2019-2020年七年级英语上册 Starter Module 4 Unit 2 I can dance学案 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语上册 Starter Module 4 Unit 2 I can dance学案 外研版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年七年级英语上册 Starter Module 4 Unit 2 I can dance学案 外研版课题Module4 Unit12课型New单位庆云五中主备人王红然学习目标1 学习并掌握音标,|h|; |r|; |m|; |n|; |; |l|; |w|; |j|2 熟练运用表爱好和能力的交际用语。What are your favorite sports? Can you play the piano? 3培养学生大胆说英语和自主学习的能力。重难点重点:学习并掌握音标, |h|; |r|; |m|; |n|; |; |l|; |w|; |j|掌握交际用语What are your favorite sports?Can you play the piano? 难点:学习并掌握音标,|h|; |r|; |m|; |n|; |; |l|; |w|; |j|能运用音标准确读出单词。学习过程Warming-up (热身)1. Show some food pictures pictures and ask:T: Whats your favorite food?S1: My favourite food is .S22. Work in pairs. Ask and answer with the pictures in pairs. What your favorite food is?Step1 Learning-aims朗读感知学习目标。Step2 Pronunciation1 读出下列单词,注意划线部分读音。 1 high home how house |h| 2 rain rice ride row |r| 3 lunch leave call wall |l|2 试读下列单词,并试着总结划线部分音标。 1 hospital hotel ( ) 2 lesson lab ( ) 3 right write ( )3 读出下列单词,注意划线部分读音。 1 when where what why |w| 2 yes year you your |j|4 试读下列单词,并试着总结划线部分音标。 1 wele work ( ) 2 year your ( )5 读出下列单词,注意划线部分读音。 1 meet make time home |m| 2 name now can run |n| 3 driving learning taking sleeping | 6 试读下列单词,并试着总结划线部分音标。 1 ninety next ( )2 match manager ( )3 English evening ( )【温馨提示】找出刚学过的清辅音与浊辅音 清辅音_浊辅音_Step3 Listen , say and number1. Listen, say and number (Activity1,Unit1)dance, listen to music, play puter games, read, run, sing, swim, walk, watch TV2. Listen and number (Activity 2, Unit1)Look at the book, listen and number the right picture.3. Listen and match (Activity1and 2, Unit2)Step 4 Make a dialogue.1. 读下列对话,小组内三人互相角色练习(用括号中提示的短语)A: Look! I can ride a bike. B: I can ride a bike but I cant drive a car.A: Can you ride a bike? C: Yes I can. (No I cant.)(play the piano; write Chinese; cook; speak English)Step 5 Writing 根据所学内容及句子含义,填入所缺单词。1 you like football?2 We like television.3 Swing my sport.4 I singing.5 Daming cats.6 I can type. you?No, I ,but I write English and Chinese.7 I speak English and Chinese. I English, but I Chinese.8 drive a car? No, I ,but ride a bike.Step 6 Say and write. 根据下列表格造句子, 同桌相互说出,然后写下来。canfavouritelikedancesportridespeak当堂达标练习(一)读出下列单词,注意划线部分读音。1 high home 2 rain rice 3 year you 4 where why5 leave call 6 make time7 name can 8 taking driving(二)用括号中所给短语完成句子。(Listen to music; play puter games:run; swim; read; watch TV) Ask your classmates some questions and write down the answer. What are your favorite sports? I like 1 2 3 Do you like 1 2 3 Yes 1 2 3 No 1 2 3 (三)Work in pairs A Can you play the piano? B A B Can you play puter games?A Can you speak English?B A B Do you like Listening to music?A Do you like swimming? B A B Do you like writing Chinese? 学生学习感悟教师个性修订


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