2019-2020年八年级英语鲁教版Unit6 How long have you been collecting shells.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语鲁教版Unit6 How long have you been collecting shells第一课时一、学习目标1学会谈论自己对某些爱好持续的时间长度。如:过去有什么爱好,持续了多长时间,目前有什么爱好,这个爱好到目前持续了多长时间。2学会就上述问题向别人进行询问。3通过谈论自己有什么收藏爱好,持续了多长时间,有多少收藏品,学会for和since的用法。4学会就上述问题向别人进行询问。二、学习内容目标分类 学 习 内 容词汇 collect, shell, skate, inline, inline skating, marathon, since, a pair of, raise, several, snow globe, monster, probable, run out of, store, particularly, polar bear, let know, collector, by the way, bamboo, silk, mon, topic, be interested in语法句型I如何表示“从过去开始一直持续到现在,有可能还要持续下去的动作”。我们用下面的句式来表示这一概念:主语 + have / has been + 现在分词,如:1She has been skating for four hours.到现在为止她滑冰已经有四个小时了。2I have been collecting stamps since I was ten years old.我从十岁起就一直在集邮。II如果想询问别人“做一件事有多久了?”,我们用“How long have/ has +主语 + 现在分词?”这样的句式来提问,如:1How long have you been studying English?你学英语有多久了?2How long has your father been working in the pany?你父亲在这个公司工作有多长时间了?III学会“since”和“for”在表示时间时的用法。IV区分“主语 + have / has been + 现在分词”和“主语 + 动词过去式”这两个句式的不同点及熟练掌握这两个句式的用法。功能 Talk about how long you have been doing things(谈论你做某件事情有多久了)三、朗读单词1. collect v. 收集, 聚集, 集中, 搜集2. shell n. 贝壳, 壳, 外形, 炮弹3. inline adj. 一列式的;排成行的4. inline skating 纵列式滑冰5. marathon n. 体马拉松赛跑 (全长42,1954米)6. a pair of 一对;一双;一副7. raise v. 募集;筹措8. several adj. 几个的,数个的9. stamp n. 邮票, 印花, 印, 图章10. globe n. 球体;球形玻璃器11. snow globe 里面有雪花的球形玻璃器12. monster n. 怪物, 妖怪13. probably adv. 大概, 或许14. run out of (储存物、供应品等)用尽;缺乏15. store vt. 贮藏, 贮备, 存储16. room n. 空间17. particularly adv. 独特地, 显著地18. polar adj. 北极的;南极的;近极点的19. polar bear 北极熊20. anyone pron. 任何人21. let know 告知;使知晓22. collector n. 收藏家,收集者;搜集者23. by the way 顺便说一句24. bamboo n. 竹子25. silk n. 丝绸26. mon adj. 共同的;普通的;常见的27. free adj. 自由的;物拘束的28. topic n. 话题;主题;题目29. be interested in 对感应趣四、任务示范学生们正在进行马拉松滑冰比赛,比赛已经进行了一段时间,有些同学还在滑,有人已不滑了。请根据下面短文用“how long”编一个对话。同学们在做这个练习时要注意如何询问别人“做一件事有多久了?”The students are having an Inline Skating Marathon. Alison has been staking for five hours. Victor has been skating for five hours, too. But San skated for four hours. He is tired. He is sitting on the ground and having a test. He has been having a rest for about one hour.下面请听老师示范(Pairwork):A: How long has Alison been skating?B: He has been skating for five hours.A: How long has Victor been skating?B: He has been skating for five hours, too.A: How long did San skate?B: He skated for four hours.A: How long has he been having a rest?B: He has been having a rest for one hour.好,我们再做一次,这次你可跟老师一起做。五、布置作业1请同学们反复朗读单词,并自查能记住多少单词。2听录音:Section A 1b, 2a, 和2b3预习Section A 3a附:听力原文P44 1bWoman: Alison, how long have you been skating?Alison: Ive been skating for five hours.Woman: Wow! Sam, how long did you skate?Sam: I skated for four hours. I started at nine oclock in the morning andstopped at one oclock in the afternoon. Im very tired!Woman: When did you start skating, Victor?Victor: At nine oclock.Woman: So youve been skating for Victor: Ive been skating for five hours.Woman: How long did you skate, Celia?Celia: Umm, lets see I skated for two hours.答案:Alison: Ive been skating for five hours.Sam: I skated for hour hours.Victor: Ive been skating for five hours.Celia: I skated for two hoursP45 2a, 2bReporter: Alison, congratulations on winning the skating marathon!Alison: Thank you.Reporter: So, how long did you skate today?Alison: For six hours!Reporter: Was this your first inline skating marathon?Alison: No, I skated in a marathon last year.Reporter: Youre an excellent skater, Alison. Do you skate every day?Alison: Yes, I do.Reporter: How long have you been skating?Alison: Since I was seven years old. I got my first pair of skates on mybirthday from my grandmother 答案:2a: The following questions should be checked: 1 3 4 62b: 1. c 3. a 4. b 6. d(海淀区教师进修学校)Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells? 第二课时第二课时一、任务示范及讲解1通过打电话的方式了解同学们有什么爱好(如:打篮球、弹钢琴、学英语等);这个爱好持续了多长时间?在过去某一个时间里是否做过这件事(如:昨天、前天、上个星期等等);做了多长时间?Name Hobby How long (for) Time (past) How long (for)完成任务所需要的语言结构:1. Whats your name?2. What is your hobby?3. How long have you been playing basketball?4. I have been playing basketball for about ten years.4. How long did you play it yesterday?5. I played it for about two hours.下面请听老师示范:Name Hobby How long (for) Time (past) How long (for)Wang Gang play football for five years yesterday one hourLi Hong dancing for seven years last Sunday two hoursZhao Ming swimming for four years last week ten hours2让学生自述自己做某一件事的情况。如:I have been studying dancing for about five years. I danced for about two hours lastSaturday. 等。3通过打电话对本班的同学作一个采访,询问他 / 她正在做什么?做了多久了?是否打算继续做下去?并请同学们汇报调查结果完成任务所需要的语言结构:1. What are you doing?2. When did you do it?3. How long have you been doing it?4. How long did you do it?下面请听老师示范:A: What are you doing?B: We are watching a new movie.A: How long have you been watching it?B: We have been watching it for about ten minutes.4 同学们,为了丰富你们的课余生活,学校准备组织课外活动小组。在组织活动小组之前,学校要对你们的爱好进行调查,你们有些什么爱好呢?这些爱好从什么时候开始的?到现在持续了多久?请同学们通过这个练习学会“since”和“for”在表示时间时的用法。请看下面的例句:1The skating marathon has been going for eight hours.2I have been collecting kites for seven years.3He has been watching English movies since xx.4I have been listening to music videos since I was seven years old.通过以上例句我们可以看出for后面接的是一个时间段:eight hours和 seven years,而since后面接的是具体的时间点:xx (xx年)、I was seven years old(我7岁)。首先听老师的示范,下面请同学们自己完成表格。Name Hobby How longsince for since for since for 完成任务所需要的语言结构:1. I have been doing it since I was ten years old.2. I have been doing it for six years.老师示范:Name Hobby How longWu Qing running since I have been running since I was a child.for I have been running for five years.Li Qiang collect kites since I have been collecting kites since I was eight.for I have been collecting kites for about six yeas.二布置作业1听力练习Section B 2a, 2b2预习Section B 3a附:听力原文P47 2a, 2bConversation 1Girl: How long have you been collecting these kites, Bob?Bob: Since I was ten years old.Girl: How many do you have?Bob: Oh, I have about 22 so far.Girl: Where do you fly them?Bob: I usually fly them in the park when its windy.Conversation 2Boy: Wow, Marcia. Are these stuffed animals all yours?Marcia: Yes, Ive been collecting them for five years.Boy: How many do you have?Marcia: Well, I have about 35.Boy: Which ones do you like best?Marcia: I like the panda best hes so cute! And I also like the tiger. Mymother gave me that one.Conversation 3Girl: What do you collect, Liam?Liam: I collect theater and movie tickets.Girl: So how long have you been collecting them?Liam: Since last year.Girl: How many do you have?Liam: I have 20. I put them in this book and write if I liked the show or movie.Girl: Looks like an interesting collection.答案:2a: Bob: kitesMarcia: stuffed animalsLiam: theater and movie tickets2b: Bob: since he was ten years old, 22Marcia: for five years, 35Liam: since last year, 20(海淀区教师进修学校)Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells? 第三课时任务示范及讲解学生们说一说自己的hobby或收藏。内容可以包括:What ? How long? When started?Whether continue or not? 这项活动主要起复习和引导作用。完成任务所需要的词汇:stamp(邮票)、shell(贝壳)、model car(模型汽车)、 coin(钱币)、 kite(风筝)、 theaterticket(戏票)、stuffed animal(用海面、碎布等作填充材料的玩具动物)、 movie ticket(电影票)下面请听老师示范:My name is Peter. I have been living in China for about seven years. I like collecting stamps. I have been collecting Chinese stamps since I came to China. I have been collecting over three hundred Chinese stamps. I like Monkey King stamps best.二阅读预习与讲解下面我们学习两篇小短文P 46 Section A 3a和P 48 Section B 3a。在你们读之前先由老师解释一下本文中出现的一些短语,以便易于你们学习。Section A 3a1. raise money for charity 为慈善机构慕钱eg. We had a party to raise money for the doctors and nurses last night.昨天晚上我们举行了一个为医务工作者慕钱的晚会。2. whole 整个的eg. I have been studying for the whole eight hours today.今天我已经学习了整整八个小时了。3. an hour ago 一小时以前eg. I played football an hour ago.一个小时以前我踢球了。Section B 3a1. thanks for doing sth 为(做)某事感谢某人eg: Thanks for helping me study English.谢谢你帮我学英语。2. in fact 事实上eg: In fact I like to study in school.事实上我还是喜欢在学校学习。3. run out of 用尽;缺乏Weve run out of room to store them 我们缺少储存它们(snow globes)的空间4. If you know anyone else who collects them, 如果你知道谁也(喜欢)收藏它们,这是一个由if引导的条件状语从句,if在这里解释为“如果”,在这个状语从句中又含有一个由who连接的定语从句,who在这里指anyone。三布置作业2阅读Section A 3a的短文,并完成表格。1阅读Section B 3a并做3b。(海淀区教师进修学校)Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells? 第四课时一疑难解析I如何表示“从过去开始一直持续到现在,有可能还要持续下去的动作”。如:到现在为止她滑冰已经有四个小时了。又如:我从十岁起就一直在集邮。我们采用如下的方法来表示“从过去开始一直持续到现在,还要持续下去的动作”:主语 + have / has been + 现在分词,如:1She has been skating for four hours.到现在为止她滑冰已经有四个小时了。2I have been collecting stamps since I was ten years old.我从十岁起就一直在集邮。在这两个句子中,have和has是助动词,因此把助动词题签,就构成了一般疑问句,在have或has后面加not,就构成了否定形式,have not和has not可以分别缩写成havent和hasnt 。如:1Have you been doing your homework since this morning?从今天早晨起你就一直在写作业吧?(表明写作业这个动作从今天早晨就开始了,一直持续到现在,还要持续下去。)2I havent been seeing films for a long time.我有很长时间没有看电影了。(表明没有看电影这个动作从过去一直持续到现在,还要继续持续下去。)II区分“主语 + have / has been + 现在分词”和“主语 + 动词过去式”这两个句式的不同点及熟练掌握这两个句式的用法。1“主语 + have / has been + 现在分词”表示动作从过去开始一直持续到现在,并且还要继续持续下去。如:He is a pianist. He has been playing the piano for about twenty years.他是一个钢琴家。他弹钢琴大约有二十年了。弹钢琴这个动作从二十年前就开始了,一直持续到现在,由于他是个钢琴家,那么弹钢琴这个动作还要继续持续下去。这里强调持续,而不是二十年间他一刻不停地在弹琴。又如:I have been collecting snow globes for seven years.我收集里面有雪花的玻璃装饰品有七年了。我有这个爱好,七年间我一直在收集这样的装饰品,但是不等于七年间我别的什么也没 干。2“主语 + 动词的过去式”表式过去某个时间已经发生了动作,有比较明确的表示过去的时间状语。如:I did my homework last night.我昨天晚上做的作业。表明“做作业”这个动作发生在昨天晚上,动作没有持续性。二写作指导大家在学完这个单元以后要完成两个写作任务,即写一个招聘广告和一封应聘信。招聘广告可以模仿49页上的第3题来写,应聘信可参考第48页上的3a来写。下面请看示例:学校歌咏队要参加一个歌咏比赛,故而要招聘新成员,请你帮歌咏队写一个招聘广告。应聘信Dear Mike,Im from Class Two, Grade Two. Im an outgoing boy. I am interested in singing songs. I have been singing songs since I was five years old. I have been studying English for six years, so I can sing many English songs. I am studying English songs now. Every Saturday I go to singing club to study singing and English songs.Yours sincerelyJohn


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