2019-2020年七年级英语Unit8 My Country and English-Speaking Countries教案 冀教版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语Unit8 My Country and English-Speaking Countries教案 冀教版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年七年级英语Unit8 My Country and English-Speaking Countries教案 冀教版 本单元介绍我国的地理位置,引出对国旗和典型建筑物的描述,同时以同样的方式谈到了加拿大,美国,英国和澳大利亚等英语国家的相关内容。通过本单元的学习,不仅巩固了一般现在时的用法,学会了对不同方位的物体的描述,而且还可以扩展有关英语国家语言文化方面的知识,进一步了解了西方国家的风土人情。 (一)本单元的教学目标: 1. 通过描写不同国家的地理位置,掌握 Australia Canada China the U.K. Chinese English east west south north country map know speak 等词语。 2. 交际用语: What is it in English? I know is east / west / south / north / of Look at this map. 3. 一般现在时的特殊问句是本单元需要重点掌握的语法项目。 4. 通过本单元的学习,要掌握中国,加拿大,英国,澳大利亚的英语名称,各个国家的首都,国旗形状,国旗颜色,代表建筑物,著名的风景,雕塑,动物等。 (二)重难点:一般现在时的特殊疑问。Lesson 57 Lesson60 (一)重点词句分析: 1. I want to go to the restaurant to eat a lot of good food, (L57)我想去饭店吃许多好吃的 (1)want 动词“想要”之意 want sth. 想要什么。 I want some help. 我想要些帮助。 I want some milk. 我想要一些牛奶。 want to do 想要做某事 He wants to be a teacher when he grows up. 他长大后想当老师。 I want to study in No.1 Middle School. 我想在一中学习。 want sb. to do sth. 想让某人做某事 。 I want you to go with me. 我想让你跟我一起去。 want的同义词是would like. want sth = would like sth. want to do = would like to do want sb to do = would you like to do (2)a lot of 许多,大量,其后既可以跟可数名词复数,也可以跟不可数名词,但常用于肯定句。其同义词为much或many。例如: I lave a lot of interesting storybooks. 我有许多有趣的故事书。 There are a lot of beautiful flowers in the park. 公园里有许多漂亮的花。 There is a lot of bread in the box . 箱子里有许多面包。 There is a lot of food in the basket. 篮子里有许多食物。 2. Where are they from? 他们来自哪里? be from =e from Where are they from? 他们来自哪里? 也可以说 Where do they e from? He is from Japan . 他来自日本。也可以说 He es from Japan. 3. No, they are far from our country. (L57) 不,他们离我们国家很远。 be far from. 意为“离远” My home is far from the school. 我家离学校很远。 Is the farm far from here? 农场离这儿远吗? 注:如果,句子中出现了具体数字,则不能再用far,但可以用away.例如: The farm is 3 kilometres away. 农场3公里远。 The school is 2 kilometres from my home. 学校离我家2公里远。 The school is 2 kilometres far from my home () The school is 2 kilometres away from my home () 4. Ill show you a map. 我给你看张地图。(L67) show sb. sth =show sth. to sb. 把给某人看。 例如: 这里 us 和your new bag 都是show的宾语,其中us 指人,your new bag指物,指人的称为间接宾语,指物的称为直接宾语,合起来称双宾语。 再如:Show him your new photo . 把你的新照片给他看看。 Show your new photo to him. 另外,我们学过的词还有give,常接双宾语。例如: Give Tom some paper.=Give some paper to Tom . 但注意,如果直接宾语用代词表示时,只能放于间接宾语的前面。例如: Give me it. () Show us them. () Give it to me . Show them to us. 5. China is where we live. 中国是我们居住的地方。(L58) where we live是由where引导的从句,句中作is 的表语从句,只须理解。 6. I know about Canada. 我了解加拿大。 (60) know动词,“知道,懂得,认识”的意思。 know about 意为“了解,知道有关的情况。” I know you very well . 我非常了解你。 I know a little about this book. 我知道一些关于这本书的事情。 I know nothing about your family (L60)我对你家一无所知。 7. Niagara Falls is a famous waterfall in Canada. 尼亚加拉瀑布是加拿大著名的瀑布。 famous adj. 著名的,出名的。 例如: This book is very famous now. 现在这本书很有名。 Liguyi is a very famous singer. 李谷一是一位著名的歌唱家。 另外be famous for. 因而著名。 Jinan is famous for springs. 济南以泉水而闻名。 Luxun is famous for his novels. 鲁迅以他的小 说而闻名。 be famous as “作为而闻名” Luxun is famous as a great writer. 鲁迅作为伟大作家而闻名。 8. We speak Chinese. 我们说汉语。 speak 动词“讲,说”的意思。 Can you speak Japanese ? 你说日语吗? Dont speak to me . 别跟我说了。 下面我们来辨析: speak , say, talk 和 tell speak“说,讲”但不追究说话内容,作及物动词,其宾语只是某国语的名词,如: He speaks English 他说英语。 They speak French. 他们说法语。 其他时候都是不及物动词。 Who will speak at the meeting? 谁要在会上讲话? Our monitor will speak at the meeting tomorrow. 我们班长明天将在会上发言。 say 动词“说”,say 必须与说话的内容同时一起出现在句中。例如: He says “Good morning” to me . 他对我说你好 The teacher often says “You must work hard!” 老师经常说你们必须努力学习。 Can you say something about your study? 说说你的学习情况好吗? talk动词“谈论,讨论” talk about谈论 talk about sb /sth with sb. . Lets talk about the picture. 让我们谈论一下这幅画吧。 She often talks about her homework with me. 她经常和我讨论她的作业。 tell动词意为“告诉”常用于词组。 tell sb. sth. 或tell sth. to sb. 告诉某人某事。 Can you tell me the news? 你能把这个消息告诉我吗? 另外 讲故事tell sb a story Father often told me stories when I was young. 我小的时候父亲常给我讲故事.


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