2019-2020年七年级英语上册 Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag(第5课时)Section B(2a-2c)教案 新人教版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语上册 Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag(第5课时)Section B(2a-2c)教案 新人教版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年七年级英语上册 Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag(第5课时)Section B(2a-2c)教案 新人教版.doc_第2页
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2019-2020年七年级英语上册 Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag(第5课时)Section B(2a-2c)教案 新人教版.doc_第3页
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2019-2020年七年级英语上册 Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag(第5课时)Section B(2a-2c)教案 新人教版Teaching and learning aims:1.功能:引导学生学会用一段话来描述自己房间的物品摆设。2.词汇和常用表达:学会描述自己房间物品摆设的句型,并掌握tidy, but, our, everywhere, always的正确拼写及使用。3.学习策略:通过阅读Kate和Gina物品摆设的描述,了解对文本内容分类、归纳、辨析的阅读技巧。4.文化知识:合理摆放自己的物品,养成良好的生活习惯。【设计意图】目标引领,从知识和能力、阅读技巧和情感习惯教育三个方面来呈现本节课的学习目标.Previewing and testing Task 1 plete the following story using the new words according to the picture.Look at Ginas room. Her notebook is on the bed_( 但是) her ruler is under it. Her books_( 和) pencils are _(到处 ).She_( 总是) asks ,”Where are my books? Where are my pencils? Wheres my ruler? ” We know her but _( 我们的) teacher doesnt . Is Gina _(整洁的 )?【设计意图】让学生在具体语境故事中感知、熟悉、运用本课新单词。Task 2 Can you translate the following sentences? Lets have a try. Look at Page 23 , translate them orally, then try writing them down without looking at your books.1. 我很整洁,但吉娜不。 _.2. 我的书和磁带在书橱里。 _.3. 吉娜的书到处都是在床上,沙发上和椅子下. _.4.吉娜总是问。 _.5. My keys are in my schoolbag. _.6. The white model plane is hers. _.【设计意图】以学生为主体,让学生参与课前预习,体验,感知新知识,以便 以学定教。Teaching steps.(教学过程)Step 1 Pre-reading Activities 1. Warming up and leading inWriting:T: First, lets have a petition. Look at the picture. Try to write the words you know for the things in the picture in three minutes. Lets see who writes most.(Ss look at the picture and try to write the words they know.)T: Now, stop here. How many words have you finished? Show some students book on the screen and finds out who is the winner.1. Description: Show the picture again and encourage the Ss to describe where the things are.T: Where are the books? Do you know?S1:They are in the bookcase.S2: The books are in the bookcase.Have the Ss share their conversations in pairs in front of the class.2. Telling the difference.S: Room 1 is tidy and Room 2 is not tidy.T:Do you like Room 1 or Room 2?S: We like Room 1.T: Good job. We all like Room 1 means “We all like tidy room”. Today we will meet twogirls Kate and Gina. Is Kate tidy? And is Gina tidy? Lets see their room together.【设计意图】通过图片展示复习已学单词和句型, 为2b学习做知识铺垫。通过tidy room 与untidy room的对比,充分调动学生参与学习的积极性, 激发学生的学习热情。Step 2 While-reading activities(读中活动)Task 1 Read the passage fast and silently to find the general idea. (寻大意)【设计意图】培养学生快速阅读及获取文章大意的能力。Task 2 Read the passage carefully and silently to find the specific ideas. (寻细节)1. Read the passage and answer the questions alone. Is Kate tidy? _. . Is Gina tidy? _. . Where are Kates keys? _. . Are Kates books in the bookcase? _. . Wheres Ginas model plane? _. . Is Kates clock under the desk? _.2. Group workRead the passage again and plete the chart about the things Kate and Gina have and where they are. Work in groups of four students.ThingsBeWhereConclusionKatesbooks and tapesarein the bookcaseKate is _.Ginasbooks Gina is_.Sorry, _.【设计意图】让学生精度短文获取文章细节。并且在阅读中通过文章对Kate和Gina的不同的描述,学习在阅读时对文章内容分类和归纳的阅读技巧。对应课本2c 环节和学习目标2,训练学生阅读能力与技巧。Step 3 Post-reading activities.(读后活动)Task1 Listen to the tape and repeat.【设计意图】通过原文的听力以及跟读,矫正发音,并加强对文章结构的理解。 Task 2 Try to retell the passage according to the following mind-map.Task 3 Fill in the blanks without looking at your books. Kate and Gina are _. Kate is _ but Gina is not. In _ room, Kates _ and _ are in the bookcase. Her keys _in her schoolbag. And her _is on the desk. Ginas books are _ on her _, on the _ and _ the chair. Her white _ plane is under the _. “Where are my _? _ my ruler? Wheres my _?” Gina _asks.Task 4 InterviewDo you have these things? Where are they in your room? Please make a form according to your own room.WhatWhere dictionaryon the deskmodel plane tape playerbaseball According to the form in Task 4, a group of four talk about you and your friends rooms and then report what you have interviewed to the class. You can report like this:Im, and my friend is Alan. This is my room. Its tidy/not tidy. My/The is.My/Theare That is Alans room. Its tidy/untidy. HisisHis .are Is your room tidy?【设计意图】语言的最终目的是为交际之所用,此环节即训练了学生的听说读写的能力,又训练了学生的逻辑思维能力和创新能力。(使用建议:如果学生程度达不到或时间不充足,Task 4 可以删减)Step 4 Summary Step 5 Inquiry into knowledge by translationThe Ss can help each other and have a discussion in groups of four students after doing the following by themselves. Then ask students to check the answers and explain they dont understand. The teacher only explains things students cant. 一、Im Kate, and my sister is Gina. 【翻译】 _. Im tidy, but Gina is not. 【翻译】 _. 【探究】 以上两句中的and 和 but 均为 _词,把两个独立的_ 并列连接成为一个较长的句子。 英语中把这种由and或but并列连接而成的句子称为“ _”。 其中and表示_的逻辑关系,含义是“_ ”等;but 表示 _的关系,含义是“_ ”等。例如:1.I am fourteen, and my sister is seven. _.2. My pen is in my pencil box , but my pencil is not. _. 二、The white model plane is hers. 【翻译】 _. 【探究】 hers 是一个_, 相当于形容词性物主代词her + n. , 因此此句子中的就相当于_。 我们学过的类似的名词性物主代词还有_ _ _。例如: 1.这是我的铅笔,那是你的。 _. 2. 这不是我的钢笔。我的在我的铅笔盒里。 _.【设计意图】四人一组合作探究完成此任务,培养学生的小组合作意识,并通过小组成员之间的互动充分发挥学生的积极性。教师也适当的参加到学生的小组活动中,进行解惑,让学生更能找到自己不懂的地方。Step 6 The-end-class test 一、用所给词的适当形式填空. 1. My tapes_(be) in the bookcase. 2. Her _(key) are in my schoolbag. 3. The model plane is _(her). 4. _(Gina) books are on the desk. 5. My ruler and pen _(be) in my pencil case. 二、根据汉语意思完成英语句子。 1. 我的磁带在书橱里。(in ) _. 2. 她的飞机模型在椅子下面。( under) _. 3. 棒球在哪里? -在地板上。(on) _. 4. 我是整洁的,但吉娜不是。(but) _. 5 .他的字典和收音机在书桌上。(and) _. 【设计意图】通过检测,提高的学生做题能力,以学评教, 强化落实。发挥学生的主动性,让生教生,教师只适时点拨Step 6 Homework You must: 用五句话描述一下图中房间物品的位置.If you can: 假设这是一张你房间的图片, 请写一篇短文描述一下你房间中物品的位置。 要求:语句通顺, 不少于40词。 【写作指导】用“四个固定句型法”介绍房间物品的摆设: This is my room. Sth. is/ are in/on/under the . My room is tidy. I like my room very much.【使用建议】分层次完成作业,后进生完成you must, 层度好的学生可完成If you can. _【设计意图】创设情境,让学生学以致用,分层次布置了作业,面向每一位学生。并且在写作中做到有效的纠正自己未能掌握的内容。本课亮点是Post-reading activities(读后活动)环节的设计。Listen and repeat是基础. Retell 和 plete the passage 是巩固,Interview是知识点的综合应用。层层深入,步步提高。使用建议:由于本课的容量较大,课前一定要做好充分的预习,以确保本课的课堂效率。Keys: Previewing and testing Task 1 but, and, everywhere, always, our, tidyTask 2 1. Im tidy, but Gina is not. 2. I have a clock. Its on the desk.3.Ginas books are everywhereon her bed, on the sofa and under the chair.4. Gina always asks. 5.我的钥匙在书包里。 6. 白色的飞机模型是她的。Teaching steps.(教学过程)Step 1 Warming up and leading in1.Writing: schoolbag, sofa, tape, CD, key, pen, notebook, tape, player, table, chair, bookcase, book, quilt, hat, bed, picture, photo, clock, notebook, deskStep 2 While-reading activities(读中活动)Task 1 Read the passage fast and silently to find the general idea. (寻大意)CTask2 Read the text carefully and silently to find the specific ideas.(读取细节)1. . Yes, she is . . No, she isnt. . They are in her schoolbag. Yes, they are. . Its under the desk. . No, it isnt. 2.Group workThingsBeWhereConclusionKatesbooks and tapeskeysclockareareisin the bookcasein her schoolbagon the deskKate is tidy.Ginasbooksare everywhereon her bedGina is not tidyon the sofaunder the chairwhite model planeisunder the deskkeysSorry, I / we dont know.rulerschoolTask 3 Fill in the blanks without looking at your books.sisters, tidy, their, books, tapes, are, clock, everywhere, bed, sofa, under, model, desk, books, Wheres, schoolbag, alwaysStep 5 Inquiry into knowledge by translation(翻译探究) 一, 我叫凯特,我的妹妹叫吉娜. 我爱整洁,但吉娜却不。 连词;短句;并列句;顺接;和;并且,同时;转折;但是,然而 1.我14岁了,我妹妹7岁了. 2 .我的钢笔在铅笔盒里,但铅笔却不在。 二,白色的飞机模型是她的. 名词性物主代词;her model plane ;mine ;yours; his 1. This is my pencil , and that is yours. 2. His teacher is Mr. Wang, and hers is Mr. Zhang. 3. This isnt my pen. Mine is in my pencil box.Step 6 The-end-class test(当堂检测) 一 ,1.are 2. keys 3. hers 4. Ginas 5. are 二, 1. My tapes are in the bookcase. 2. Her model plane is under the chair. 3. Wheres the baseball? Its on the floor. 4. Im tidy, but Gina is not. 5. His dictionary and my radio are on the desk.

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