munity25. gift(n.)天赋,礼物 gifted(adj.)有天赋的have a gift for. 对.有天赋a gifted child一个天才儿童26.encourage(v.)鼓励 (n.)encouragement 鼓励encourage sb to do sth.Our teacher tells us to learn from each other and encourage each other.Students should _(encourage) to take part in more after-school activities.27. mark(1) n.分数 get good/high/full marks(2) n.污点;斑点(3) v.作标志


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