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2019-2020年八年级英语上册Unit7Willpeoplehaverobots(第6课时)SectionB(3a-Selfcheck)教案新人教版第六课时Section B (3a-Self Check)P55-56Teaching and Learning Goals:一、 话题:未来的生活 (Life in future)二、功能:能谈论对未来的预测(Make predictions)三、语法:1.能正确使用一般将来时谈论对未来的预测(future with will)2.能正确使用more,less, fewer表示数量 (Quantities with more, less, fewer)四、词汇和常用表达: 1.能正确使用下列词汇:probably, during, holiday, word2. .能正确使用下列常用表达:more friends, more money, less free time, fewer pets五、学习策略:1. 通过与一般现在时、一般过去时的对比学习一般将来时2.指导学生掌握写作方法与技巧六、文化: 1.追求梦想,畅想未来。 2.了解未来机器人的发展趋势。Teaching and Learning Steps:Pre-writing activities写前活动 Step: Teaching Aims 展示目标Tell the students the learning aims: to talk about the future and learn how to write life in the future.Step: Lead in:Talk about Marys life.1. Review Look at some pictures about Mary and talk about Marys life.Ten years ago: S: Ten years ago, Mary was a student.S: She went to school by bike.S:She lived in a small house.Now:S: Now Mary is a dancer.S:She goes to work by car.S: She lives in an apartment.In the future: S: In the future she will be an astronaut. S: She will fly rockets to the moon.S: She will live on a space station. T:Mary will probably keep a pet dog on the space station. T: She will take her dog to another planet for a holiday. T: During the holiday, she will make a new friend.(利用图片的形式让学生描述玛丽过去、现在及未来的生活,复习了本单元出现的重点词汇,并拓展probably, holiday, during三个新词汇。)2. Show a picture about Dream Show of China. Let students watch a video. (可以给学生播放一段“中国梦想秀”之“梦想盛典”视频) (设计意图:给学生看一段“中国梦想秀”之“梦想盛典”视频,让学生看到一些残疾青年的励志梦想。再引导学生谈论自己对未来的畅想。与此同时复习并巩固了本单元句型。目的是激活学生头脑中和写作话题相关的内容,为接下来形成一篇文章做好铺垫。)3. Ask the Ss to try to fill in the blanks. In the future, I think I_ _ a pilot. Ill _ in Beijing, because my parents work in Beijing. I want to live with them. I _ _ in a large _. As a pilot, I can have a few days off every month. I think I_ _ some plants in my apartment. There _ _ a park near my home. Ill _ a walk after supper. I like chess, so I can also _ chess with my friends in the park. 4. Check the answers. Then ask the Ss to read the whole passage for consolidation.Answers: will be; work; will live; apartment; will keep; will be; take have; play (设计意图:引导学生形成文章意识,然后再鼓励他们去朗读,进行语言的输入,为输出做好积累,为接下来的写作练习做好准备。)Step : Consolidation: plete the passage in 3a on P 55. 1. First ask the students to read Jills answers to the question “What will your life be like in the future?” and the words in the box. Then try to read the passage quickly. (让学生了解文章主题并阅读备选单词,明白每个单词的意思;阅读并整体把握短文大意。)2. Read the passage carefully, try to fill in the blanks.(分析有空格的每个句子,根据句意及上下文意思来判断每个空格应填的词。)3. Read again and check the answers.( 再通读一遍短文,看是否通顺合理。)4. Have the Ss check their answers with their partners first. Then choose several Ss to show their answers blank by blank.(Answers: live, more, meet, fewer, less, keep, wear, look, work, take)5. Give the students some time to read the pleted passage.(帮助学生大声读出完整的段落,可以积累有用的语句,提高语感。)6. Mind mapping 话题思维导图T: Look at the mind mapping, try to retell Jills life in 20 years.S: In 20 years, Jill will be a newspaper reporter. He will live in Shanghai. He will have more friends and(设计意图:通过思维导图的方式,分析范文文体结构,帮助学生理清文章脉络,为下面的写作打下基础。)Step Talk about the Ss own life in 20 years. Work on 3b on P55.Show the mind capping. Let the students try to add more items in 3b. (设计意图:再次用思维导图的形式引导学生关注3b中列出的内容,让学生思考关于该话题还可以写那些内容,进一步拓展3b中的项目,为话题写作拓宽思路。)While-writing activities写中活动Step Practice: Write the Ss own life in 20 years. Work on 3c on P55.1.Write an outline拟定提纲Help the Ss make sure the position must include the following things before they start to write their own life in 20 years.In 20 years I will beI will work in I will work by buscarsubways .I will live in I will have (friendspetsfree time)I will wear There will be aan in my neighborhood.I like So I will (老师和学生一起学习写作要求和主要内容,引导学生关注篇章结构和语篇标记词汇,帮助学生整理写作信息。程度稍差的同学可以根据提纲直接补充内容。同时还要鼓励有能力的学生创新思维,丰富写作内涵。)2.Write the first draft起草初稿T: I will give you several minutes to write your own life in 20 years down.3. Revise the first draft修改初稿After all the students finish writing, first check the position with all the students according to the following evaluation scale.In 20 years what will you be ?Where will you work ?How will you work?Where will you live?Will you have morefewerless friendspetsfree time?Will you wear smart clothes during the work?How will your neighborhood be?Whats your hobby? What will you do?Choose several students to evaluate the position item by item in the evaluation scale.4. Ask the Ss to check their own positions according to the above evaluation scale. (设计意图:提供具体评价标准,引导学生对照写作要求反思自己的作品,发现问题解决问题,有助于学生提高书面表达中的语言准确性,培养了学生通过自己独立思考,来解决问题的能力。)Post-writing activities写后活动Step Make ments on the Ss own life in 20 years.1. Presentation and evaluation典型展示,师生评价T: Lets see two positions of you together. (利用投影仪展示学生作文)Students listen carefully and prepare for answering the teachers questions later on.(设计意图:通过投影展示,点评两位学生的作文,可选一个优秀学生的作文和一个基础一般的学生的作文。教师详细点评两篇作文的篇章结构和句法功能。目的是使学生尽力领会教师对文章的点评,培养学生选词和用词的能力,指导学生多模仿好文章的优点,并能及时纠正自己文章中出现的错误。)2. Students mutual evaluation 生生互评T: Now lets check your partners position.(设计意图:同学们在互评时,共同解决评改中的难题,探究写作经验,交流写作心得,分享感受,取长补短。通过学生互评作文,培养学生主动探究、团结协作、勇于创新的精神,促进相互了解和合作,共同提高写作水平。)Step Discuss how you think a robot will help students with schoolwork in the future. Write down your groups ideas and draw a picture of your robot. P561. I think students wont need dictionaries because a robot will tell the meanings of words. Self Check P56 1. Put the words in the correct columns in the chart. (本题是考查学生对more, less, fewer 表示数量的用法的正确使用。让学生独立将方框中单词进行分类。核对答案时,让他们回顾more, less, fewer的用法。同时可以让学生用方框里的单词造句。)Answers: morefewer: job, people, robot, planet, car, city, building, treemoreless: pollution, fresh water, paper, clean air, free time, money2. Let the students read the conversation in self check 2. And fill in the blanks in the conversation. Then ask the students to practice the conversation in pairs.Answers: be, like, will, Will, can, there, be, willStep SummaryT: I hope everyone has your own dream. If you work harder, your dream will be e true.(呼吁每位学生都要追求自己的梦想。鼓励学生为了梦想,努力学习。)Step Homework1. Retell 3a on P55.2. Write a passage about your dream in the future.Blackboard Design亮点:1.利用本单元基本句型对未来生活展开讨论,帮助学生收集写作信息,为写作能力的提升打好基础。2.通过观看大家比较熟悉的“中国梦想秀”视频,谈论关于梦想的话题。既激发学生的学习兴趣,又给学生输入与写作相关的信息。3.对于3a 的处理比较详细,引导学生通读短文掌握大意,再根据上下文选词填空,然后提出问题帮助学生理清文章脉络,为学生仿写打下了基础。4. 本堂课教师发挥指导监督作用,给予学生较宽松的理解和思维空间。拟订的提纲比较详细,让程度差的学生也能够依据提示完整的写出自己的未来生活。5. 本堂课以思维导图为主线,培养学生利用思维导图进行写作的能力。写作情境真实,让学生小组活动讨论自己未来的生活,由于学生语言储备不足,为学生提供相关信息。6.本节课从3a填词补全范文,到3b列提纲整理信息,写句子或语段。再到3c完整地输出语篇。采用写前,写中,写后的过程性写作模式,帮助学生用英语构思,遵循了由易到难、循序渐进的原则,符合学生的认知规律。不足之处:由于学生语言储备不足,写作内容不够丰富。使用建议: 1.使用多媒体进行辅助教学。给学生播放“中国梦想秀”视频,教育学生努力奋斗,追求梦想。2.时间不足,可把Self Check为选做环节。

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