2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Unit 8 Why don’t you get her a scarf教学设计 人教新目标版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf教学设计 人教新目标版 课时安排6课时第一课时:Section A 1a - 2c . 第二课时:Section A Grammar focus- 4. 第三课时:Section B 1a 3b. 第四课时:Section B 3c-4, Self-check第五课时: Reading Section 1, Section 2.第六课时:Reading Section 3, Section 4. 单元目标与要求 1. 认知目标A)掌握有关礼品和宠物的词汇:如photo album, mouse-mice, spider,hamster, pot-bellied, rabbit, snake, turtle,及表建议suggestion及评论ment的personal, special, trendy, perfect和其他一些词汇。B)掌握表建议的句型:What should I do. ? Why dont you do ? Why not do ? What about doing ? How about doing ?掌握表评价的句型:Thats a good idea. Thats boring. Thats too personal. Thats not creative enough. Thats not interesting enough. That sounds good. C)运用Present perfect tense来描述事情。 2 能力目标:让学生学会如何询问对方意见,如何提出建议,如何就别人的建议发表看法。利用多媒体,采用任务型教学法,通过竞赛等形式,充分调动学生的积极性,让学生自主掌握教学目标。 3 学习策略和思维技巧:通过听取特定信息和合作,培养学生团结协作精神。4 情感目标:学习一些英语国家的背景知识,如有关母亲节的知识,对学生进行亲情教育。以及了解不同国家对宠物的看法和送礼礼仪的习俗等,让学生更懂得和了解如何去保护动物,如何去关心和珍惜身边的的人和事,激发爱的情感。 。A 第一课时l教学内容与分析教学内容:Make a list ; Listen and write ; Pairkwork 教学目标:a. 能够谈论:How do you get to school?b. 掌握各种交通工具的英语表达法。c. 能够听、说、认读句子:A:How does Bob get to school? B:He takes the train. 并能用熟练地运用这些句型对不同交通工具的使用进行谈论和比较。l教学重点、难点分析:教学重点:能够听、说、读、写各类交通工具并在实际情景中会运用How do you get to school?句型进行交际活动。教学难点:take ride the a to + 地点 = go to + 地点 + by walk to +地点 = go to + on footl 课前准备教师准备 多媒体课件或教学挂图。 教师准备磁带和录音机。 l 教学设计 教学步骤 建议和说明 Step Warming-up and Revision1. Enjoy the English song Over the mountains (driving)2. Greetings and free talk. Step Lead in1. Listen and guess what it is. Listen and guess what it is. Revise the old words and teach the new words.2. Guessing game The teacher say a sentence ask the students to guess what kind of transportation it is.a. -It is like a bike but goes much faster. -A motorbike.b. -It is like a train but goes under the ground. -A subway.c. -It goes in the water. -A ship or a boat.d. -It takes you about three hours to go to Beijing from Shenzhen by it.-A plane.e. -It can take people to the moon. -A spaceship.f. -It is very useful, you may ride it to school. -A bike/ bicycle.3. There are so many transportations around the world. What kind of transportation do you like to choose ?Ask how do you get to school/Shanghai/ Hangzhou/ Luqiao/Paris.?Help the students answer: I take the subway./take the bus take a minibus /take a taxi take the train / take the plane take the ship/take the car ride my/a bike ride a motorbike/walkStep To work in pairs, ask and answer Ask the students to work in pairs. A: How do you get to school? B: I walk to school. I ride a bike to school. I take a bus to school. I take a car to school. I take the subway to school. I take the train to school.Step Presentation 1. Enjoy a good flash named How does Emilio get to school? 2. First ask two students to ask and answer in pair. Then ask the other students “how does he/she get to school?” He/She takes the subway. / rides his/her bike walks.Step Group work Ask the students to do group work. A: How do you get to school? B: I take the bus. / ride my bike/ bicycle. walk. C: How does he /she get to school? He/She takes the bus/ rides his/her bike/bicycle. walks.Step Work on 1a and 1b. 1. To do Section A 1a look at the picture and write down the way of transportation. 2.To listen to the tape and finish 1b . . Step Presentation Ask “how does Bob get to school? Help them answer he takes the train. Then ask “how does Paul get to school?” He walks. Say Paul usually walks to school. He goes to school on foot.Show some pictures to students. Ask them to say like this. My father rides a bike to work every day. =My father goes to work by bike every day.Step To work in pairs, ask and answerShow some pictures to the students then ask then to work in pairs. A: How do you get to.? B: I take/ride/walk. I get to school.by./on.Step Summary Take/ride the/a .to+地点=go to +地点+by.Walk to+地点=go to +on foote.g. He often takes the subway to work. =He often goes to work by subway.注意:当home, here, there 作地点时 to 不要。Step DiscussWhat should I take if I go to Xianmen for vacation? Why?Which is the fastest way and which is the cheapest way?Step Homework 1. Copy the new words. 2. Make a survey: How do your relations go to school/work? 3. Make a report according your survey. 通过英文歌曲,营造氛围,培养学生学习英语的乐趣,培养学生的语言节奏感和培养创造能力。此处采纳了源自于生活场景的各类交通工具的音效。充分利用现成的教学资源,方便、实用。真实的情景使学生容易产生学习英语的欲望,直观的教具容易吸引学生的注意力,提高的学习效率,同时有助单词的记忆。随后的GUESSING GAME对学生来说容易接受,使大部分孩子有体验成功的机会。真实的环境有助于孩子们语言的输出。简单易操作的活动可以起到事半功倍的效果。孩子们不仅可以掌握语言的表达方式,而且可以增进彼此的了解。欣赏完flash之后教师Ask some questions about it.然后再由学生们小组操作。通过生动有趣的画面进一步巩固所学知识,拓展学用渠道,使学习与生活紧密结合。操作过程中须注意单数第三人称动词的用法。团队活动可以打破语言使用范围的局限性,尽可能的使用所学的知识点,达到学以致用,而且孩子们可以了解更多的同学的情况,增进彼此的了解。锻炼学生的听写能力,加深对新单词的记忆。意在告诉学生:同样的一种东西可以有不同的表达方式培养学生运用语言的灵活性,学生可以选择自己擅长或喜欢的方式来表达自己。反复的操练让学生可以当堂掌握本课时知识点。即使接受能力较弱的学生也有能力来参加,增强他们学习英语的信心。总结归纳去某地的不同表达方式拓展学生的语言思维能力和表达能力,活学活用。 第一课时l教学内容与分析教学内容:Section A 1a-2c教学目标:1.认知目标A Vocabulary: suggestion, personal, special, ment, scarf, camera, albumB) Sentence:Suggestions: What should I do. ? Why dont you do ?Why not do ? What about doing ? How about doing ?ments: Thats a good idea. Thats boring. Thats too personal.Thats not creative enough. Thats not interesting enough. That sounds good.能用熟练地运用这些句型对不同的事物进行谈论和比较。l教学重点、难点分析:教学重点:能够听、说、读、写各类礼品的并在实际情景中会运用What should I do. ? Why dont you do ? Why not do ? What about doing ? How about doing ?句型进行交际活动。教学难点:如何熟练运用这两种句型于实际生活中。l 课前准备教师准备 多媒体课件或教学挂图。教师准备磁带和录音机。 l 教学设计 教学步骤 建议和说明 Step 1 Warming-up and Revision1. Greetings and free talk. 2. Enjoy the English flash “Party time”.Step 2 GuessingTeacher says “In the party, we usually have gifts.” Show a picture to relax, let the students guess “What is it?” Till the students guess it. (Its a gift box.)Step 3 Lead in1. Teacher asks:” What kind of gifts do you know?” Collect Studentsanswers to revise the names of the gifts. Then show some on the picture and teacher a new word “ photo album”, ask: “What kind of gifts do you like?” Revise “I like” 2. Then ask the students: “What do you think of the gifts?” Let Ss say their opinions freely, and teacher presents “Thats too boring/personal. and Thats not special enough.” Write the new words and new sentences on the Bb.3. Show a calendar of May, and tell them May 14th is just the second Sunday in May, its a special day. Ask: “Do you know what day it is?” Present “Mothers Day”. Say: “On the special day, what should we get our mums?” Students talk freely. Teacher can give them a suggestion, “ If we arent sure, would you mind going to a gift shop?” Then with the picture and teach how to give suggestions and ments, present the suggestions, like: “Why dont you get her/ Why not get her? What/How about getting her a.? You could get her ” and ments, like: “Thats too/Thats not enough. Or “That sounds great./ Good idea./.”Step 4 Work in pairs, ask and answerLook at the pictures, Make a drill in pairs one by one.Step 5 PracticeThis time, let students talk about getting their mums gifts freely. And ask some pairs to practice in front of the class.Step 6 ListeningT: You will hear two boys talking about buying a gift.Then play the tape first, and check the answers. Play it again, Ss repeat it and fill in the blank. Ask some pairs to act it out.Step 7 Enjoying a flash T: On the birthdays, what should we sing?Play the flash to relax. Step 8 Task 1:Make a conversation Make a conversation of buying a gift for your friend or your family member.( The Ss can choose one, my friend or my sister) Work in pairs. After several minutes, share some of their conversations.Step 9 ListeningWork on 2a and 2b.“You will hear three conversations. After each conversation, put a check after the name of the person who is going to get the gift.”Check the answers.Step 10 Task 2 Group work Four Ss as a group. “I want to spend 100 yuan to buy presents for my nephew and grandma. What do you think I should get? And tell me the reasons.” Give them some minutes and ask some groups to practice it.Step 10 Homework1. Revise the new words and sentences.2. Finish the exercises in the Exercise Book.3. Make a conversation: “Whats the best gift for your teachers on Teachers Day” 4. Bring their favorite gift they have got. 通过动画,激发学生学习英语的乐趣,创设愉快的氛围。通过猜图既活跃气氛,又很自然地引出下面的内容。操练由易到难,让学生容易接受。简单易操作的活动可以起到事半功倍的效果。孩子们不仅可以掌握语言的表达方式,而且可以增进彼此的了解。同时为学生下一步的练习作铺垫。通过生动有趣的画面来放松一下情绪。团队活动可以打破语言使用范围的局限性,尽可能的使用所学的知识点,达到学以致用,而且孩子们可以了解更多的同学的情况,增进彼此的了解。板书设计 Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf ? What should I do. ?scarf: Suggestions ments dictionary Why dont you do ? Thats too boring camera Why not do ? Thats too personal. photo album What about doing? Thats not special enough. calendar How about doing ? That sounds good. personal Thats a good idea.special 第 二 课 时l 教学内容与分析:教学内容:Section A (Grammar focus-4)教学目标:1. Knowledge Objects(1)Key vocabulary:receive, give-gave, guy (2)Key structures: Whats the best gift have/ has ever received? When did get it? Who gave it to 了解对不同的人群送不同的礼。2. Ability ObjectsTo train students reading skill and oral practice skill.3. Sensibility and ValueTo be able to municate with others in English in our daily life.l 数学重难点:本课需要重点掌握句型:现在完成时Whats the best gift have/ has ever received?的用法。 When did get it? Who gave it to 要求学生能替换关键词造新句并在实际情景中自如运用。本课时的难点是:学生能运用新句型并在实际情景中自如运用。l 课前准备:本课时的教学课件(或一幅教学挂图)。相关的录音磁带及录音机。让学生课前准备好自己所带的礼物。l教学设计: 教学步骤 建议和说明 教学步骤 建议和说明 Step 1 Warming-up and Revision1 Greetings and free talk. 2 Enjoy a chant. “What should I get for my?”What should I get for my teacher?Why dont you get her a scarf?Oh, thats too personal.Why not get her flowers?That sounds good.Good, good, good.What should I get for my sister?How about getting her a bike?Oh, thats not special enough.What about a photo album?That sounds wonderful.Wonderful, wonderful, wonderfulStep 2 Grammar focusSum up about the suggestions and ments we learned in last lesson. Suggestions: Why dont you ?Why not ?How about ?What about ?You could ments:Thats not interesting/special enough.Thats too boring/expensive.That sounds great./ Thats a good idea.Step 3 Discussion1. Show the different aged persons : your teacher, your sister( a 6-year-old girl), your best friend (a 14-year-old boy), your mum.Ask: Whats the best birthday gift for them? 2. In groups, Ss talk about it. Then share their ideas in class. Teacher gives the result: Different aged people, we should get them different gifts.Step 4 Lead in1. Teacher takes out a watch, and tell them, “I have ever received some gifts, but this is my favorite. Because when I first went to work, my father gave it to me. I think its very useful. And I think Im a lucky guy, because my parents always love me.” While saying, write the new words on the Bb. And teach them.2. Then teacher can ask one of the Ss, “Have you ever received some gifts? What are they? What do you think is the best? Why? When did you get it? Who gave it to you?” Present the new dialogue on the Bb as an example. And practice with others.Step 5 Guessing game1. Show a picture of a girl called Vera. Its her 12th birthday today, she received many gifts from her friends and family. 2. Look at the picture, and guess what does she think is the best gift for her?3. Show the picture, tell them the result. Step 6 Pair workIn pairs, work on 3a. After that, Ask some pairs to practice and fill in the chart.Step 7 Task : Share their best giftIn groups, take out their favorite gift they have received, and share their gifts together. Later, ask some to report.Step 8 Make a survey1. T: You see, you all have received some gifts from your parents on your birthdays, but do you know your parents birthdays?Make a survey in class, see how many Ss know their parents birthdays, and get them gifts.2. Then encourage them to do something on their parents birthdays. “What will you do on your mothers or fathers birthday?” Make an interview to their classmates freely, and learn to report the results. Collect some answers, then teacher can say: “As a student, the best gift for your parents is studying hard every day. So love your parents.” Tell them they can also write a letter to their parents if they have some words to say to their parents that they cant say it out. Step 9 Homework1. Finish the exercises in the books.2. Make a survey: How much do you or your friends spend on your birthdays or every festival? 通过chant,既激发学生学习英语的乐趣,又达到复习内容的目的,同时创设了愉快的氛围。通过回忆,复习和落实所学的内容。通过讨论,孩子们不仅可以掌握语言的表达方式,而且可以培养学生的团队合作精神。通过生动有趣的画面来放松一下情绪。通过猜的环节,活跃了气氛,也加强了语言学习功效,顺利步入下一环节。团队活动可以打破语言使用范围的局限性,尽可能的使用所学的知识点,达到学以致用,而且孩子们可以了解更多的同学的情况,增进彼此的了解。通过这一环节,教育学生也应学会感恩及心存感激,学会关心家人, 多与家人交流,并能为父母分担事务,达到情感交融。板书设计 Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf ? receive- received Whats the best gift you have/ he has ever received? give- gave I have/ He has ever received guy: person When did you get it? On my 12th birthday. Who gave it to you? My. What a lucky guy! 第三课时l 教学内容与分析:教学内容: Section B (1a-3b)教学目标:1. Knowledge Objects(1)Key vocabulary:turtle; mouse; mice; spider; snake; hamster; rabbit, pot-bellied pig, trendy, perfect, advantage, disadvantage.(2)Listening practice2. Ability ObjectsTo train students listening, munication and writing skill.3. Sensibility and ValueTo be able to love animals and speak in English in our daily life.l 数学重难点:教学重点(1)Learn the new words of pets and the description. (2)Learn to talk about the pets in the real life and write them down.本课时的难点是:How to talk about and write about the pets in our real life.l 课前准备:本课时的教学课件(或一副教学挂图)相关的录音磁带及录音机。l教学设计: 教学步骤 建议和说明 Step 1 Warming-up 1. Greeting and free talk.2. Enjoy an English song “Pet song”.Step 2 Revision What to buy Vera for her birthday present/gift? T: Anns friends daughter Vera is going to have her 6th birthday party, she has many gifts now, so Ann doesnt know what to buy for her. Can you give Ann some advice?Revise: the suggestions and ments. Collect the Ss answers and decide to buy a pet for her.Step 3 Lead inShow a picture of a pet house, Ask: “What animals can you see here? Do you like them?” Collect the names of some animals, and teach some new names of the animals “mouse-mice, rabbit, hamster, spider, turtle, pot-bellied pig” on the Bb. Then ask the Ss: “So many animals, what can be our pets?”Step 4 Work on 1aTalk about “ what animals would be good pets, bad pets or you are not sure”. Ss talk about it freely, and share their answers in class.Step 5 Group workIn group of fours, talk about “Whats the most popular/ interesting/ unusual/ pet? Why?” Tell the class. See which group can be the most creative. Step 6 petitionT: A game “Lucky number” Every number stands for one kind of pets except for one number with “ no animal”. When you get into the number, you should describe this kind of animals, and give you a flag, or no flag. Divide Ss into two teams between boys and girls. See which one can see the most animals, they are winners. Lets do!”And during the game, write some description words on the Bb. e.g. trendy, perfect, clean.Step 7 ListeningWork on 2a and 2b. Listen to the conversation and number the pets and then play it again, match the pet with the ments. Check the answers.Step 8 Make a surveyT: “So many lovely pets, I only want to buy a dog as my pet, because its friendly and easy to take care of it. And what kind of pet do you and you friends want to buy? Why? Make a survey and tell us.” Several minutes later, let some to report their results.Step 9 Task: Whats the best pet for different aged peopleT: “ Now I know your favorite pet, what do you think is the best pet for a 80-year-old grandma and a 6-year-old girl? Look at the picture again. Choose different pets for people at different age.”Ss discuss in a group of four, and fill in the chart. Using the way of giving suggestions.Why dont you .? Why not .? What about .? How about .? Shall we.? Youd better .Step 10 Reading1. Ask Ss “Have you ever kept a pig as a pet? Do you like pigs? Why or why not?” Then tell the Ss “Do you know in some foreign countries like Australia, pigs are the most popular pet. There is a kind of pig. It has an interesting name “pot-bellied pig”. Lets go and read the article in 3a to know the pot-bellied pig.”2. Before reading, give Ss two questions: (1) Why do you think pot-bellied pigs are popular?(2). What are the advantages and disadvantages of keeping such a pet?Ss read it quickly and answer the two questions.3. Read it again carefully, do True or False. Check the answers with the Ss. Play the tape, Ss read after it. Then explain some new or difficult sentences if they have.4. Exploring: Potbellied pigs are clean,highly intelligent and loving creatures. In fact, pigs in general are the fourth smartest animal in the world. Care of potbellied pigs is simple.Potbelly pigs and dogs are not friends If you get a pet pig and have a dog, NEVER leave them alone together. Step 11 WritingT: “In western countries, there are two kinds of pets very popular, one is the pot-bellied pig, the ot


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