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2019-2020年九年级英语形容词副词的比较等级的用法一. 本周教学内容 形容词副词的比较等级的用法二. 知识归纳与总结基础知识形容词和副词的比较等级分为原级,比较级和最高级。(一)原级的构成和用法1. 构成:形容词,副词的原级形式是形容词,副词的原形。2. 用法:表示双方在程度,性质,特征等某方面相等时,用“as +原级形容词或副词+ as”的结构;表示双方不相等时,用“not so(as)+原级形容词或副词+as”的结构;表示一方是另一方的若干倍时,用“倍数+as+原级形容词或副词+ as”的结构。eg. Xiao Wang is as tall as Xiao Liu.This building looks not so(as)high as that one.Ms. Sun speaks English as fluently as you.This room is three times as large as that one.(二)比较级和最高级的构成和用法1. 比较级和最高级的构成:(1)单音节以及部分双音节形容词和副词在词尾加“er”,“ est”。eg. great greater greatestnarrow narrower narrowestfast faster fastestlever cleverer cleverest(2)以 e结尾的单音节形容词和副词后以及少数以ble,ple结尾的双音节形容词和副词后,加“r”,“st”。eg.large larger largestable abler ablestsimple simpler simplest(3)以一个辅音结尾的单音节形容词,其前的元音字母发短元音时,该辅音字母要双写,然后加“er”,“est” eg.hot hotter hottest (4)以辅音加 y结尾的形容词和少数不是形容词加 ly构成的副词要将 y改为 i,再加“er”,“est” eg. easy easier easiestearly earlier earliesthappy happier happiest(5)一般双音节词、多音节形容词和副词在原级前加 more或most.eg. beautiful more beautiful most beautifulcarefully more carefully most carefully(6)少数单音节形容词也加 more和 most构成比较级和最高级。eg. tired more tired most tiredpleased more pleased most pleased(7)下列形容词、副词的比较级和最高级可有两种构成方法。eg.cruel crueler cruelestmore cruel most crueloften oftener oftenestmore often most oftenstrict stricter strictestmore strict most strictfriendly friendlier friendliestmore friendly most friendly(8)下列形容词,副词的比较级和最高级的构成不规则。good,well better bestbad,ill worse worstmany,much more mostlittle less least far farther farthestfurther furthestold elderolder eldest oldest2. 比较级的用法(1)双方比较,表示一方超过另一方时,用“比较级+ than”的结构表示。eg. This pen is better than that one.(2)表示一方不及另一方时,用“less+原级+than”的结构表示。eg. This room is less beautiful than that one.(3)表示一方超过另一方的程度或数量时,可在比较前加表示程度的状语,如even,a lot,a bit,a little,still,much,far,yet,by far等修饰。eg. He works even harder than before.注意:by far通常用于强调最高级用于比较级时,一般放在比较级的后面,在前面,应在二者中间加“the”。eg. He is taller by far than his brother.He is by far the taller of the two brothers.(4)表示一方随另一方的程度而变化时,用“the+比较级(主语+谓语),the 十比较级(主语+谓语)”的结构。eg. The harder he works,the happier he feels.(5)不与其它事物相比,表示本身程度的改变时,用“比较级+ and+比较级”的结 构。eg. The weather is getting colder and colder.The girl bees more and more beautiful.(6)某些以一or结尾的形容词进行比较时,用 to代替 than(这些词有inferior, superior,junior,senior,prior等)。eg. He is superior to Mr. Wang in mathematics.(7)在比较从句中为了避免重复,我们通常用 that(those),one(ones)代替前面出现 的名词。 that指物,one既可指人,也可指物。that可代替可数名词单数和不可数名词,而one只能代替可数名词。eg. The book on the table is more interesting than that on the desk.A box made of iron is stronger than one made of wood(8)表示倍数的比较级有如下几种句型(A)A is three(four , etc)times the size(height , length , width , etc)of B.eg. The new building is four times the size(the height)of the old one.这座新楼是 那座旧楼的四倍大(四倍高)。(这座新楼比那座旧楼大三倍高三倍)(B)A is three(four , etc)times as big(high , long , wide , etc.) as B. eg. Asia is four times as large as Europe亚洲是欧洲的四倍大。(亚洲比欧洲大三倍。)(C)A is three(four , etc.)times bigger(higher, longer , wider , etc.)than B. eg. Your school is three times bigger than ours你们的学校比我们的学校大三倍。(你们的学校是我们学校的四倍大。)用 times表示倍数,一般只限于表示包括基数在内三倍或三倍以上的数。表示两倍可以用 twice或 double3. 最高级的用法:(1)三者以上相比,表示最高程度时,用“the+最高级”的结构表示。这种句式一般常有表示比较范围的介词短语。eg. Zhang Hua is the tallest of the three. He works(the)hardest in his class.(2)最高级可被序数词以及by far,nearly,almost,by no means,not quite,not really,等词语所修饰。eg. This hat is by farnearlyalmostnot nearlyby no means/not quite the biggest.How much did the second most expensive hat cost?(3)表示“最高程度”的形容词,如 excellent,extreme,perfect等,没有最高级,也不能用比较级。(4)形容词最高级修饰作表语或介词宾语的名词、代词时,被修饰的词往往省略。eg. He is the tallest(boy)in his class.(5)作状语的副词最高级前可以不加定冠词。eg. of all the boys he came(the)earliest.【典型例题】1. After the new technique was introduced,the factory produced _tractors in 1988 as the year before. A. as twice manyB. as many twiceC. twice as manyD. twice many as答案:C辨析:表示倍数用“倍数+ as + 形容词原形+ as +比较对象”的句型。2. Of the two Australian students, Masha is _ one. I think you can find her easilyA. tallest B. the taller C. taller D. the tallest答案:B辨析:表示两者中的比较常用the +比较级+of the two.句型。要记住这一特殊句型的用法。特别是比较级前有定冠词the。3. Ill work I can. A. so hardly as B. so hard as C. as hardly as D. as hard as 答案:D辨析:hard可用作形容词和副词,如:The desk was made of hard wood. 又如:It is raining hard。而 hardly 是副词,其词义是“几乎不”,如:Hardly did I sleep last night. 我昨晚几乎没有睡觉。而且hardly用于句首时要采用倒装语序。asas即可以用于肯定句,也可以用于否定句,但soas则只能用于否定句中。4. The weather in China is different from_. A. in America B. one in America C. America D. that in America答案:D辨析:比较的是天气而不是国家,C不能选。A没有名词,后句成分不全,排除。B和D中,B中的one常用来代替可数名词,而that可车以代替不可数或抽象名词。5. Remember this, children. _ careful you are, _ mistakes you will make. We know, Miss Gao. A. The more, the more B. The fewer, the moreC. The more, the fewer D. The less, the less答案:C辨析:此题考查“the +比较级,+ the+比较级”表示“越,越”的用法。Mistakes是可数名词,前面要用few的比较级fewer。此题易误选D。6. The Huang He River is one of _ in China. A. The long river B. the longest river C. the longest rivers D. the longer river 答案:C辨析:在one of + 定冠词+最高级之后的名词应用复数形式。7. Jim is running _ Bruce. Theyre neck and neck. A. faster than B. as fast as C. as faster as D. more slowly than答案:B辨析:此题旨在考查两者程度相同的比较。由Theyre neck and neck.(他们齐头并进)可知“Jim和Bruce跑得一样快”。A项“比跑得快”与D项“比跑得慢”均与题意不符。C项as faster as结构有误。8. Tokyo is larger than _ in India. A. any other city B. any city C. another city D .other city答案:B辨析:注意比较级的比较对象,即不能与自身相比。 东京在日本,故可以排除与自身相比的可能性。如果题干改为Tokyo is larger than _ in Japan.则应选A项。即“东京比日本的任何其它城大”。“日本的任何城”包括“东京”,只能与“东京”之外的其它城相比较。9. I dont think English is _Chinese. A. as important as B. not important asC. not so important D. important as 答案:A辨析:think+宾语从句时,应采用否定主句的形式,如:中文讲,“我认为你不对”,英文应为:I dont think you are right. 所以不能选答案B。而C、D均为不正确的表达法。10. If you want to book a round-trip ticket, youll have to pay _$30. A. more B. other C. the other D. another 答案:D辨析:考查词义辨析。more意为“另外的;附加的”,常用在表示数量的词之后;another意为“又;再”,常用在数词之前;other, the other表示“泛指”与“特指”,与题意不符。


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