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2019-2020年七年级英语下册Unit8SummerHolidayIsingLesson45BaseballSeason同步练习新版冀教版一、选词填空pop, shame, ever, baseball, for1.Jack likes playing in summer.2.Would you like a bottle of ?Yes,please.3.I dont know if he gets back.4.Her face changed red with .5.Dont be angry.Its fun.二、单项填空1.I watch him in the gym.A.dance B.dances C.to danceD.danced2.Do you often play the other teams?Of course.A.in B.against C.at D.on3.Would you like to practice baseball with us after school?Yes, Id love to.A.play B.plays C.played D.playing4.If you dont have time, we a party next Friday.A.wont haveB.dont have C.doesnt haveD.isnt having5.they e and play with us tomorrow?Yes, they.A.Are, areB.Will, will C.Are, willD.Do, do三、句型转换1.I am going to play baseball with my friends.(同义句转换)I play baseball with my friends.2.We will have fun at the party.(改为否定句)We fun at the party.3.Jim is going to help us.(改为一般疑问句)_Jim going to help us?4.My friends will e to see me next Saturday.(对画线部分提问)_your friends e to see you?5.They will swim in the swimming pool.(对画线部分提问)_they swim?四、书面表达假如你是Li Lan,你的澳大利亚笔友Alice来信说,她在做一项调查,想了解一下中国孩子的理想。请你给她写封回信,谈谈你和你的一些同学对未来的打算。词数:80左右。信的开头已经给出,不计入总词数。Dear Alice,How are you? Are you busy with your schoolwork?_参考答案一.1.baseball2.pop3.ever4.shame 5.for二. 1.A2.B3.D4.A5.B三.1.will2.wont have3.Is4.When will 5.Where will四. Dear Alice,How are you? Are you busy with your schoolwork? Now, let me tell you something about Chinese childrens dreams.Im tall, so Im going to be a professional basketabll player. How am I going to do that? Im going to practice basketball every day and practice it in the college after high school.Rose, my best friend, says shes going to be a violinist. She always loves music. Shes going to take violin lessons and practice the violin every day. And shes going to move to Austria after college.Would you like to talk about your dream? Write to me soon.Yours,Li Lan

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