2019-2020年八年级英语 介词类(词组)教案.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语 介词类(词组)教案.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年八年级英语 介词类(词组)教案1. be born in+月份/年 He was born in 1994. He was born in July.2. be born on+日 You were born on August 3rd, 19863. hold the record for He holds the world record for hiccupping.4. tooto My sister is too young to go to school. Its too hot to work.5. a piece of music/song two pieces of pictures6. take part in Tom didnt take part in the sports meeting because he was ill.7. major in Deng Yaping majors in English and management in the university 8. because of He didnt go to the party because of his illness.9. play for Ronaldo played for national team when he was 17.10. learn to do sth. I learned to ride a bicycle at when I was 4 years old.11. have a talent for Yao Ming have a talent for playing basketball.12. at the age of He began to learn the accordion at the age of 513. in the petition John won first prize in the speech petition.14. in the history of He was the first man in the 70-year history of the petition to win this prize.二、 固定搭配类1. an international player/ movie star2. break the record Tiger Woods broke the world record ever.3. the world record4. start hiccupping/ sneezing5. gold medal6. win first prize7. bee a skating champion8. a edy called Mr Bean a boy called Zhong Hao 9. tour the U.S.10. hum songs11. write music12. free time all my/his free time三、 重点句型1. start to do sth. I started to play the piano when I 6 years old.Start dong sth. He started hiccupping in 1995.2. begin to do sth. Deng Yaping began to play table tennis in 1978.3. see sb. do sth. I often see Tom study in the classroom. See sb. doing sth. I saw Tom studying when I came into the classroom.4. stop to do sth. Im tired, I have to stop to have a good rest stop doing sth. The students stopped talking when the teacher came in.5. spend +time/money doing sth. I spend 10 Yuan buying the pen. He spent 16minutes doing his homework yesterday. Spend + time/money on sth. I spend 30Yuan on the book. Spend + time with sb. He spends all his free time with his grandson.

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