2019-2020年七年级英语Unit3 What’s your favourite colour教案 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语Unit3 Whats your favourite colour教案 外研版Step 1 Review l Ask about the things in the classroom, using the patterns as follows:What colour is .?What colour are.? What is your favourite thing in our class?l Ask them to write their favourite colour down on a slip.Then the teacher moves around the class. Look at one students slip and ask the other Ss: What is XXXs favourite colour? If their answer is right, give them a little gift.Step 2 Tick the bookl Ask them “Whats your favourite clothes/breakfast? ”. The teacher writes their answers on the blackboard:shirt, dress, shoes, socks, trousers.rice,apples, bananas, noodles, juice, egg, milk .l Listen to a dialogue and put the foods in the correct column depending on if Sam likes or dislikes the food.Play the tape at least twice.After that write the answers on the board so that Ss can check their work.l Put the words in the correct place in the table. Follow the example.Explain to students what countable and uncountable nouns are. Give some examples.Tell students to put the words under the correct column (uncountable or countable).Tell Ss to put the words on the blackboard in the correct column depending on if they think they are uncountable or countable.Step 3 Make a personal cardl Give each student a form as follows.Names: colourI like. My favourite is.I dont like. clothesI like. I like. a lot.I dont like. breakfastI like. I like . very much.I dont like.l Ask Ss to fill in some personal information of their favourite colour, clothes and breakfast as above.l Collect their slips and read them out. Ask Ss to guess whose slip it is.Step 4 Write a short letter to your pen pal.l Ask them to read it first and if there are any problems with vocabulary, they can ask you.l Tell students to put in their own ideas.l Once students have finished, get some of them to read out their texts to the rest of the class.Unit 4 I like eggs for breakfast.Step 1 Brainstormingl What do you have /like/eat for your breakfast? my favourite breakfast 1) Divide the Ss into four groups. On the blackboard write as follows:G1 G2 G3 G42) Four groups first take their turns to answer this question, then they are free.3) Different words for breakfast get one mark4) See which group is the winner.Note: When the Ss present the new words like “vegetables, fish, spaghetti.”,write them on the blackboard first. After the game, teach them.Step 2 Presentationl Show them the pictures of different foods. Get them to be familiar with the words and expressions like “meal”, “different kinds of”, usually “how many meals do people have every day?” “ What are they?” “What do people eat for each meal?”l Ask them to talk about their real breakfast/lunch/dinner in pairs, using the patterns as follows:S1: What do you have/eat/like for breakfast/lunch/dinner every day? S2: For breakfast,For lunch, I have/eat/like. What about you?For dinner,S1: I have porridge and dumplings for breakfast every day.I have rice , vegetables and fish for lunch quite often.Step 3 plete the dialogue with the words in the box.l Look at the pictures and fill in the form below:Majuns MenuBREAKFASTLUNCHDINNER l Get the Ss to fill in the form using the words from the word box.l Check the answers: banana, rice, vegetable, noodles, fishl Act the dialogue out.Step 4 Write two sentences to say what you like eating for breakfast and lunch.Step 5 Read and listen. Then sing the song.Step 6 Task Talking about Likes and Dislikesl Divide the Ss into two parts. Part 1: Likes and dislikes for lunch.Part 2: Likes and dislikes for dinner.l Each part works in groups of four. Find out how many people like the food for lunch or dinner, using the patterns as follows:1) Part1: Do you like.for lunch?Yes, I do./No, I dont. Groups summary: _ is their favourite food for lunch. Part 1s summary: _ is their favourite food for lunch.2) Part 2: Do you like.for dinner?Yes, I do./ No, I dont. Groups summary: _ is their favourite food for dinner.Part 2s summary:_ their parts favourite food for dinner.3) Teacher draws a conclusion. In our class, _ people like _ for lunch. And _ people like _ for dinner. So _ is our favourite food.Step 7 Different countries have different breakfast menus.l Look at the pictures and get the Ss to tell you what food they can see in each picture.l Suppose you have friends from Japan, Italy and England. Ask them to design different breakfast menus for Japanese friends, Italian friends and English friends.l Ss work in groups of four and choose to design only one of these three menus.l They can refer to the dictionary, internet or the teacher if they need.l Report their menus to the class.l Vote and decide the best Japanese breakfast menu, the best Italian breakfast menu and the best English breakfast menu for you.


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