2019-2020年九年级英语上册Unit 1 Changing world Section C.doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语上册Unit 1 Changing world Section CThe main activities are 2a and 2b.本课重点活动是2a和2b。. Teaching aims and demands教学目标1.Master some new words and useful expressions:hungry, divide, divideinto, use, elder, recent, rapid, progress, make progress, present, dream2pare the living conditions in the past with those at present.3.Retell a story of your grandparents/parents about their childhood.Teaching aids教具录音机/写有问题的投影片/旧北京城的图片/新北京城的图片.Five-finger Teaching Plan五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习 (时间:10分钟) (展示上节课的家庭作业,教师选几篇文章读给学生听,或者让学生自己读出自己的文章。)T: Everyone has written an article about teenagers lives.Would you like to read yours for us?(学生举手或老师挑选学生来读。)You can also exchange your positions to read after class.(引入课文1a部分。)Kangkangs granny has told him a true story about herself.She was a child laborer when she was a young girl.She had little food to eat. She often went hungry.(板书)go hungryThough she was hungry, she had to grow cotton.Because her job was to grow cotton.(板书)Her job was to do sth. / grow cottonWhats our job? Our studentsjobs is to study hard now. In the future we can make our country more beautiful and stronger.Kangkangs granny had to divide her money into two parts to help support her family and helps send her elder brother to school.(板书)divide. into. elder brother(兄长)Your lives are much better.Read 1a on Page 5. Underline the new words and useful expressions according to the words on the blackboard.(学生默读课文。)(教师板书以下问题或放投影。)1.What kind of place did the granny live in?2.How were the living conditions?3.What was the grannys job?4.How did the boss treat the child laborers?5.What was the money used to do?T: Listen to the text first. And then discuss the answers to the questions with your partners.(让学生先自读,再小组讨论问题的答案。)T: Can you get the answers? Lets discuss them together.(学生可能举手发言。)T: What kind of place did Kangkangs granny live in?S1: A large room.T: What else? A large room is very fortable for living, isnt it?S2: No, it isnt. She lived with many other child laborers.S3: There were some cows there, too.T: So she had a hard living condition, didnt she?Ss: Yes, she did.T: Who can give us a full answer?S4: She lived in a large room with some cows.T: Sure. What a bright/clever boy/girl!(板书第一题答案中的关键词。)1. a large room, cowsT: How were the living conditions? What was the grannys room like?S5: It was broken.S6: When it rained outside, the rain would e in.(板书)2. rain outside, e inT: Whats grannys job?S7: To grow cotton.S8: Her job was to grow cotton.(板书)3.grow cottonT: How did the boss treat the child laborers?S9: The boss was very cruel.S10: He also shouted at them.T: Did he hit them?S11: Yes. He was so cruel that he didnt give them enough food.Also he shouted at them and hit them.T: If the children fell ill. What would the boss do?S12: He would bee very angry.T: So we can say how cruelly the boss treated the child laborers.(板书)4.didnt give enough food, shout, hit, ill, angryT: Kangkangs granny could get a little money.What was the money used to do?S13: It was divided into two parts. One part was used to help her family, and the other to help her elder brother.(板书)5.divide into two parts, family, elder brother(教师指着黑板上板书内容让学生集体复述本故事,学生若说不全老师可补充。)For example:The granny lived in a large room with many other child laborers and cows. When it rained outside, the rain came in. Her job was to grow cotton. The boss didnt give them enough food. He shouted at them and hit them. He became angry when they were ill. Her money was divided into two parts to help her family and her elder brother.Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现 (时间:10分钟) (教师向学生展示一张现代舒适生活的照片或人们的住房图片,引出新内容。)(也可用投影片或多媒体展示。)T: Kangkangs granny had a hard childhood. She couldnt go to school. She had to work to help her family and she didnt have any fortable living conditions.But now, please look at the picture.Ss: Wow! (学生看到如此好的住房可能会发出感叹,在脑海里他们会与童工的住处做比较。)T: Our country has made rapid progress in recent years.(板书)make progress, rapid, recent(教师用英语讲解make progress。)T: The things get better and better in recent years.T: Our country has bee stronger and stronger. The economy has developed a lot.(向学生展示有立交桥、环形路、高楼大厦的图片或农村新村图。)Ss: How beautiful! There are so many cars and buildings.T: Please listen to the report written by Michael. And plete the sentences.(板书或大屏幕投影以下几个句子。)1.Twenty years ago, the buildings were_ and_ ,and there_ many ring roads.2.Peoples living conditions werent _ _.3.But China has _ rapidly in recent years.4.The new buildings are _ and _.5.More and more+_ _ have appeared.6.Peoples living conditions have_ a lot.(播放录音,学生听录音完成句子,了解北京的新变化。)T: Now, please open your books to read 2a on Page 6.Read and understand the report by yourselves.Could you please check the answers?(学生读过一遍课文,完成此项作业。)T: Please read the report aloud.(让学生读课文,为下一步讨论作语言上的准备。)T: Great changes have taken place in Beijing.The buildings used to be small and dark. We havent seen any ring roads. Peoples living conditions werent fortable.What has happened to Beijings roads now?(板书)What has happened to.?Ss: (学生可能会答出)There are more and more ring roads in Beijing.(如答不出,教师可把答案说出,引导学生回答第二个问题。)T: We have seen more and more ring roads in Beijing.What has happened to the living conditions in Beijing?(引导学生根据课文内容回答此问题。)Ss: Peoples living conditions in Beijing have improved a lot.T: Many people, even the old people, are learning English now. Who can tell us the reason?(有些学生可能会答出。)Ss: Beijing will host the xx Olympic Games. (或The xx Olympic Games will be hosted in Beijing.)T: I think the people will be more friendly and helpful in xx. Though China has made such rapid progress, its important to remember the past.Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固 (时间:10分钟)(向学生展示教材2b的四幅图画,可采用教材中的图,也可制作幻灯片、多媒体。)T: Look at the pictures and talk about them with your partners. Work in pairs.(教师可出示下列问句帮助学生完成对话。)(板书)1. What were Beijings roads like in the past?2. What has happened to Beijings roads now?3. What will Beijings roads be like in the future?(若此部分学生不好操作,也可再让学生读2a的文章。)(学生自由对话谈论北京的各种变化,尤其是道路、住房、城市环境及人们的变化等各方面。)(请两位学生到前面用英语谈论北京的过去、现在和将来。)T: S1 and S2 are talking sth. about Beijing.Lets listen to what they are talking about.For example:S1: Which city do you like best?S2: Beijing, I think. There were so many small and dark buildings in the past. But there are many beautiful, big buildings now. They are very modern.What about you?S1: I want to drive a car in the future.There are many wide roads in Beijing. I like Beijing very much.(引导学生谈论北京各个方向的变化,让学生感受这个世界越来越美好。)Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习 (时间:8分钟)(将话题引入到学生的实际生活,让他们分组讨论。一人汇总讨论结果,另选一人向全班汇报结果。)T: Do you like your own city/ hometown/ school/ house?Im sure you love her very much.What was she like in the past?What has happened to her now?What will she be like in the future?(方案一)T: Work in groups. Discuss these questions with your partners. And one of you will give a talk in front of the class.For example:When my parents were very young, our city was a small town. There was only a small shop and a main road. There were no big buildings. I have seen the changes in my city. She has made rapid progress. There are many supermarkets here, ring roads and so on. I have a big house to live in. Its very fortable. My ideal city will be more beautiful and cleaner. Flowers and trees will be here and there.(方案二)(双人小组活动。教师分别给每组学生分发两张对比强烈的照片,让学生看图片进行对话或作文。)T: pare the two pictures and say something about them.Work in pairs, please. Begin!(两个学生手中拿的图片不一样。)For example:S1: The road in Picture A is narrow. Perhaps it was built twenty years ago.S2: Heres a wide road in Picture B. Do you like it?S1: I like the roads which are wide. / I like wide roads.(学生两人一组讨论图画的内容,感受世界的变化。)(教师可选几组同学让他们在全班同学面前表演。)T: Show your pictures to the class and say something about them. For example, its roads, living conditions.(学生尽力将图画中的内容说出,说的越多越好,在学生说的过程中,教师进行适时引导,让他们感受世界的可爱与美丽。)T: In a word, our world will be more beautiful and the people will be more friendly and healthier. The rapid progress can be made because of thousands of peoples hard work including your grandparents and parents. We have happy lives at present. We are all happy. We have different kinds of food to eat, fashion clothes to wear.Its the most important for us that we can get a chance to go to school. We can get a good education.Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动 (时间:7分钟)1.T: If you want to know more stories about the old days, you may ask your parents or grandparents after school. Now, if you have known another story about your grandparents or parents childhood, please tell us.(如果恰巧有学生有故事要讲,此时应欢迎他站起来讲,如果教师有这方面的故事,也可以把家人的旧照片拿到课堂上来,模仿中央电视台的艺术人生栏目进行介绍。)(教师还可以讲讲雷锋的故事。)For example:Lei Feng had lost his parents when he was very young. He had to work for the lord day and night. He went hungry just like Kangkangs granny. When he was older, he became a soldier of PLA. He loved helping others. Its very popular to learn from Lei Feng among us.2. T: Would you please ask your grandparents/parents to tell you some stories in their teens? Then share them with your classmates.(完成教材1c。)3. Homework:(1)T: Please read an article written by Zhang Jie.The article was named Wa Ji Cai.(教师可以用汉语布置,让学生读挖荠菜这篇文章。)If its possible, please read some stories about Lei Feng.Write something about your feelings after reading.(让学生写简单的读后感。)(2)T: Great changes have taken place around us.What has happened to your house in recent years?Please write them out.Whats your ideal world like? Can you describe it?Can you draw it on the paper?Please try to do it.(让学生描绘心中理想的世界,可简单勾勒也可几句话进行描述,不作过多过高的要求。)

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