2019-2020年七年级英语上册 Module 5 Healthy food教案 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语上册 Module 5 Healthy food教案 外研版I. Teaching goals 模块教学目标 技能目标听Listen to conversations involving food and drink说Talk about food读 Read about healthy food写Write about healthy food with but and and语言目标 功能句式Talking about food and drinkWhats your favorite food and drink?Are they healthy food and drinks?Have you got any fruit?Weve got some oranges and apples.词汇1重点词汇 healthy, favorite, orange, drink, fruit, vegetable, beef, carrot, chicken, juice, melon, milk, onion, pork, potato, tomato 2. 短语 have / has got 语法Plural form of the countable nouns.重点句子1. Have we got any juice?2. Weve got some juice.3. We havent got any milk.II. Analysis of the teaching material 教材分析本模块的话题是健康饮食,是学生比较感兴趣的话题。随着人们生活水平的提高,人们所吃的、了解的食品也越来越多,一些国外的食品等也为中国学生所熟悉。饮食话题符合学生的年龄特点,而且针对学生中普遍存在的不良饮食习惯,也非常有必要对他们进行正面的教育和积极引导,让他们更多地了解健康饮食方面的知识,培养他们健康饮食的习惯。 Unit 1 通过听、读、说训练,分类学习记忆水果、蔬菜、肉类及饮料方面的单词。其中活动13 要求学生将食品、饮料按不同类别的词汇分类,引入话题并在词汇学习中介绍词汇分类记忆策略,培养学生学习策略。教师可借助大量的图片和简笔画,强化直观形象的记忆方法,引导学生注意利用图中所看到的有用信息,为下面的听力活动作准备。活动46训练学生从听力材料中获取有关食品信息的能力。活动7 是语音方面的知识,活动8是对本单元对话的扩展练习。Unit 2是unit 1内容的进一步延伸。活动12通过复习所学单词,建立动宾搭配关系概念框架,为阅读任务储备词汇。活动3让学生通过阅读来了解哪些食品、饮料是健康的,进一步延续至活动4,让学生说出自己喜爱的食品和饮料,并分析是否健康,对学生进行健康饮食教育。活动56重点学习连词but 的用法。Unit 3是对前两单元内容的总结和复习。可以竞赛的方式将学生分组,然后进行比赛,培养学生的竞争意识以及良好的团队意识。IIIClass types and periods 课型设计与课时分配Period 1 Listening and speaking (Unit 1) Period 2 Reading and writing (Unit 2) Period 3 Integrating skills (Unit 3) Period 1 Listening and speaking Language goals 语言目标1. Key vocabulary 重点词汇healthy, favorite, orange, drink, fruit, vegetable, beef, carrot 2. Key structures 重点句式 have / has gotAbility goals 能力目标Enable students to talk about food and drink.Teaching methods 教学方法Bottom-up approach.Teaching aids 教具准备A tape recorder, some pictures and handout.Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式 Step Warming up and lead-inAsk students to do activity 3 first. Put students into four groups and play a word guessing game. One of the students describes the food or drink, looking at the screen, the other guesses the word. The group which gets the most words will be the best.T: Hello, boys and girls. Today we will play a game first. I will show you some pictures of food or drink. All of you are in four groups. Two students e to the front to guess the word just like in Lucky 52. One describes and one guesses. Lets see which group will be the best.Then go on with Activity 1 and 2.One possible guessing:There are four groups of words. Students choose drink.On the screen, some pictures are shown to students one by one. They are milk, water and orangeS: Its white. We often drink it in the morning.S: Milk?S: Yes. Next one. We drink it every day.S: Coke?S: It has no color.S: Water?S: Yes. Next one. It is very sweet. It is from fruit.S: Juice?S: Yes.After the word guessing game, students can put the words into groups easily.T: Now open your books at page 26. You can see many pictures of food and drink. What is picture a?S: Melon.T: Write down this word beside a.Go on with the others in the same way. Ask students to repeat all the words.Step II ListeningAsk students what they have got today.T: You bring some fruit or food to school every day. What have you got today?S: I have got an apple.S: I have got an orange.T: Have you got any milk?S: Yes. I have.T: Can we say “I have got a milk”S: No.T: Good. Now lets listen to the recording. Betty and her mum are talking about what they have got. Listen and circle what they have got.Play the recording for the students to do Activity 6. Then check the answers. After this, ask students to repeat after the recording. And finish the form below in pairs.YesNoJuiceMilkCarrotMeatMelonAppleCheck the answers with the class. Step III PairworkAsk students to practice the conversation and make their own conversations.T: What food or drink have you got today? Now work in pairs and practice asking and answering questions about your favorite subjects. You can make your own conversations. One sample conversation:S1: Have you got any milk?S2: Yes, I have got some milkS1: Have you got any juice?S2: No, I havent got any juice. Have you got any meat?S1: Yes, I have got some meat.Step IV HomeworkAsk students to 1. learn the new words and expressions in this unit.(page129)2. prepare some food or drink for the next period.Period 2 Listening and Speaking Target language目标语言1.Words & phrases生词和短语 chicken, juice, melon, milk, onion, pork, potato, tomato2. Key sentences重点句子Noodles and juice are healthy food and drink but Coke and hamburgers are not healthy food and drink.Ability goals能力目标Enable students to read and write about healthy food with but and and.Teaching methods Task-based activities. Teaching aids教具准备Some pictures and a tape recorder. Teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式StepRevision and lead-inAsk students to put the food or drink they prepared on the teachers desk before class. Review the conversation using the food or drink they bring to class.T: Hello, boys and girls. You bring a lot of food and drinks here. What have we got?S: We have got some milk.S: We have got some apples.S: We have got some juice.T: We have got some other food and drinks in our book. Open your books at page 28. Whats picture 1.S: noodles.T; write down the word beside 1.Go on with the others in the same way. Then make sure students know the words clearly.T: Good. Whats your favorite food and drink? Are they healthy food and drinks?S: My favorite food is rice. Its healthy food.S: My favorite drinks are Coke and milk. They are healthy drinksStep Reading and pairworkWork in pairs to discuss whether their favorite food and drinks are healthy food or not.T: What is healthy food? The food is good for our health, that is healthy food. My favorite food is hamburgers. I like it very much. I eat it every day. It makes me unhealthy. Do you think it is healthy food? Now lets read the passage on page 29. After reading you will know what is healthy food and drinks. You can have a discussion to check the true sentences in Activity 3.Then check the answers. Play the recording for students to repeat. Step III Speaking Re-pair students to talk to others about their favorite food.T: Turn right to work with another partner. You can talk about your favorite food and drinks. Make your own conversation.One sample conversation:S: Whats your favorite food?S: My favorite food is noodles and hamburgers.S: Whats your favorite drinks.S: My favorite drinks are juice and Coke.S: Are they healthy food and drinks?S: Noodles and juice are healthy food and drink. S: Yes. Coke and hamburgers are not healthy food and drink. We cant eat too much.Step IV Writing Ask students to join the two sentences in opposite meaning with but.First ask two students, one is tall and the other is short. Help students make the sentence like “A is short but B is tall”. Let students know that they can join the two sentences with opposite meanings with but.T: Just now you talk about healthy and unhealthy food and drinks. Yes. Thats true. Noodles and juice are healthy food and drink. Coke and hamburgers are not healthy food and drink. Can you put the two sentences into one?S: Noodles and juice are healthy food and drink but Coke and hamburgers are not healthy food and drink.Then ask students to do Activity 5 on page29 orally.Step V HomeworkAsk students to 1. Put more words in their food tree. 2. Finish Exercises1&2 on page 88.3. Write a short passage about your favorite food and drinks. And tell me whether they are healthy or not. It is better to use but.Period 3 Integrating skills Ability goals能力目标To summarize and consolidate the usage of some and any, singular and plural nouns.Teaching methods 教学方法Summarizing and practicing. Teaching important/difficult points教学重难点How to use singular and plural nouns correctly.Teaching aids教具准备A puter and a projector. Teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式Step Revision and lead-inShow the following and ask students to finish the exercises. 用适当的单词形式填空。1. Melons (香瓜) grow in Xinjiang.2. Help yourself to some tomatoes (西红柿).3. Please give me a kilo of pork (猪肉).4. There is an (一个)onion in the bag.5. The rabbits love to eat carrots (胡萝卜). 6. We have got some juice (果汁).7. Apples, pears are fruit (水果).8. Has he got a bottle of milk (牛奶)?9. They havent got any (一些) beef?10. He drinks (喝)the water.Check the answers by asking some students to read the plete sentences. Step Language practice Ask students to finish Activity 1 in groups. Then ask them to do some oral presentation as follows. Introduce some food and drinks, using the first person.For example:carrotrabbits like to eat metomatoI am red. I am a kind of vegetables.Then ask them to finish Activity 3. Check the answers. Step III Word map Ask students to work in groups to finish the word map. They can use the words in their own food tree. Try to encourage them to use words as many as possible, e.g:Fruit: apple orange banana pear peach kiwifruitMeat : chicken beef fish mutton porkVegetables: tomato onion potato cabbage eggplantDrink: milk juice water tea coffee Coke Step IV Make a food and drink posterAsk students to work together to make a food and drink poster.A sample talk:Our favorite food and drinkWe like meat and fish best. They are healthy food. Our favorite drinks are milk and Coke. Milk is a healthy drink but Coke is not a healthy drink. We also like hamburgers. Hamburgers are not healthy food.Step V HomeworkAsk students to1. finish the exercises in the workbook.2. make a poster of food and drink of their own.I. Making healthy food choices Here are a few tips on making healthful food choices for you and your entire family. Eat lots of vegetables and fruits. Try picking from the rainbow of colors available to maximize variety. Eat non-starchy vegetables such as spinach, carrots, broccoli or green beans with meals. Choose whole grain foods over processed grain products. Try brown rice with your stir fry or whole wheat spaghetti with your favorite pasta sauce. Include dried beans (like kidney or pinto beans) and lentils into your meals. Include fish in your meals 2-3 times a week. Choose lean meats like cuts of beef and pork that end in loin such as pork loin and sirloin. Remove the skin from chicken and turkey. Choose non-fat dairy such as skim milk, non-fat yogurt and non-fat cheese. Choose water and calorie-free diet drinks instead of regular soda, fruit punch, sweet tea and other sugar-sweetened drinks. Choose liquid oils for cooking instead of solid fats. Remember that fats are high in calories. If youre trying to lose weight, watch your portion sizes of added fats. Cut back on high calorie snack foods and desserts like chips, cookies, cakes, and full-fat ice cream. Eating too much of even healthful foods can lead to weight gain. Watch your portion sizes. II. 小练习一、根据句意补全单词。1. Rice and bread are my favorite f_.2. Meat and fish are h_ food.3. People in China like to eat n_ on their birthday.4. You can eat some m_ when it is hot in summer.5. Carrots are healthy food. They are v_.二、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Candy isnt _ (health) food.2. _ (tomato) are good for us.3. _ (have) she got any melons?4. I cant see _ (some) food on the table.5. I like to eat _ (fish).6. Coke and ice cream are _ (health) food.7. They have got some _ (milk).8. Betty _ (like) to play puter games.9. He _ ( not have) got a pen.10. There are some _ (fish) in the river.三、单选。1. Do you like _?A. banana B. apples C. a juice D. any carrot2. Would you like _ milk?A. any B. some C. a D. two3. Have we got any _?A. potatos B. porks C. tomatoes D. a beef4. She _ some healthy drinkA. hasnt got B. havent got C. has got D. have got 5. Coke isnt good for your _.A. healthy B. health C. leg D. lesson6. I have an egg _ breakfast.A. in B. for C. at D. on 7. There _ some fish in the fridge.A. is B. are C. has D. have8. Meat and fish _ healthy food.A. is B. are C. has D. there are9. _your father got a pen?A. Have B. Do C. Has D. Does10. Is English your favorite _?A. subject B. film C. music D. foodKey:一、 1. food 2. healthy 3. noodles 4. melon 5. vegetables二、1.healthy 2. Tomatoes 3. Has 4. any 5. fish 6. unhealthy 7. milk 8. likes 9. hasnt 10. fish三、 15 BBCCB 610 BABCA

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