2019年高考英语 2.3 Cultural Corner Task课后强化作业 外研版必修5.doc

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2019年高考英语 2.3 Cultural Corner Task课后强化作业 外研版必修5.单词拼写1The measures will enable us to _(加倍)our output of bicycles this year.2The activity is for _(年轻人)between the ages of 10 and 16.3Daisy was a smart,goodlooking,17yearold girl with a lively _(性格)4_(健康)is a word that describes how well your body is able to handle physical activities.5She spends at least half of her _(休闲)in reading novels.6He is very much different from his drama roles and has an _(外向的)personality.7Within a few days,she has bee seriously ill,_(遭受)from great pain.8We travelled together,but each _(个人)bought his own ticket.9The local people still use _(传统的)farming methods which have been used for hundreds of years.10He made the _(要求)that she should leave the place at once.答案:1.double2.youngsters3.personality4.Fitness5.leisure6.outgoing7.suffering8.individual9.traditional10.demand.完成句子1优秀的毕业生总是供不应求的。Excellent graduates are always _.2很显然这些事件与两天前的谋杀案有关。Its obvious that these events _ the murder two days ago.3约翰认为在舞会上他很可能会遇到他十年未见的同学。John thought he _ his classmates _.4如果你患病,你可以请一天的假去看医生。If you _ an illness,you can _ to see a doctor.5老师要求我们要把娱乐和学习结合在一起。The teacher _ that we _ recreation _ our study.答案:1.in demand2.are related to3.was likely to meet;(whom) he had not seen for ten years4.suffer from;have a day off5.requires/demands;(should)bine;with.单项填空1All the students made a demand that they _ instructions in learning.Ashould give Bbe givenCcould give Dcould be given答案:B考查动词用法。demand表示“要求,需要”,无论是作名词还是动词用,后面加that从句时,要用虚拟语气“should动词原形”,其中should可以省略。句意:所有的学生一致要求在学习中得到指导。2Recently they were _ their fathers sudden death.Asuffered from Bsuffering fromCsuffered by Dsuffering in答案:B考查动词的相关用法。常用固定短语suffer from表示“遭受,忍受(之苦)”,注意suffer是不及物动词,没有被动语态,故根据句意和结构可知答案选B项。句意:最近他们一直沉浸在父亲突然离世的痛苦之中。3_ a recent survey,four million people die each year from diseases linked to smoking.AThanks to BOwing toCDue to DAccording to答案:DA、B、C三个选项意思都是“由于”,空格处的意思应该是“根据”。故选择D项。句意:根据最近的一项调查,每年有四百万人死于与吸烟有关的疾病。4The author raises some opinions here on several issues _ the topic.Arelate to Brelating toCrelated to Drelates to答案:C分析句子成分,可知空格处作定语,修饰issues,排除A、D项;relating to作后置定语,相当于about。根据短语be related to应选择C项。句意:围绕这个话题,该作者就有关的几个问题发表了一些看法。5“Neal,listen”,she said,looking straight at him.“I ask you not to get _ in this kind of matter.Its none of your business.”Acaught BinvolvedCattached Dconnected答案:B句意:“尼尔,听着,”她直盯着他说,“我要求你不要卷入这种事,跟你没关系。”get involved in sth.“卷入某事”;get caught in“被卡住”;be attached to sth.“喜欢,依恋某物”;be connected with“与有关系”。6I hear that Mary is _ to stay with us for a few days.Thats great.Amaybe BlikelyCpossible Dprobable答案:B考查词汇辨析。根据句意和结构可知应选likely,构成固定结构sth./sb.be likely to do sth.表示“很有可能”。句意:我听说玛丽有可能和我们在一起待几天。太好了。7The number of foreign students attending Chinese universities _rising steadily since 1990.Ais BareChas been Dhave been答案:C句意:自1990年以来,在中国上大学的外国留学生的数量一直稳步增加。“the number ofn.”作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式;由since 1990可知用完成时态,故选C项。8For a child to give up his less mature idea for a more sophisticated one, it requires that the child _ psychologically ready for the new idea.Ais BbeCwere Dwould be答案:B句意:对于一个放弃了不太成熟的想法而寻求比较复杂的想法的孩子来说,他在心理上应为新的想法做好准备。require表示“要求”,其宾语从句要用虚拟语气,谓语用“should动词原形”,should可以省掉。9My MP4 player isnt in my bag. Where _ I have put it?Acan BmustCshould Dwould答案:A此题考查can表示猜测时的用法。句意:我的MP4没有在我的书包里,我会把它放在哪里呢?表示可能性时,只有can可用于疑问句中。10Where is my dictionary? I remember I put it here yesterday.You _ it in the wrong place.Amust put Bshould have putCmight put Dmight have put答案:D此题考查may/might表示猜测时的用法。句意是“我的字典在哪儿呢?我记得昨天把它放在这儿了。”“你可能放错了地方。”这是对过去情况的猜测,所以要用might have done。.完形填空You have waited 45 minutes for the valuable 10 minutes break between classes. But when the bell for the next class rings, you cant _1_ how quickly time has passed.If you are familiar with this _2_, youll know how time files when you are having fun and _3_,when you are bored. Now scientists have _4_ a reason why this is the case.Scans have shown that patterns of activity in the brain _5_ according to how we focus on a task. When we are _6_, we concentrate more on how time is passing. And this makes our brains _7_ the clock is ticking more slowly.In an experiment _8_ by a French laboratory, 12 volunteers watched an image _9_ researchers monitored their brain activity.The volunteers were told to _10_ concentrate on how long an image appeared for, then _11_ the color of the image, and thirdly, study both duration and color. The result showed that _12_ was more active when the volunteers paid _13_ subjects.It is thought that if the brain is _14_ focusing on many aspects of a task, it has to _15_ its resources, and pays less attention to the clock. _16_, time passes without us really _17_ it, and seems to go quickly. If the brain is not so active, it concentrates its _18_ energies on monitoring the passing of time. _19_, time seems to drag.Next time you feel bored _20_, perhaps you should pay more attention to what the teacher is saying!我们经常会感到快乐的时光似火箭,飞速流逝;而无聊的日子如抽丝,痛苦且漫长。这到底是怎么回事呢?1A.guess BlearnCbelieve Ddoubt答案:Ccant believe体现出了对时间过得如此之快的惊讶与感叹。2A.view BpointCscene Didea答案:Cscene在此表示“场景,场面”。3A.drags BstopsCbacks Dgains答案:A根据文中倒数第二段的解释可得知答案。drag在此指“(时间)过得很慢”。4A.thought over Bmade upCsuggested De up with答案:De up with表示“提出”。5A.change BdevelopCgrow Dslow答案:A大脑的活动模式会根据我们对任务的注意力的不同而“改变”。6A.sleepy BboredCexcited Dactive答案:B联系上下文可知,人在比较厌烦或感到无事可做的时候,才会觉得时间过得很慢。7A.report BthinkCdecide Dsee答案:B时间过得慢只是人的一种看法。8A.produced BcarriedCtried Dperformed答案:Dperform“实施,进行”。9A.so BafterCwhile Dbut答案:Cwhile在此表示“在的过程中”。10A.partly BquicklyChow Dfirst答案:D根据后面的then, thirdly可知D项切题。11A.remember Bfocus onCforget Dtell apart答案:B根据上文的concentrate on可知B项正确。12A.the researchers Bthe experimentCthe clock Dthe brain答案:D研究人员监测的是“大脑活动”。13A.much attention to Bmore attention toCattention to many Dattention to more答案:D试验对象关注的项目越多,大脑越活跃,故D项切题。14A.busy BlikelyCready Dsure答案:Abe busy doing表示“忙于”。15A.focus BgatherCreach Dspread答案:D联系上下文可知,当大脑专注于一个任务的多个方面时,它的精力就会被分散。spread“分散”。16A.However BFurthermoreCTherefore DFinally答案:Ctherefore“因此,这样一来”,表示因果关系。17A.recognizing BwatchingCnoticing Dcounting答案:C根据seems to go quickly可知,时间在不知不觉中过去。notice“留意”,符合语境。18A.enough BfullCright Dproper答案:B大脑不太活跃时,大量的精力都放在了留意时间的流逝上。19A.In fact BAs a resultCFor example DInstead答案:Bas a result在此表示因果关系。20A.in class Bwith workCin mind Dof lessons答案:A由the teacher可知in class正确。.阅读理解I have a new hero. It is G. M. Hennen. I found him in the old newspapers as I was doing my research for the column A Look Back in History.In 1958, he retired as a newspaper carrier from the Sherman Herald Democrat. He was 77 years old and had delivered four million copies of the Democrat. He had gone through 17 automobiles and had thrown on average 400 newspapers a day, six days a week. He drove 100 miles a day, including the day he collected.Before he was a newspaper carrier, he was also a teacher and a construction worker.He opened the first motor delivery route in the newspapers history. Driving a Model T Ford, his route consisted of Pottsboro, Gordonville, Sadler and Southmayd. Before he started in delivery, he solicited(征求) subscriptions(订阅) riding horseback over the county.Mr Hennen had only one wreck in 30 years. The car spun(疲驶) out of control and flipped on its top. That didnt stop him. A man with a truck used a tow rope to flip the car back over and tied the doors shut, leaving Mr Hennen to continue on his way. Now_that_was_determination!Mr Hennen told of the time his headlights went out as he was delivering newspapers. He borrowed a kerosene lantern(煤油灯) from a farmer to light the way and continued his route.What a story! I plain when I have to drive to work when it is snowing, and I only have to travel three miles. I could never be that tough.1According to the second paragraph, how many newspapers did Mr Hennen throw a week?A1 600. B2 000.C2 400. D2 800.答案:C根据第二段第三句“.had thrown on average 400 newspapers a day, six days a week”可知,海恩每周投递2 400份报纸。2Which of the following jobs did Mr Hennen NOT serve as?AA newspaper carrier.BA teacher.CA construction worker.DA doctor.答案:D根据第三段可知,海恩先生做过教师、建筑工人和报纸投递员,只有D项文中没有涉及。3What does the underlined word “wreck” mean according to the fifth paragraph?ALuck. BSuccess.CFailure. DAccident.答案:D由本段后文的具体描述可知,此处指海恩先生出过的唯一一次事故,故选D项。4What do we learn from the underlined sentence?AMr Hennen was a successful worker.BMr Hennen was devoted to his job.CMr Hennen was not afraid of death.DMr Hennen was silly.答案:B作为一名报纸的投递员,30年的职业生涯里,海恩先生只出过一次事故,且在事故发生后,他锁上车门继续工作,故选B项。5What is the main idea of the text?AMr Hennen had several jobs.BMr Hennen was once faced with a wreck.CMr Hennen loved his newspaper carrying work.DMr Hennen had delivered four million copies of the Democrat.答案:C分析全文可知,海恩先生作为一个报纸的投递员,非常热爱自己的事业,故选C项。写一封求职信写作技巧求职信如同感谢信一样是书信的一种重要形式。求职信的篇幅不宜过长,除语气诚恳,言简意赅外,还应注意以下几点:1说明申请的具体理由。如见广告应征,熟人介绍,专业对口等。2概括本人的经历和特长,真诚地表明自已能胜任此项工作或职务。3最后一般要写上希望对方积极考虑,尽早答复或同意请求。4有时可加上附件说明你的基本情况。【常用的开头和结尾句式】1I have learned that you are looking for.and I would like to apply for the position.2I have learned from an advertisement that your pany is in need of.3The job sounds particularly interesting and it is the kind of work that I have wanted to do for quite a long time.4I have worked on. and I am used to working hard.5Im sure I will be able to do it well if I get the job/position.6I look forward to hearing from you soon.7Thank you for your consideration.I wish to get an answer soon.8I will appreciate it if I am offered the opportunity.9I will be grateful if I can get the job.10Im looking forward to your reply.【自我介绍时的注意事项和句式】在介绍自己的经历时,常用一般过去时,如:I once won the first prize in the school English contest.如果介绍目前的情况,要用一般现在时,如:I am fond of dealing with different people and have a good knowledge of English and puter.当然,如果描绘自己的未来,就用一般将来时。典题示例假定你是李华,将于今年七月从新星外语学校毕业。你从报纸上得知B&B公司要招聘一名英文秘书,你很感兴趣。请给该公司写一封求职信,包括下列要点:1年龄;2学习情况及英语水平;3兴趣和特长;4性格特点。注意:1.词数120左右;2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3开头语和结束语已为你写好。June 8Dear Sir/Madam,I learned from the newspaper that your pany needs an English secretary.Im looking forward to your reply.Sincerely yours,Li Hua【审题谋篇】1时态:这是一封求职信,内容主要介绍自己目前的情况,故以一般现在时为主,但若介绍自己的过去,要用一般过去时。2结构:以第一人称作自我介绍,注意上下文的衔接,不要前言不搭后语。【写作关键】1我对这个职位感兴趣,希望申请这个工作。对感兴趣_申请_2我擅长英语,尤其是英语口语。擅长_尤其_3另外,我经常使用电脑,非常熟悉电脑。另外_熟悉电脑_4最重要的是,我能与他人相处得很好,并且有合作的意识。与相处_有意识_【连句成篇】_参考答案:写作关键1be interested in./have an interest in.apply for2be good at/do well inespecially/in particular3whats more/besides/in additionhave a good knowledge of puter/know much about puter4get on/along withhave a sense of连句成篇June 8Dear Sir/Madam,I_learned_from_the_newspaper_that_your_pany_needs_an_English_secretary.Im really interested in this position and hope to apply for it and work for you.Im 18 years old and will be graduating from Xinxing Foreign Languages School this July.Im an excellent student,among the top 5 in my class of 50 students.English,especially spoken English,is what Im good at.Whats more,I often use the puter and have a good knowledge of it so I can type very fast.In my spare time,reading poems and listening to music are my favourites.Being an active young person,I am fond of sports and all kinds of outdoor activities.Above all,I can get along well with others and have a sense of cooperation.Im_looking_forward_to_your_reply.Sincerely yours,Li Hua

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