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2019-2020年高考英语阅读、完形填空(四月)冲刺自练(8)阅读理解【xx江西六校高三联考】Most people will answer a ringing phone.Usually you dont know who is phoning or how urgent their business is,so a ringing phone is difficult to ignore.In one experiment,a researcher wrote down the numbers of several public phones in stations and airports.Then he called the numbers.Someone nearly always answered.When he asked why,people usually said,“Because it rang.”A few years ago in New Jersey,a man with a rifle killed 13 people.Armed police surrounded his house but he refused to e out.A reporter found out the phone number of the house and called.The man put down his rifle and answered the phone.“What do you want?” he said,“Im really busy right now.”Imagine you are at work and the phone is ringing in someone elses office.Do you answer it or not?In one survey on telephone use,51% of participants told researchers that they did.We cant ignore the phone and for that reason,it forces its way into our life.It interrupts what we are doing and on top of that,the caller is often someone we dont really want to talk to.However,in the survey,58% said they never took the phone off the hook,and 67% didnt mind if someone called during a television programme.For 44% it wasnt a problem if someone rang during a meal,while only 28% were annoyed or upset.If someone phoned in the middle of the night,40% told researchers that they got nervous or frightened,while around 30% got angry.Of course,when someone is really annoying,you can choose to hang up on him/her.This is in fact one of the rudest things you can do on the phone,but 79% said they were prepared to do it in some cases.Only 6% told researchers they never hung up on people.1In the experiment,people answered the researchers phone_.Ain order to help him gather the data Bfor fear that it was urgentCto test the function of the phone Dto show their interest in the survey2The gunman answered the phone because_.Ahe decided not to give up his resistance to the policeBhe intended to be friendly with the mediaChe wanted to tell the reporter that he was too busy to offer any informationDhe tended to answer a ringing phone3According to Paragraph 3,most people_when they were doing their work or watching television.Arefused to answer the phone in someone elses officeBcouldnt ignore the phoneCminded the ringing of the phoneDkept the phone ringing4What is implied by the sentence “79% said they were prepared to do it in some cases”?AThey also agreed to hang up on others regardless of rudeness.BThey were prepared to punish those rude callers.CThey were annoying rude callers.DThey were going to hang on annoying phones.5The purpose of the survey is to find out_.Ahow the phone interrupts peoples workBwhat role the phone plays in peoples livesCwhy people mind a ringing phone sometimesDwhen the phone munication is more wele语篇解读本文是一篇调查报道。实验发现,大多数人都会接听正在响着的电话,因为他们想知道是谁在打电话或者担心有什么紧急情况。1解析:推理判断题。根据文章第一段第一句可知,人们接听电话是因为他们想知道是谁在打电话或者担心有什么紧急情况。答案:B2解析:推理判断题。根据文章第二段内容并结合文章大意可知,那位杀人犯之所以接听了电话,是因为他和多数人一样,不能不理会正在响着的电话。答案:D3解析:细节理解题。根据文章第三段第四句“We cant ignore the phone and for that reason,it forces its way into our life.”可知,多数人在工作或看电视时,当听到电话响了会去接听。答案:B4解析:句意理解题。根据文章最后一段内容可知,当接听了电话后,如果对方令人讨厌,你当然可以挂断他或她的电话。虽然这是在打电话时很没礼貌的行为,但79%的人说如果碰到类似情况他们也会那样做。答案:A5解析:写作意图题。通读全文可知,本文的写作目的是为了调查人们为什么会去接听正在响着的电话的原因。答案:C。阅读理解。One day while Father was in his office downtown, Auntie Gussie and Cousin Flossie arrived. Mother immediately began planning to take them to dine at the Waldorf, a much talked of new hotel at Fifth Avenue and Thirty third Street, which she very much wanted so see. She knew Father mightnt like the idea, but he would enjoy himself after he got there, and she thought she could manage him. When he came in, she went to his bedroom to break the good news to him. Whenever she was planning to manage him, the very tone of her voice put him on guard; it had an impatient note, as though really the only plan she could think of was to wish he was manageable. So on this occasion, when she tried to get him in a good mood, he instantly got in a bad one. He looked suspiciously (怀疑地) at Mother and said, “I dont feel well.”But Mother was fully prepared to see that he would take it hard at the start. She said brightly that the Waldorf was lovely and that it would do him good to go out. There was no dinner at home for him anyway, so what else was there to do?When Father took in the situation, he undressed and put on his nightshirt. He shouted angrily at Mother that he had a sick headache. It made no difference to him whether there was any dinner or not. What he needed was rest. After walking around, he put his clothes away and darkened his room. He climbed into bed. Pulling up the sheets, he let out his breath in deep groans (呻吟).Mother had got tired of scolding Father and trying to make him get out of bed, and had made up her mind to dine at the Waldorf without him. She and Auntie Gussie and Flossie marched off by themselves. But they had to e back almost immediately because Mother didnt have enough money, and when she rushed into Fathers sickroom and lit the gas again and made him get up and give her ten dollars, his roars (咆哮) of pain were terrific.60Mother wants to dine at the Waldorf probably because .Ashe has not prepared dinnerBshe feels Father needs a changeCshes curious to know what the new hotel is likeDAuntie Gussie and Gousin Flossie have e to visit61From the underlined sentence “he would take it hard”, we learn that Father would .Atalk with Mother seriouslyBface Mother with difficultyCfeel very upset about the ideaDaccept the idea unwillingly62We can infer from the passage that .AFather has a poor appetiteBFather pretends to be sickCFather has the final say in the familyDFather thinks dining out a waste of time63What is the authors attitude? AHe stands by Mother.BHe takes Fathers side.CHe is ashamed of his parents.DHe is just reporting the story.【参考答案】60、C 6163 CBD 完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项A、B、C和D中,选出最佳答案。When I was a teenager, my dad did everything he could do to advise me against being a brewer(造酒人). Hed 1 his life brewing beer for local breweries only to make a living, 2 had his father and grandfather before him. He didnt want me 3 near a vat(酿酒用的桶)of beer. So I did as he asked. I got good 4 , went to Harvard and in 1971 was accepted into a graduate program there that 5 me to study law and business at the same time.In my second year of graduate school, I began to realize that Id 6 done anything but go to school. So, at 24 I decided to drop out. 7 , my parents didnt think this was a great idea. But I felt strongly that you cant 8 till youre 65 to do what you want in life.I packed my stuff into a bus and headed for Colorado to bee an instructor at Outward Bound. Three years later, I was ready to go back to 9 . I finished Harvard and got a highly-paid job at the Boston Consulting Group Still, after working there five years, I 10 , “Is this what I want to be doing when Im 50?” At that time, Americans spent good money on beer in 11 quality. Why not make good beer for 12 ? I thought.I decided to give up my job to bee 13 . When I told Dad, he was 14 , but in the end he 15 me. I called my beer Samuel Adams, 16 the brewer and patriot(爱国者) who helped to start the Boston Tea Party. 17 I sold the beer direct to beer drinkers to get the 18 out. Six weeks later, at the Great American Beer Festival, Sam Adams Boston Lager(淡啤酒) won the top prize for American beer. In the end I was destined(注定) to be a brewer. My 19 to the young is simple: Life is very 20 , so dont rush to make decisions. Life doesnt let you plan.( ) 1.A.cost B. spent C. taken D. paid( ) 2.A.like B. as if C. so D. nor( ) 3.A.anywhere B. anyway C. anyhow D. somewhere( ) 4.A.habits B. teachers C. grades D. work( ) 5.A.promised B. convinced C. advised D. allowed( ) 6.A.never B. ever C. always D. hardly ( ) 7.A.Fortunatnely B. Obviously C. Possibly D. Surprisingly( ) 8.A.assure B. decline C. deny D. wait( ) 9.A.school B. Colorado C. my home D. my decision( ) 10.A.thrilled B. stressed C. wondered D. sneezed ( ) 11.A.cheap B. expensive C. low D. high( ) 12.A.Englishmen B. Europeans C. the world D. Americans ( ) 13.A.a lawyer B. a brewer C. an instructor D. an engineer( ) 14.A.astonished B. satisfied C. interested D. anxious( ) 15.A.hated B. supported C. raised D. left( ) 16.A.for B. at C. in D. after( ) 17.A.Therefore B. Otherwise C. Also D. Yet( ) 18.A.price B. name C. pany D. party( ) 19.A.advice B .life C. job D. experience( ) 20.A.hard B. busy C. short D. long1.B spend time doing sth. 是固定结构,意思是“把时间花在做上”。2.C 倒装句。“so+倒装句”表示“另一个人或物的情况与前面相同”。3.A anywhere用于否定句中。4.C 据上下文可知,作者服从了父亲的安排并获得了良好的成绩。5.D 学校允许我学习法律和商业。allow sb to do sth.“允许某人做某事”。6.A never.anything=nothing。7.B 我想退学,显然父母不会同意,其他不合题意。8.D “不能等到人老了才做自己愿做的事”。9.A 下文finished Harvard提供了回来学习的信息,因而为go back to school。10.C 这句话是作者对自己生活的疑惑。11.C 本句意思是啤酒很贵,但质量不佳。12.D 上文提到Americans 高价买质量不好的啤酒,因而本句应为为Americans制造高质量的啤酒。13.B 从下文可知,作者要放弃原来的工作,成为酿酒人。14.A 当我告诉父亲时,他对我的想法不是很满意或感兴趣,而是奇怪,因为文章一开始就告诉我们作者的父亲不想让他成为酿酒人。15.B but表转折,表明最后他同意和支持我,故答案为B。16.D name sth. after为一固定搭配。 after有“根据、依据”的意思。17.C also “而且”,作者首先给他的啤酒起了一个好名字,同时又直销给喝酒人。18.B 把“酒的名字”传出去,使这一“name”有了名气。19.A 从后面的几句话可知,作者是在给读者“忠告”,advice“忠告、劝告、建议”。20.D 从“不要急于做决定”,可知作者是想表达“人的一生很长久”的意思,所以也就有了“生活不一定按你的计划进行”。

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