2019-2020年九年级英语上册《Unit 4 TV programmes Main task》教学案 牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语上册Unit 4 TV programmes Main task教学案 牛津版一 教学目标: 1.学会写故事梗概2.学习编写电视节目二教学重难点 灵活运用所学英语词组句子argue about get angry with each other三 交流与展示1.朗读课本77页A1部分的内容2.回答问题1)Who is the story about?2) How many people are there in the Chen family3)Who are they?4)Do the children get along well?5)What did Nancy and Victor argue about?6)What happened to the remote control?3.完成77页A2部分练习4.核对答案5.讨论故事将会如何发展6.分组展开写作竞赛1)分组讨论故事主题2)讨论故事情节,时间、地点、人物、等3)列提纲写故事7.班级展示学生编写的故事一起改正其中的拼写、大小写、时态、语态等方面的错误。评选出“最佳创意奖”、“最佳书写奖” 。五、 达标检测一.词汇A. 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空. 1.They started_(interview) the famous singer. 2. The twins are arguing about_(do) housework. 3. The _ man wanted to watch_ programmes. (sport) 4. He tried_(throw) the remote control onto the table. 5.Yesterday the boy _ into the river and a young man saved him.(fall) 6.The twins _(agree)about everything and always argue.7.Kate _(plan)everything better than I did last year . 8.I have never seen such an _(excite) film before . 9.Look! She is working_(care) than anyone else . 10.Who thought of the_(surprise) ending ?B选择方框里的词或词组完成句子 background, control, sporty, more, argues with, throw1. In the _ of the picture, a girl is dancing with a group of people.2. Daniel likes football and other sports, he is a _ boy.3. He can _ the ball farthest of all.4. As a leader, you should think _ than anyone else.5. He often _ others, so we dont like him.二.单项选择 ( ) 1. John cant understand you, because he knows _English.A. so few B. so little C. such little D. such few( ) 2. The twins often argued _ what TV programs_.A. with; to watch B. with; watch C. about; to watch D. about; watching( ) 3Please dont stand up in class until you .A. were told to B. are told to C. were told D. are told( ) 4. I dont think this pen is quite good. Please show me_, madam.A. others B. the other C. another D. other( ) 5. How long does it_ to get to Tiananmen from Wangfujing? A. spend B. cost C. take D. pay三.句子翻译.1.不要把遥控器扔在地上。请捡起来。Dont throw the _ the floor. Please _.2.直到亲眼看见我才相信它是真的。I_ it was true _I saw it _.3. 他们正在为去哪儿而争论。They are _where _.4. 他设法把那书扔到桌子上,但它掉在了他妹妹的脚上。 He _ throw the book onto the table, but it _his sisters foot.六、教学反馈(反思) 学生反馈:教师反思:

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