2019-2020年八年级英语Unit 5 Feeling happy(V).doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语Unit 5 Feeling happy(V)Section A 需用12个课时。重点活动是1a和2。教学目标:1.学习描述身体感觉的句子。2.继续学习表达对他人关心和建议的句子。3.复习表达个人情感的句子。教学过程:第一步: 复习教师叫一个学生站起来扮演一个生病的学生,进行师生对话,复习打电话及询问病情的语言。Teacher: Hello! May I speak to Li Ming?Student: Hello! This is Li Ming speaking.Teacher: Whats wrong with you?Student: I have a cold.Teacher: Oh, Im sorry to hear that. Dont worry! Take a good rest.Student: Thanks a lot.第二步:呈现1.放录音1a,请学生听录音回答下列问题: Is Michael feeling better? What is he worried about? Does he like ginger soup?教师将句子写在投影片或黑板上,在放录音前展示给学生,让学生带着问题去听1a。2.让学生打开课本,跟读刚才所听对话,检查答案,然后由教师给出答案供学生参考。3.再读对话,划出其中的生词,教学生词:tense, injection, ginger, soup, bitter, test, take it easy。接着学生跟录音读单词,然后教师点拨重点、难点,教师在黑板上写出这些重点句子:It makes me so tense.The nurse there makes me nervous.make+宾语+形容词,使某人或物保持某种状态Calm down!And medicine tastes so bitter.第三步:巩固1.再放一遍录音,完成1b。2.让学生跟录音读课文,熟记重点,然后分角色扮演活动。3.让学生做1c,比一比看谁做得快。完成后让他们举手读出他们所写单词,评比谁写得最好最完整。第四步:练习1.放录音2,让学生跟读,同时找出重点、难点的句子。2.教师把这些句子板书在黑板上。Some programs on TV make me want to sleep.If we have time, well e over to see you again.Im nervous about the test at the the end of the month.Take it easy.Jim can play instead of you.instead of 代替、替换3.每四人一组,分角色扮演。4.学生用自已的语言复述1a,2的内容。第五步:综合探究活动1.听录音3完成练习,学习“恐惧”与“安慰”的情感表达。2.给学生创设一个情景:假设班里的一位同学病了,没有上学。(学生可任选一位同学)别的三或四位同学相约去看他(她)。自由发挥,编写一段含有询问病情及安慰和建议的对话。Section ASection A needs 12 periods.The main activities are 1a and 2.Teaching aims and demands:1.Learn how to describe the feelings of body.2.Continue to learn how to express care and suggestions.3.Review the sentences about feelings.Teaching procedure:Step 1 ReviewSuppose a sick student is absent, the teacher asks one student to act as him, then make a dialog.Teacher: Hello! May I speak to Li Ming?Student: Hello! This is Li Ming speaking.Teacher: Whats wrong with you ?Student: I have a cold.Teacher: Oh, Im sorry to hear that. Dont worry! Take a good rest.Student: Thanks a lot.Step 2 Presentation1.Listen to 1a and answer the following questions: Is Michael feeling better? What is he worried about? Does he like ginger soup?First the teacher writes down the questions on the flashcard or blackboard, and shows them to the students. Then let the students listen to 1a with these questions.2.Students open the books. Listen to 1a and read it. Check their answers. Then the teacher gives the right answers.3.Read 1a again and find new words. The teacher writes down the new words on the blackboard: tense, injection, ginger, soup, bitter, test, take it easy. Then the students read them after the tape and the teacher explains the new words and language points:It makes me so tense.The nurse there makes me nervous.make+object+adj.Calm down!And medicine tastes so bitter.Step 3 Consolidation1.Listen to 1a again. Finish 1b.2.Let the students read after the tape. Remember the main sentences and act it out.3.Finish 1c. Then read their words and find out who is the best.Step 4 Practice1.Listen to 2.Let the students read after it and find out the main sentences. 2.The teacher writes down these sentences on the blackboard.Some programs on TV make me want to sleep.If we have time, well e over to see you again.Im nervous about the test at the end of the month.Jim can play instead of you.instead of 代替、替换3.Role play (Four in one group).4.Ask the students to retell 1a and 2 with their own words.Step 5 Project1.Listen to 3 and plete the exercises. Learn how to express care, fear and reassurance.2.Suppose Xiao Ming (It may be another student.) was ill. He didnt go to school, and the other three or four students went to visit him. Make up a dialog about illness, reassurance and suggestion.Section BSection B需用12个课时。重点活动是1和3。教学目标:1.描述事物影响情感变化。2.复习表示情感的形容词。3.能听懂谈论个人情感的话题,获取主要信息。教学过程:第一步:复习1.请学生表演自己完成的上一节课的活动作品,教师进行点评。2.复习一上节课的重点句型:make+object+adj.Teacher:We are afraid of catching SARS, because.Students:It makes us so tense.Teacher:Michael hates to go to the hospital, because.Students:The nurse there makes him nervous.第二步:呈现1.放录音完成下列表格。(找出与疾病或健康有关的情感形容词。)IllnessHealth2.让学生快速阅读1,师生共同检查答案,同时划出生词。3.教学这些生词,并由教师板书在黑板上,然后点拨重难点。make our feelings changemake him or her get well soon第三步:巩固1.听录音1,学生跟读。2.让学生和磁带齐读,尽量熟记。3.放录音2,完成2。第四步:练习1.放录音3,完成下列问题。What can affect peoples mood in the girls opinion?What can affect peoples mood in Mr. Lees opinion?What can affect peoples mood in the boys opinion?2.打开课本,让学生阅读3,核对答案,教师点评。3.师生一起共同找出生词,教师教学生词:affect, asleep, fall asleep, on the way home, suddenly, speech, give a speech第五步:综合探究活动1.完成4。2.你认为什么会影响你的心情,根据自己的实际情况,仿照3写一段话。Section BSection B needs 12 periods.The main activities are 1 and 3.Teaching aims and demands:1.Describe how the things affect feelings.2.Review the adjectives about feelings.3.Make sure the students can understand the topic about peoples feeling, and get imformation from the reading materials.Teaching procedure:Step 1 Review1. Let some students give a report on the project they finished last period. The teacher gives some suggestions.2.Review the main language: make +object + adj.Teacher: We are afraid of catching SARS, because.Student: It makes us so tense.Teacher: Michael hates to go to the hostital ,because.Student: The nurse there makes him nervous.Step 2 Presentation1.Listen to 1.Fill in the following chart. (Find out adjective about illness or health.)IllnessHealth2. Let the students read 1 quickly. The teacher helps the students check their answers, and find out the new words. Then writes them on the blackboard.3.Learn these words, then the teacher explains the main points.make our feelings changemake him or her get well soon Step 3 Consolidation1.Listen to 1.Let the students read after it.2.Let the students read with the tape together.3.Listen to 2.Finish 2.Step 4 Practice1.Listen to 3,finish the following questions.What can affect peoples mood in the girls opinion?What can affect peoples mood in Mr. Lees opinion?What can affect peoples mood in the boys opinion?2.Open the book, let the students check their answers. 3.Let the students find out the new words. Learn them from the teacher: affect, asleep, fall asleep, on the way home, suddenly, speech, give a speech.Step 5 Project1.Finish 4.2.What do you think can affect your feelings? Write a passage like 3.Section CSection C需用1个课时。重点活动是1a,2和3。教学目标:1.谈论颜色和心情的关系。2.由听说能力逐渐提高到阅读和写作能力。3.学会从阅读短文中获取相关信息。4.总结句型make+object+adj./v.教学过程:第一步:复习1.教师让学生轮流汇报上节课活动作品,师生共同点评。2.教师指着身上衣服(教师可特意穿上一件颜色亮的衣服去上课):Teacher: What color is my coat?Student: Its red/orange.Teacher: Do you know why I wear this coat?Student: Why?Teacher: Because I am very happy today.第二步:呈现1.学生快速阅读课文1a,完成1b。2.再认真读一遍课文,找出课文中的关键词。sad,dark-colored,happy,bright-colored,choice,feelings,different colors,change,examples第三步:巩固1.学生利用板书中的关键词,对短文进行口头复述。2.综合同学的复述,以小组为单位进行讨论,然后用书面形式写下来。第四步:练习1.复习前面的重点句型make +object +adj./v.2.巩固1a的句型并完成2。3.看着例句,尽可能多地造句,然后分小组检查,推出较好的在全班展示。第五步:综合探究活动1.分小组先讨论一下身边的事物怎样影响人的心情,然后完成3。2.做一个调查。六人一组去采访周围的人,有哪些事物影响他们的心情?会有哪些后果?然后在下一节课把成果向全班汇报。A Survey ThingsHow will people feel?Section CSection C needs 1 period.The main activities are 1a,2 and 3.Teaching aims and demands:1.Talk about the relation between colors and feelings.2.Improve the students listening, speaking to reading and writing skills.3.Learn how to get information from the passage. 4.Sum up “make + object + adj./v.”.Teaching procedure:Step 1 Review1.The students take turns to give a report on the project of the last period.2.The teacher points to his/her coat and asks,Teacher: What color is my coat?Student: Its red /orange.Teacher: Do you know why I wear this coat?Student: Why?Teacher: Because I am very happy today.Step 2 Presentation1.The students read 1a quickly. Finish 1b.2.Read 1a again and find out some key words:sad, dark-colored, happy, bright-colored, choice, feelings, different colors, change, examplesStep 3 Consolidation1.Let the students retell 1a according to the above words.2.Discuss it in groups, then rewrite it with their own words.Step 4 Practice1.Review the main language: make + object + adj./v.2.Consolidate this kind of sentence and finish 2.3.Look at the examples and make sentences as many as possible.Then check it with each other, show the best one in class.Step 5 Project1.Divide the class into several groups. Discuss how things affect peoples mood, then finish 3.2.Make a survey.Interview people around you (six in one group).What things can affect their feelings? How do they feel? Then give a report in the next period.A Survey ThingsHow will people feel?Section DSection D 需用1 个课时。重点活动是1a,1b和3。教学目标:1.能读懂关于情感方面的说明文等文体的材料。2.归纳、复习Topic 3的语言知识。3.培养学生听说读写的综合能力。教学过程:第一步:复习1.复习所学过的关于情感的词汇。Teacher: How many words can you say about feelings?Student: Happy, sad, worried.2.汇报上节课的调查结果,教师点评。第二步:呈现1.让学生阅读1a,划出生词。同时由教师把生词板书在黑板上。2.教学生词:spirit, relaxed, thought, think over, decision, sense, safety3.让学生再读一遍1a,根据内容判断正误。Playing sports can help you relax.You neednt do anything when you are in a bad mood.You can get help from Internet.Drink more wine when you feel sad.第三步: 巩固1.小组活动,完成1b。2.要点回顾,完成2a和2b。第四步:练习补充一些相关的习题,复习和巩固2a的内容。翻译下列短语:太阳出来了,它让我感觉很温暖。他的错误令他自己很生气。她总是让我发笑。这衣服我穿着显胖。第五步:综合探究活动1.把班里的学生分成两大组(A和B),分别在黑板上写出表示情感的形容词,比一比哪组最好最完整。2.A、B两组相互交换,在相应的单词下面画出相应的脸谱。3.擦去所有的单词,各组挑选出一位同学,看脸谱轮流进行双人对话.A1:How does he feel?B1:He is happy.A2:How does she feel?B2:She feels sad.A3:.B3:.教学评估:听写Jane is ill. Her mother asks her to follow the doctors advice take some Chinese medicine soup. Her expression is terrible because it tastes very bitter. She doesnt want to drink any more. Suddenly she sees her mum smiling to her. So she changes her mind and makes a decision. She drinks it up in one breath.Section DSection D needs 1 period.The main activities are 1a,1b and 3.Teaching aims and demands:1.Read and understand the material about feelings.2.Summarize and review the language points in Topic 3.3.Improve the students- abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.Teaching procedure:Step 1 Review1.Review all the words about feelings. Make a dialog between the teacher and the student.Teacher: How many words can you say about feeling?Student: Happy, sad, worried.2.Let the students give a report they have finished in last period.Step 2 Presentation1.Read 1a quickly and find out the new words.2.Learn the new words: spirit, relaxed, thought, think over, decision, sense, safety3.Read 1a again. Mark true or false according to 1a.Playing sports can help you relax.You neednt do anything when you are in a bad mood.You can get help from Internet.Drink more wine when you feel sad.4.The teacher explains the text and check the answers.Step3 Consolidation1.Group work. Finish 1b.2.Sum up the main points in this topic. Finish 2a.Step 4 PracticeReview and consolidate the contents in 2a and supplement some relative exercises.Translate these Chinese into English.太阳出来了,它让我感觉很温暖。他的错误令他自己很生气。她总是让我发笑。这衣服我穿着显胖。Step 5 Project1.Divide the class into two groups(A and B).Let them write down the words of feelings.2.One group draws the masks under the other groups words.3.Clean all the words. Ask a student from each group to make dialogs with these masks.For example:A1:How does he feel?B1:He is happy.A2:How does she feel?B2:She feels sad.A3:.B3:.Teaching assessment:DictationJane is ill. Her mother asks her to follow the doctors advice and take Chinese some medicine soup. Her expression is terrible because it tastes very bitter. Suddenly she sees her mum smiling to her. So she changes her mind and makes a decision. She drinks it up in one breath.四、相关语言知识材料1.How are you doing?(page 1)此句常用于口语中,相当于How are you?2.That is one of my favorite movies. (Page 1)那是我最喜爱的电影之一。one of + n.(pl.)其中之一3.My parents said you could spend the evening at our house.(Page 1)我父母说你们晚上可以在我们家玩。4.How nice!(Page 2)真是太好了!此句是感叹句,结构为:How +adj./adv.!此外还有:What + a/an+形容词+单数名词!如:What a big apple! 这苹果真大!What an interesting book!多有趣的书!What+形容词+不可数名词!如:What nice music! 多美的音乐!What+形容词+复数名词!如:What moving plays! 多么感人的戏剧呀!5.I want to go but I have no tickets.(Page 2)我想去但没有票了。6.Because he cant get a ticket to The Sound of Music.(Page 3)因为他买不到音乐之声的票。a ticket to. 译为“的票”类似的用法有:the way to.the key to .the answer to.7.I think Mr. Lee likes it very much and really wishes to watch it.(Page3)我认为李老师非常喜欢它而且的确想去看。wish to do sth. 想做某事如:I wish to make a plaint. 我想投诉。wish 与want 比较:在两者都可以用的句子中,wish 比want 听起来正式得多。在会话中可说:I want to write to him but I dont know his address.我想给他写信,可是不知道他的地址。但正式场合则说:You may leave if you wish.你想走就走吧。wish 与hope 比较:wish 和hope 均与that 引导的从句连用,然而从句中的动词时态却通常不同。如:I hope (that) you will be happy.我希望你会幸福。I wish (that) you could be happy. 我祝愿你幸福。8.Because a player from their country won a medal.(Page 3)因为来自他们国家的运动员赢得了一枚奖章。from their country 介词短语修饰前面的名词a player,作后置定语。9.I have prepared four places. (Page 4)我已经准备了四个位置。此处用了现在完成时,其结构是:主语+have +动词的过去分词。10.Did Michaels mother sound worried? (Page 4)迈克尔的母亲听起来很着急吗?11.She said that Mr. Lee could use their tickes. (Page 4)她说李老师可以用他们的票。12.She went to care for a family with seven children.(Page 5)她去照管一个有七个小孩的家庭。13.They were happy to be with each other on the ship called Titanic.(Page 6)他们在被称为“泰坦尼克号”船上幸福地在一起。14.She couldnt find him.(Page 6)她找不到她的儿子了。15.It came into being after 1790 when the famous four Anhui opera troupes came to Beijing.(Page 7)在1790年四大徽班进京之后京剧就形成了。 16.Its full of famous stories, beautiful facial paintings, wonderful gestures and fighting.(Page7)京剧里面有许多著名的故事,漂亮的脸谱,引人入胜的动作手势和打斗场面。17. I dont know what to do.(Page 9)我不知道该怎么办好。“what to do”在这里是含有疑问词的不定式作宾语,这种形式相当于一个宾语从句“what I should do”。对于其它含有疑问词的宾语从句我们也可简化为不定式。如:Could you tell me how I can get there?可简化为:Could you tell me how to get there?你能告诉我如何到那儿吗?18.It is important to talk to someone else.(Page 11)跟人交流很重要。“It is +adj.+ to do”.这里的“it”是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式。英语中当主语很长的时候,为了避免头重脚轻,往往找一个形式主语放在句首。如:It is right to keep happy all the time.总是保持快乐的心情是对的。It is important to wear suitable clothes on different occasions.在不同的场合穿得体的衣服很重要。19.I would really like someone to be my friend, but I dont know how to get other studnets to talk with me. (Page 11)我真的很想和别人交朋友,但是我不知道怎样让她跟我交谈。20.I never feel bored to stay with her. (Page 11)跟她在一起时,我从来都不会感到烦恼。“to stay with her ”这一不定式在这里作状语,其它常用的句子。如:Im sorry to hear that. 听到这个消息我感到很遗憾。Were happy to see eath other.我们很高兴见到对方。21.It usually takes me a long time to bee happy again.(Page 12)我重新高兴起来需要很长时间。“It takes sb. some time to do sth.”是一个固定句型,表示“做某事需要花费某人多长时间”。如:It takes me about 20 minutes to walk to school.我步行到学校需要大约20分钟的时间。22.We wish to give them a hand. (Page 12)我们希望帮他们。“give sb. a hand”等于“help sb.”,帮助某人、帮某人的忙。23.It is normal to feel sad when something bad happens to us.(Page 12)当我们有不开心事情的时候,难过是正常的。24.How time flies!(Page 13) 光阴似箭!How time flies! 是How quickly the time flies!的简单形式。口语中习惯用How time flies! 来表示时间飞逝而过。25.How I wish to stay with you!(Page 13)我多么希望能和你呆在一起呀!how在句中表示惊奇、高兴等语气。如:How kind of you to help! 你来帮忙真是太好了!26.I have so many problems in this new city.(Page 13)在这座陌生的城市里,我有许多的问题。so “很、极”如:We have so much to do.我们有很多事要做。The girls looked so pretty in their summer dresses.姑娘们穿上夏天的连衣裙看着漂亮极了。 27.The roads here are not as clean as those in our hometown.这里的路没有我们家乡的路干净。(Page 13)as.as用于同级比较,译为“象一样,如同”。如:He was as white as a sheet. 他脸跟纸一样白。(他面无血色。)I havent known him as long as you (=as you have known him).我认识他的时间没有你认识的长。28. I try to join in activities of many kinds. But no one wants to be my partner.(Page 13)我试图参加许多活动,但没人做我的搭档。句中的activities of many kinds =many kinds of activitiesno one=nobody 在句中作主语时,谓语动词要用单数。如:No one knows what to say. 谁也不知道该说什么。29.It is normal to feel angry when you have lost someone who is imprtant to you.(Page 15)当你失去对你来说很重要的人的时候,你感到生气是正常的。be important to sb. 对某人来说是很重要的如:Happiness was the only thing that was important to Wendy.对温迪来说,快乐是唯一重要的东西。30.The only thing he ever talks about is money. (Page 16)他谈到的唯一事情就是金钱。the only thing在句中作主语,he ever talks about 作only thing的后置定语。如:The girl I just talked with is Maria. 刚才和我说话的那个女孩是玛丽亚。31.I heard you had a bad cold.(Page 17)我听说你得了重感冒。在此you had a bad cold 是heard的宾语从句,heard 后面省略了that,注意与hear sb. do sth. 的区别。如:I heard you sing in the next room yesterday.昨天我听见你在隔壁(房间)唱歌。32.Im afraid of getting injections.(Page 17) 我害怕打针。be afraid of doing sth.害怕做某事33.Some programs on TV make me want to sleep.(Page 18)电视上的一些节目令我想睡觉。make sb. do sth. 使人做某事如:She always makes me laugh.她总是让我发笑。34.I missed a lot of lessons.(Page 18)我耽误了很多功课。35.We can take turns to help you with your lessons. (Page 18)在功课方面我们会轮流帮助你。take turns to do sth. 轮流做某事The students take turns to answer the questions.学生们轮流回答问题。36.If we stay angry for too long, well be ill.(Page 19)假如我们太长时间生气,就会导致疾病。stay 此处是连系动词,意为“保持、维持”如:Its going to stay cold for the next few days. 在以后的几天里,天气仍将寒冷。37.So lets plan a surprise for Michael! We can make masks with different expressions.(Page 19)那么让我们给迈克尔一个惊喜吧!我们可以制作不同表情的面具。38.Then we can put on a short play, just as we do in the English corner.(Page 19)那么我们可以表演一个短剧,就像我们在英语角表演的那样。39.You see a snake lying across the road.(Page 20)你看见一条蛇正盘踞在路上。see sb. doing sth. 看见某人正在做某事如:I see you writing. 我看见你在写字。40.Our choice of color shows how we are feeling. (Page 21)我们对颜色的选择反映出我们的心境如何。41.If we arent feeling our best, we can always try out some clothes of different colors.如果我们感觉不是最佳状态,我们可以不断地试穿不同颜色的衣服。try out sth.试用,试验,检验 如:Jamie could hardly wait to try out his new bike.杰米迫不及待地想试一下他那辆新自行车。42.If we are in good health, we can work in high spirits.(Page 23)假如我们身体好的话,我们就能情绪高昂地工作。43.Playing sports is a good way to help you be more relaxed.(Page 23)运动是一种有助于你更为放松的好方法。

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