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2019-2020年九年级英语全册Unit13Weretryingtosavetheearth第6课时当堂达标题新版人教新目标版Section B (3aSelf Check). 根据句意及所给首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词。1. He walked through a wooden g_into the field behind his house.2. Many kinds of m_are used t o make the parts of this machine.3. This painting is one of Matisses greatest w_.4. The milk b_is empty. Who drank up the milk?5. George Washington was the first P_of the United States.根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1. The white _ (build) was set up three years ago. 2. Greg was a (n) _ (luck) boy. Many people offered him help.3. Jenny thinks the _ (perform) was really exciting.21cnjy4. How could she have acted _ (different)? 5. Staying with them made me _ (fortable). I decided to leave.根据短文内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词或短语并用其适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。bore, pay, work, take pride in, keep onBill is a twelve-year-old boy. He found a job in a restaurant during the summer holiday last year. He washed dishes and cleaned the kitchen. He (1)_ six hours a day. It was really a hard and (2)_ job. Once in a while, he wanted to give it up, but he (3)_ working. He felt very tired after four-week hard work. At last he was (4)_ 700 yuan.Bill felt like a grown-up after doing this job. And it was a very special experience for him. It made him understand how hard it is to make money. Whenever he buys things with his own money, he (5)_ himself. .根据汉语意思及括号内所给提示,将下列句子翻译成英语。1. 去年他们拆了那座老房子。 (pull . down)_2. 这些书必须在6月20日前归还。 (bring back)_3. 妈妈让我把脏面包扔掉。 (throw away)_4. 我看到那个盘子底朝上躺在地板上。 (upside down)_5. 他们决定好好利用这些旧报纸。 (put sth. to good use)_.选词填空。betweenalsohearexampletocalledmayhearingsleepingcauses Stop and listen! What do you 1. ? You may hear many different sounds. Some of the sounds 2. be noise. Noise is a loud or unwanted sound. Noise can be caused by many kinds of machines, for 3. , cars, planes, farm tractors (拖拉机) and so on. And, to some people, rock music is 4. a noise. What happens 5. people who live near noisy machines or use them over a period of time? Doctors have found that these people have trouble 6. . But, more importantly, constant loud noise can cause a loss of 7. . Scientists use a unit of measure 8. a decibel to check the loudness of a sound. The sound of a quiet room, for example, measures 35 decibels. Talking measures 9. 40 and 65 decibels. Sounds from traffic and from some rock bands can measure over 120 decibels. Noise at this high level 10. the greatest hearing loss.九年级英语第13单元当堂达标题答案及解析 第6课时. 1. gate 2. metals 3. works 4. bottle 5. President(解析略).1. building 建筑物,动词转换为名词。2. lucky 名词转换为形容词修饰boy.3. performance 动词转换为名词,意为表演。4. differently 形容词转换为副词来修饰动词act.5. Unfortable根据句意选择反义词。III.1. worked 根据短文得出用过去时态,假期每天工作六小时。2. boring 枯燥乏味的工作。3. kept on 考察keep on doing sth保持做某事。 4. paid 被支付,用pay的过去分词。 5. takes pride in 为自己感到自豪。.(解析略)1. They pulled the old house down last year.2. These books must be brought back by June 20.3. Mom asked me to throw away the dirty bread.4. I saw the plate lying upside down on the floor. 5. They decided to put the old newspapers to good use. . 1. hear 由后面的you may hear many different sounds.可知应该填入hear.2. may 可能是,用may be。3. example例如,for example。4. also 摇滚音乐也是噪音。5. to What happen to sb. 某人发生了什么事。6. sleepinghave trouble doing sth.7. hearing 根据句意,听力的丧失。8. called 被叫做,用called.9. betweenbetweenand在和之间。10. causes 根据句意,导致用cause,但主语是单数,所以用causes.

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