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2019-2020年七年级英语下册Unit2Whattimedoyougotoschool(第6课时)SectionB(3a-SelfCheck)教案新人教版Teaching aims: 一、功能:Learn how to write a passage about your own daily routine.二、词汇和常用表达Learn and use the words and phrases :life, clean, brush, get dressed, get up , take a shower, do ones homework , after that ,a quarter to seven .三、文化知识Understand the EnglishNationalPeoples daily habits四、学习策略:了解时间顺序是描述日常生活的主线。Before-writing:Step I. Teaching AimsT:Today we are going to talk about daily activities and learn how to write about daily routine. ( 设计意图:展示目标,让学生有目的学习提高学习的自主性和主动性。)Step II. Lead in:1. T:I am very busy every day. now look at the pitures and answer :What do I usually do at the time?6:20 get up at twenty past six 六点二十起床 have/eat breakfast吃早餐 get dressed穿衣 brush teeth 刷牙 take/have a shower 淋浴 have dinner吃晚饭11:45 have lunch at a quarter to twelve十一点四十五分吃午饭 go to school去上学go to bed at ten 十点去睡觉 get home 回家6:30-7:00excercise from half past six to seven从六点半到七点锻炼2T:Now number the pictures according to the right time lime.Then check the answers.3.T:Great,boys and girls,can you tell me your daily activities?(设计意图:看图说话,激活本单元所学内容,为写作准备短语时间素材。)Step III. Presentation1 T: Now I want to about your daily life. Can you tell me like this:I usually get up at seven oclock.I exercise (设计意图:以展示图片的形式来进一步讨论学生的日常作息习惯,为下一环节写作准备句式素材。)Step IV ExerciseTask1:3a Number these sentences in order to make a story about a daily routine._ I usually exercise from six to seven. _ I always get up at six. _ After that, I always brush my teeth and go to school at eight._ Then I quickly have a shower and eat breakfast._ I have lunch at a quarter to twelve. _ I get home from school at half past four and do my homework._ I have a very healthy life._ I have dinner at seven thirty._ I go to bed at ten.(Answer:3,2,5,4,6,7,1,8,9)Task2T:Now boys and girls read the passage in the correct order.Task3:The teacher help the students find out the topic sentence and the time line.The teacher can say :T:Why do “I have a very healthy life put first?Ss:.Why do you number them in such order?Ss:.What else should we pay attention to? for example always/after thatSs:.The Ss can answer them in Chinese. Then the teacher can sum it up. How write your daily life:有主题句I have a very healthy life按时间先后顺序描写一天生活有无正确使用频率副词always/usually有无正确使用连接词afterthat /then(设计意图:通过实例展示让学生掌握写作要领,知道如何作文)While - Writing3b Write about your own daily routine.写作指导:u 回想自己一天的作息。u 按时间的先后,逐条叙述。注意运用正确的英语表达方式:I+ usually/often+动词短语+at+时间。u 有无正确使用频率副词always/usually和连接词after that /then1. Give the Ss several minutes to write their position. Choose one student to write his/her own daily routine on the Bb.2. After all the Ss finish writing, first check the position on the Bb together with all the Ss according to the above evaluation scale. Choose several Ss to evaluate the position item by item in the evaluation scale.3. Then, ask the Ss to check their partners position according to the above evaluation scale. 4. Choose several Ss to read their position. The other Ss listen carefully and prepare for answering the teachers questions later on.(设计意图: 典型展示师生评价生生互评)5. Check the answers. Then ask the Ss to read the whole passage for consolidation. One possible version:I have a healthy life. I usually get up at seven. I exercise from a quarter past seven to half past seven. Then I have breakfast and brush my teeth. I go to school at eight oclock. I have lunch at twelve oclock. I get home from school at half past four and do my homework. I have dinner at six then I watch TV. I go to bed at nine thirty. 6.At last let the students hand in their positions.(设计意图:让学生总结写作要点,文体结构分析,根据例文再次巩固写作方法。)Post WritingStep 1 sublimation practiceTask1 Suppose you are a reporter of your school. Make an interview in groups of six, Interview a classmate in each group fill in the following chart first ,NameActivitiesTimeLiRuimorningget up exerciseeat breakfastnoonhave lunchafternoonplay sportsget homeeveningeat dinnerdo my homeworkgo to bedTask2 then discuss and perform with your partner in front of class. For example:A:What time does LiRui get up?B:.A:Why does she get up /.go to bed so early?(use it if necessary)B:Task3 Report: Tell your classmates about your friends life based on your chart.I have afriend. She usually gets up at six. Then she exercises for half an hour. After that she eats breakfast at a quarter to seven. She (设计意图:口笔头综合运用,输入与输出相结合,让学生了解不同人称生活习惯表达法。达到知识运用的升华。同时why问句引导学生养成良好作息习惯,早睡早起。)Step II Selfcheck Make phrases with the words in two circles first. B your teeth my room a walk good dressed a good jobAtaste clean have get take brush(Answer: taste good, clean my room, have a good job, get dressed, brush your teeth, take a walk )Then use the phrases to plete the sentences.taste good, clean my room, have a good job, get dressed, brush your teeth, take a walk 1. Ice-cream usually _ so students like to eat it after school. 2. My grandparents are very healthy. They always _ after dinner.3. You need to _ after eating to have good teeth.4. He _. He works at a radio station.5. Here are your clothes. Go and _ quickly!6. I dont have time to _ from Monday to Friday. So I clean it on weekends. 思路指导: 首先,应通读所有选项,掌握每个词组的意思。 然后,认真读每句话的意思,抓住句子中的关键词,确定应用哪个词组。 最后,通读各个句子,检测意思是否正确、通顺。( Answer:1.taste good 2. take a walk 3. brush your teeth 4. has a good job 5. get dressed 6. clean my room)plete the conversations with questions and answers. Use the words in the brackets to help you.1. A: _? (your mother/usually/get up) B: _ (5:45) A: _ (why/get up/so early) B: _ (always/ make breakfast for me)2. A: _? (you/usually/get to school B: _ (7:30) A: _ (your class teacher / usually / get to school) B: I dont know. But he/she is never late for the first class in the morning. 思路指导: 本题要求根据提示词补全对话。 首先,应根据答语及提示词确定句子的意思。特别要抓住重点的词汇。如:第一空中的get up及your mother,从而确定主语为第三人称单数形式,动作为get up。 其次,还要看清句子后的标点符号,来确定是问句还是答语。如:第一句后面为问号,再由答语是一时间,可知句意应为“你妈妈通常几点起床?” 在表达句子时,还应注意人称与数的一致。(Answer: 1.A:What time does your mother usually get up ?B:She usually gets up at 5:45 in the morning.A:Why does she get up so early? B:Because she always makes breakfast for me2.A: What time do you usually get to school ?B:I usually get to school at7:30 in the morning.A:When does your class teacher usually get to school?)StepVIII HomeworkWrite a letter to your pen pal about your familys daily routine.Dear _,Do you want to know about my family daily routine? _ Best wishes! Love _本节课的亮点:本节课以谈论日常作息习惯为主线,采取师生对话的形式作为示范,来复习已学过的短语和句子,然后,采取以小组形式进行讨论、交流。让每个学生都有参与的机会,同时也帮助学生对旧知识的回顾,对写作知识逐层储备,为后面的写作做好积累和铺垫。Presentation部分我的设计主要是引导学生学会如何根据各自的日常生活作息习惯进行操练。让学生总结自己的作息习惯。经过前面的层层铺垫,从说练导写升华,层层递进,最后使学生完全掌握写作的要点。其目的在于分散教学难点,循序渐进,便于理解。在教学过程中我充分发挥多媒体和网络技术的优势,利用多媒体网络课件创设情景,营造氛围,给学生提供合作探究、自主实践、操作练习的机会,激发学生的兴趣。使用建议1. Selfcheck部分可做当堂检测,这样可以了解学生对本节课知识的掌握,还可以了解学生对本单元的掌握情况,让学生更好的为下一步单元复习与质量检测做准备2. Step V Exercise Task1 Why 问句根据情况需要时使用。

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