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2019-2020年七年级英语下册Unit3HowdoyougettoschoolPart6SelfCheck同步练习新版人教新目标版一、读音标,写单词。1 /bs/evri/vld/ bus every villager 2 /rad/eti/mnt/ ride eighty minute 3 /tren/sksti/sevnti/ train sixty seventy 4 /k/fred/klmit/ car afraid kilometer 5 /liv/meni/nanti/ leave many ninety 二、单元语法过关。( C )1Every day, Mike _ the river to school, but he isnt afraid.Acrossed Bacross Ccrosses Dcrossing( B )2Jack is only _, but he is a famous singer.A13-year-old B13 years old C13 year old D13-years-old( A )3Tom ran so _ that I couldnt catch up with him.Aquickly Bquick Cslow Dslowly( D )4Miss Li likes her students very much. She _ a mother to them.Awas like Bwas liked Cis liked Dis like( C )5Its Jacks _ to have a white iPad.Aputer Bbirthday Cdream Dhobby( B )6If you study hard, your dream will _.Aing true Be true Ccame true Des true( A )7_ many students, it is easy to get to school.AFor BTo CBy DAt( C )8The villagers want to have a _ over the river, they dont want to go on a ropeway.Ahouse Bschool Cbridge Dboat( B )9The little girl is very _ when she sees a snake. She cant move at all.Ahappy Bafraid Csad Dangry( D )10How long does it _ you _ make the plan?Acost; to Btake; in Ccost; in Dtake; to三、配对阅读专练。左栏是对五个人的情况介绍,右栏是七个交通工具,请将这五个人与交通工具配对,并将答案的字母编号填写在题前括号内。( F )1Mary likes traveling by it, because it is fast and fortable. But it is expensive and the airport is far away from city center.( D )2Tom thinks it is cheaper. He can have a good view on the way. He can move around and meet a lot of people. But it is always crowded, dirty and unfortable.( E )3Linda would prefer it. She says that she can move around and meet people. But it is slow, and some people easily get seasick.( C )4Lucy likes it because it is convenient(方便)Everyday she uses it to go to work. It is free and it is good for her health. But it is not fortable, dangerous, tiring and slow.( B )5When Lily goes to work by it, she feels quite good. She is the only passenger except the driver. It is convenient and fast. Also she can go anywhere if she wants. But the price is very high, and the payments(付费)depend on the distance(距离)she goes.ABy BusBus is cheap but slow. People cant move around and it is unfortable.BBy TaxiTaxi drivers can take you anywhere quickly and conveniently. Going by taxi is expensive for the charge which is determined by mileage(英里数)CBy BikeRiding a bike is good for health, so many people ride bikes to work. Except that it is tiring and dangerous, people dont need to pay any money.DBy TrainTrains are always crowded with people, especially during holidays, so it is very dirty and the service on it is poor.EBy ShipShip is fortable and there are all kinds of performance on board for people to enjoy. But some people get seasick when they are on board a ship.FBy PlanePlane is a very fast transportation. Except the price, which is a bit high, the service is perfect, and the air stewardesses are very kind. But it is not convenient to go to the center of the city from the airport.四、短文填空。One day, a dog found a big 1 of meat in the forest. He was very 2 and ran home quickly. On his 3 home, he passed by(经过)a river. When he 4 down, he saw another dog in the water. In his 5 there was a piece of meat. “That dog has 6 , too. If I can get it, I will eat well tonight.” he thought. “Bark! Bark! Give 7 the meat!” the dog said. But when he 8 his mouth, his own meat fell into the water. The dog had nothing to eat 9 dinner. He walked home sadly. Is the dog stupid or 10 ? What do you think of him?1 piece 2 happy/excited 3 way 4 looked 5 mouth 6 meat 7 me 8 opened 9 for 10 clever/smart五、读写综合。A信息归纳。This is in Dongguan and Li Ming is thirteen. Lets learn about his day. Li Ming lives far from school. Its 30 kilometers. So every day at 7:00 a.m., Li Ming goes to school in his fathers car. At about 7:30 they get to school Classes begin at 7:40. He has Chinese, math, English, music classes and so on. Each class is 45 minutes. Between classes, he likes to go outside and play with his friends. At 5:30 p.m., his father takes him home. Dinner is at 7:00 p.m. He has vegetables and rice. After dinner, he plays chess with his father. He goes to bed at 9:00.p.m.Information CardThe distance(距离)from Li Mings home to school.1Thirty/30 kilometers The way Li Ming goes to school2In his fathers carThe time classes begin37:40The time each class lasts(持续)4Forty-five/45 minutesThe person he plays chess with5His fatherB书面表达。假如你是Mary,请你先填写好下面表格的内容。根据你所填的信息内容,写一篇短文描述你每天上学的情况和路上的见闻。(不少于60词)How old are you?What class are you in?Is your home far from school?How do you go to school?What can you see on your way to school?写作方法指导与操练一、写什么细审题,列要点1你的个人信息,年龄和所在班级。2你家离学校的远近程度,你选择的交通工具及所花费的时间。3你在路上的见闻。二、怎么写遣词句,重结构1第一点:个人信息年龄:I am _ years old. 班级:Im in Class_.2第二点:远近程度及交通工具。 My home _ far from school, so I go to school by _. It usually _ me about _ minutes.3第三点:路上见闻 On my way to school, I can see _. I think they are / it is _.可使用的短语有:11-year-old, far from, on foot, by bus, by car, on the bus, see .My name is Mary. Im a 11-year-old girl. I am from Class l. I live far from school. Every day I walk to the bus stop and then go to school by bus. It takes me about 20 minutes. When I am on the bus, I can see some restaurants, a few shops and a lot of people.【我的完整作品书写美观,可适当发挥】_


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