2019-2020年八年级英语Unit 2 Playing sports-Topic 3(4).doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语Unit 2 Playing sports-Topic 3(4)The main activity is 1a. 本课的重点活动是1a。. Teaching aims and demands教学目标1. Learn these words and phrases: modern, fast, ring, ring . up, symbol, least, at least2. Review and summarize the Simple Future Tense.3. Go on learning something about the Olympics. Teaching aids教具图片/多媒体图片/录音机. Five-finger Teaching Plan五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习 (时间:15分钟)1.(用图片复习旧课,导入新课。)(图片1,中国第一次参加奥运会。)T: When did China take part in the Olympics for the first time?Ss: In 1952 China took part in the Olympics for the first time.(板书)take part in the Olympics for the first time(展示许海峰在奥运赛场上举枪射击的图片。)T: Who won the first gold medal in the Olympics in the history of China?Ss: Xu Haifeng.(展示李宁在奥运领奖台上胸佩三枚金牌的图片。)T: How many gold medals did Li Ning win?Ss: He won three gold medals.(板书)28 gold medalsT: When did we get 28 gold medals?Ss: We got 28 gold medals in the xx Sydney Olympics.(板书)32 gold medalsT: When did we get 32 gold medals?Ss: We got 32 gold medals in the xx Athens Olympics.(展示悉尼奥运会吉祥物,图下要有时间和地点“xx Sydney”。)T: Which Olympics mascots are these?Ss: These are Sydney Olympics mascot.(展示雅典奥运会吉祥物,图下要有时间和地点 “xx Athens”。)T: Which Olympics mascots are these?Ss: These are Athens Olympics mascots.(展示福娃的图片。)T: Which Olympics mascots are these?Ss: These are Beijing Olympics mascots.(要求同学们根据黑板上提示的词组,复述Section C 1a部分。)Ss: The Peoples Republic of China in 1952. Xu Haifeng won in 1984 Los Angeles China got 28 and 32 gold medals, in Beijing will host T: So we know Beijing will host the xx Olympics. What will Beijing city be like?Ss: There will be more roads.Ss: There will be more visitors.Ss:T: Then what should we do for the Olympics?Ss: We should build up our bodies.Ss: We should improve our environment.Ss: (展示奥运会五环旗。)T: What flag is it?Ss: Its the Olympics flag.T: How many rings are there?Ss: There are five.T: What colors are the rings?Ss: They are red, yellow, blue, green and black.2.(导入新课)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现 (时间:9分钟)1.T: Today, we are going to learn more about the Olympics. Do you want to know?Ss: Yes.T:OK. Please listen to the tape and answer my questions.(板书问句,让学生带着问题去听1a的录音。)(1)What is the motto of the Olympic Games?(2)What is the Symbol of the Olympic Games?(3)What are the colors of the rings?T: Now, please check your answers.(板书)(1)Faster, Higher, Stronger.(2) the Olympic rings.(3) Red, yellow, blue, green and black.T: Good! Now, please listen again. Try to remember the passage in your mind.2.(听完之后根据关键词复述文段。)T: Now, please retell the passage. You can look at the key words here on the blackboard. Please hands up!S1: The modern Olympics started in Athens, Greece in 1896. Its motto is S2:The modern T: Very good! Please open your books. Turn to page 23. Fill in the blanks in 1a.Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固 (时间:6分钟)1. (学生阅读1a后完成1b。)T: Now, please look at 1b. plete the reading notes by yourselves.T: What do the five rings stand for?Ss: The five parts of the world.2. (老师引导学生用“will”来复习一般将来时, 同时要求回答时用上“maybe, perhaps”。)T: Excellent! Now, suppose we will have a seven-day holiday next week. Talk about what you will do in groups of four.S1: Maybe I will go to Beijing.S2: Maybe I will go to Shanghai.S3: Perhaps I will go and see my parents.S4:I will go to Dalian.(每组选一名学生介绍他们这一组成员的打算。)S1:S2 will go to S3 will go to S4 will go to and I will go to S5:3. (通过对话复习含will的将来时,教师可以找一个学生来做示范。)T: Suppose we will go to the Olympic Village. Make a telephone call to ask your good friends to go with us.Hello, is that speaking?S6: Speaking.T:S6, will you go to the Olympic Village with me this Saturday?S6:Id love to, but Im afraid I have to go to the zoo with my parents.T: What a pity! See you.S6: See you.S7:Hello, is that speaking?S8: Speaking.S7:S8,would you like to go to the Olympic Village with me this Saturday?S8:Good idea! When shall we meet?S7:Lets make it S8:OK. Where shall we meet?S7:Lets meet S8:OK. See you then.S7: See you.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习 (时间:7分钟)(由于be fond of是新词组,在学生们做练习的时候,将其作为板书。)be fond ofT: Since Beijing will host the xx Olympics; we should do more exercise and learn English well. Please finish 3 by yourselves. S1, please read the first sentence.S1: Maria always does morning exercises to keep fit.T: S2, Sentence 2.S2: The Olympics are in Beijing in xx.T: S3, Sentence 3.S3: Michael goes bicycling twice a month.T: S4, Sentence 4.S4:In summer, we often go swimming.T: S5, Sentence 5.S5: Jane is very fond of sports.T: Now, please read these five sentences in pairs.Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动 (时间:8分钟)1.T: Look at 4. This is a song about Olympics. Can you sing this song?Ss: No, we cant.T: Now, please listen to the tape.(放录音。)T: Does it sound great?Ss: Yeah.T: Now, enjoy yourselves. You can sing after the tape.(放录音,让学生跟唱几遍。)T: Now, lets sing this song together.(估计时间还有2分钟时停下。)T: Stop, please! Just now we sang the Olympics song. Now, suppose we go and see the Olympic Village, what will you see and how will you feel? Talk about it in pairs.S1:In the Olympic Village, I will see a lot of trees and grass. I will see lots of foreigners. I will see the symbol of the Olympics, the motto of the Olympics and the mascots of the Olympics.S2: Me, too. And I will see my favorite basketball player, Yao Ming. I will feel very happy 2.Homework(汉语布置):根据上面的谈论内容用will写一篇短文,可以这样开始:This Saturday, I will go to the Olympic Village with my classmates. In the Olympic Village, I will see

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