2019-2020年九年级英语下册 Module 6 Look after yourself全模块综合教案 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语下册 Module 6 Look after yourself全模块综合教案 外研版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年九年级英语下册 Module 6 Look after yourself全模块综合教案 外研版科目:英语 第6 册第 6 模块 日期教学目标1) To revise the some tenses that we have learned before.2) To use the following words and expressions correctly.Such as:fever,flu,knee,wound,miss,trip,expert,require,fit,aqmount,weight,effect,cooker,shock,hit,glad,breathe,cancer,fix,improvement,oning,cough.3) To talk about the healthy life.4) To listen to the time,the place,the people and the process of the story and understand the details and make an infer.5) To read the dialogue about the healthy life.6) To write own healthy life rules according to own life experience.重点难点1)To grasp the key words and expressions.2)To talk about the healthy life.3)To listen to the time,the place,the people and the process of the story and understand the details and make an infer.4)To read the dialogue about the healthy life.5)To write own healthy life rules according to own life experience and revise the tenses.主要内容及分析 本模块的中心话题是“健康生活”,随着物质甚或水平的提高,人们逐渐开始关注生活质量,诸如饮食构成和营养搭配,在家及外出的个人安全和良好生活习惯的养成等,人们越来越希望过一种安全,健康的生活。通过本模块的学习可以增强同学们这方面的意识,从而更好的生活和学习。方法及手段Individual, pair and group work to make every student active in class.municative approach;Bottom-up approach;Formal and interactive practice and task-based approach.课时划分Unit 1(1)Unit 2(2)Unit 3(1)Revision(1)Module 6课时备课(教案)课题Unit 1 He has had an accident.课型Listening and speaking第 1 课时教学目标知识目标To understand the conversation through listening and reading.To answer the questions about the conversation by inferring and analysing.能力目标To get some information from the listening materials and reading.To talk about an accident happened before.情感目标To teach the students to love lives and have an active,happy life attitude.内容分析重 点1)To understand what the conversation is about.2)To grasp the key words and expressions.3)To talk about an accident happened before.难 点 To talk about an accident happened before.To revise the use of prepositions.关 键 点Key structure: structures of tenses教法学法municative and Interactive approach;Top-down approach.教具学具Tape-recorder, puter, 教学程序教材处理师生活动时间一Warming-up:Activities 1 and 2.(A1s ready for listening,because some new words may be in the listening dialogue. In A2 well learn the new words by listening and speaking.Its ready for the following activities.)First I will show the pictures on the screen of the puter.The students will look at the picture and answer the questions.1)Whats happened?2)Do you think the person is hurt?3)What do you think he has done to himself?Then Ill show the new words on the puter.Then read them together.Then do A1.First read the words and questions then work in pairs.One asks and the other answers.A2.(Do some listening)Listen and check their answers to Activity 2.Correct the answers for the whole class.二Listening and reading(A3-A6):A 3 .(The students listen to the dialogue with the questions and know about the conversation and answer the questions at the same time they learn the key expressions.)A4.(The students can catch the main information through listening.We can listen to the place,the people of the accident.)1. Listen to the conversation and try to answer two questions.(1)Who is missing?(2)What has happened to Tony?Work in pairs.One asks and the other answers.2. Read the conversation by themselves and try to plete the accident report. Check the answers.3.Work in groups of four.(1)Try to understand the meaning of the dialogue.(2)Underline the key expressions and pay attention to The subject and object agreement.(3)Do some reading.Work in groups of five.教学程序教材处理师生活动时间三A5.(The students can know the contest of the text well through answering the questions and they can know more saving knowledge.)A6(Answer the questions)四A7 A9Read the questions and make sure they can understand them.and have the students finish them in pairs.Call back answers from the whole class.Work in pairs and show the answers together.Listen to it and repeat.Work in pairs or in groups and talk about their accidents they have expericed.Last I will ask a few pairs or groups to show their dialogues.板书设计Module 6 Look after yourselfUnit 1 He has had an accident.The key language points:wait for look after/at/for/like happen to sbcall for help on the mobile教学后记Module 6课时备课表(教案)课题Unit 2 You should always go with someone.课型Reading第 2 课时教学目标知识目标To learn more expressions and new vocabulary.能力目标To get the main idea and specific information of the reading material about a safe and healthy life.To give their own advice on a sage and healthy life.To analyse the passage organization.情感目标To teach the students to love lives and have an active,happy life attitude.内容分析重 点To learn some key words and expressions.To get information from the reading material about a safe and healthy life.难 点Some tenses.关 键 点Key structure: When youre out walking,you should always go with someone.Its fortable to sit on the couch and watch.教法学法Top-down approach教具学具Tape recorder and puter教学程序教材处理师生活动时间一.Warming-up/Lead-in (Activity 1 I ask them to talk about the pictures in order to improve the sense of their safe and healthy life styles.Its ready for the leading idea.)I will show some pictures about a safe and healthy life.I may ask the following questions like this:1.Look at the pictures.Say what the advantages or dangers are?2.Talk about the pictures in English on their ownfreely.二Activities 2,3 and 4(Well do this in order to ask them to notice the advice and use them in everyday life.At the same time the students will learn more vocabulary,some phrases and drills through reading)Read the passage.Which paragraphs describe what you can see in the pictures.Call back the answers from the whole class.Ask them to read and decide individually;they can then check with a partner.Decide who the passage is written for.(the students will learn some useful expressions by reading it and by listening to it.Well do with it so that I can train the reading skills of the students-infer the idea of the writers.)Activity 4 and Call back the answers from the whole class.Decide where these sentences go in the passage.1:Read it as quickly as they can and know about the main idea,then infer the idea of the writers.Work it by themselves.Check the answers together.2.Read it as quickly as they can and finish 教学程序教材处理师生活动时间Activity 3(Do some listening and reading .At the same time we will learn the key words,phrases and sentences.)Listen to the tape and read after it.(A3).Well do with the key words and phrases and sentences.The useful expressions are:1.six rules for 2.thanks to.3.expect to do 4.undredth birthday5.go up-e down 6.make life less fun7.at least 8.a couch potato9.at the same time板书设计Module 6 Look after yourselfUnit 2 You should always go with someone.(1)Some language points:1.six rules for 2.thanks to.3.expect to do 4.undredth birthday5.go up-e down 6.make life less fun7.at least 8.a couch potato9.at the same time教学后记Module6 课时备课表(教案)课题Unit 2 You should always go with someone (2)课型Speaking and writing第 3 课时教学目标知识目标Revision:Revise the new words and some sentences in last lesson.Do with the other activities能力目标Writing: To write a description of a safe and healthy life.情感目标To teach the students to love lives and have an active,happy life attitude.内容分析重 点Revision and writing. 难 点Writing.关 键 点Key structures: When youre out walking,you should always go with someone.Its fortable to sit on the couch and watch.教法学法Interactive approachTask-based approach教具学具 puter教学程序教材处理师生活动时间一Revision:Revise Activity 3 in Unit 2.1. The students will read Activity 3 together.2. If possible, well do an exercise about the last lesson.3.Have a dictation.I will read English,the students will write them down in their exercisebooks.二The new activities:Activity 5 in Unit 2(Answer the questions so that the students will improve the abilities of using language and solve the problems in life1.Ask the students to read and find out individually;they can then check with a partner.2.Call back answers from the whole class.Work in pairs.One asks,the other answers.Ill show the answers on the puter screen. I will remind them of paying attention to some key phrases.(Activity 5 in Unit 2)1.What improvements in health care and personal safety do you think help people to live longer today?2.Why should you always go with someone,or tell someone where youre going in the countryside?3.How many steps a day do you think you take?Does 10,000 seem a lot?4.How often do you think its OK to eat fast food?5.What would you like or like to do to stay happy?教学程序教材处理师生活动时间三Writing:Activities 6-8 (do some writing.)Make notes about the rules you read in the passage.1.Be careful! Dont run across the road.2.Dont be a couch potato! Now think of one more example of what you should or shouldnt do for each rule.Write a passage.Include the examples you wrote in A6 and the situations you wrote about in A7.板书设计Module 6 Look after yourselfUnit 2 You should always go with someone.(2)Writing:1.Make notes.2.For example3.Write a passage教学后记Module6 课时备课表(教案)课题Unit3 Language in use课型Revision and application第 4 课时教学目标知识目标To further review different tenses.To consolidate the key vocabulary in this module.能力目标To plete the module task:Giving health advice to people.情感目标To teach the students to love lives and have an active,happy life attitude.内容分析重 点To further review different tenses.To consolidate the key vocabulary in this module. To plete the module task难 点Key structures: different tenses.关 键 点Key structure: different tenses.教法学法Formal and Interactive practice,Task-based教具学具Tape recorder or puter教学程序教材处理师生活动时间Language practice(the use of prepositions .)Read through the sentences with the whole class.Discuss what the highlighted points indicate with the students(different tenses)Activities 1 2 in Unit 3(to summarise and consolidate different tenses.)A1:Ask them to do the activity individually,and then check with a partner.Call back the answers from the whole class as plete sentences. A2: Ask them to do the activity individually,and then check with a partner.Call back the answers from the whole class as plete sentences. Well do with it like the way of A1.Activities 3 and 4.(We do these activities so that we can review the vocabulary.)Activities 5 and 6.(do some listening so that I can train the students abilities of catching the main message-the time,the place,the people and the main facts of the accidents through listening.)A3: Read through the words in the box with the whole class and have them repeat them chorally and invividually, if I feel it is necessary.Ask them to do the activity individually. Call back the answers from the whole class.A4: Well do with it like the way in A3.A5:Listen and answer the questions.A6: Ask them to read through the sentences individually;they can plete anything they remember immediately.Play it again for them to plete,check and correct.Call back the answers from the whole class.教学程序教材处理师生活动时间Activities 7 and 8(We will do with it so that well train the students ability of catching the main idea if the passage as quckily as they can.At the same time well check if the students will grasp the fact messages of the passage.)Around the worldActivities 9-1 1(Do some writing)A7: Ask them to do the activity individually,and then check with a partner.Call back the answers in a whole-class setting.A8: Ask them to do the activity individually,and then check with a partner.Call back the answers from the whole class ,having one student read a sentence and another say which paragraph it goes with.Read it and know more about home schooling.A9:Write a position about giving health advice to people.板书设计Module 6 Look after yourselfUnit 3 Language in use1.Some different tenses1.be doing 2.have/has+p.p 3.had+p.p 4.was/were/did 5.will/would do 教学后记Module 6课时备课表(教案)课题Module 6 Revision课型Reading and writing第 5 课时教学目标知识目标Revise the new words and some expressions.Revise different tenses.能力目标To summarize something.情感目标No.内容分析重 点Revise the new words and some expressions.Revise different tenses.难 点Revise different tenses.关 键 点Key structure: Revise different tenses.教法学法Revision教具学具Tape recorder or puter教学程序教材处理师生活动时间一:Revise the new words in Module 6.(Revise them in order to consolidate the new words in Module 6)First listen to the tape and read after it.Then read together.Then well have a dictation.After writing them,I will ask them to check the new words and correct the mistakes.If possible,well finish some exercises about the words.二:Revise Unit 1 of Module 6.(Well do it in order to revise the useful expressions and the agreement of subject and predicate.)I will ask the students to read Activity 3 together.Then read it in groups of five.At the same time theyll learn the useful expressions and pay attention to the sentences with the agreement of subject and predicate.Revise Unit 2 of Module 6.(Well do it in order to revise the useful expressions and the agreement of subject and predicate.)I will ask the students to read Activity 3 together.Then read it in groups of five.At the same time theyll learn the useful expressions and pay attention to the sentences with the agreement of subject and predicate.1.six rules for 2.thanks to.3.expect to do 4.undredth birthday5.go up-e down 6.make life less fun7.at least 8.a couch potato9.at the same time教学程序教材处理师生活动时间Revise Unit 3 of Module 6.(Well do it in order to revise the useful expressions and the agreement of subject and predicate.Then the students will revise the grammar by reading the information about it on Page 163-165.)At first I will show some Chinese phrases then ask them to translate them into English.After finishing them and Ill ask them to recite them.Next well read the information about different tenses and then finish some exercises about it to consolidate it.)板书设计Module 6 Look after yourselfRevisionSome key points:1.six rules for 2.thanks to.3.expect to do 4.undredth birthday5.go up-e down 6.make life less fun7.at least 8.a couch potato9.at the same time教学后记


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