2019-2020年七年级英语下册《Unit 6 Pets Vocabulary》教案 牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语下册Unit 6 Pets Vocabulary教案 牛津版年级学科Grade EightEnglish课题备课人教学目标1.To recognize and identify a range of animal features2.To differentiate between features belonging to different animals3.To use appropriate nouns and verbs when describing the appearance and characteristics of animals4.To train students ability of self-teaching.重难点Write an article about small animals using proper nouns and verbs课时One时间Difficulties shocking get tired 中的get 是联系动词,意思是“变成,变得”,后面通常跟形容词做表语。 I get hungry after school. 放学后我就饿了 e home 回家 home 在该句子中是副词,副词前不能用介词“to”,类似的短语有 go home ,如果说去某人家,就是“go to ones home”,这里 home 是名词,应用介词“to”,如: e to my home. 来我家。 Go to Lilys home. 去丽丽的家。 knock on 敲,也可用 knock at, 如: Dont knock on the door, please. 请不要敲门。 The children will knock on the door , and shout “trick or treat” . 孩子们会敲门,吆喝着“不招待就使坏”。 look so beautiful 看上去那么漂亮 look 在本句中是系动词,意思是“看上去,看起来” 后面通常加上一个形容词做表语。 He looks strong。 他看上去很结实。 Mr. Green looks quite young。 格林先生看上去很年轻。Step I RevisionRevise the last lesson by asking students some questionsWhat can a dog do?How does a goldfish live?Where does a cat sleep?Step II Task 1.Ask students to read the new words of this lesson to check their pronunciations and correct their pronunciations. 2.Present students the pictures of the animals in Part A, Page 97.Ask students to tell the body features.3.Ask students to finish Part B on their own.Then ask two students to readthis passage, check answers in a whole.4.Ask students some questions to check their understanding about Part B.(1).What colour is the cats tail?What does she like to chase?Where does she sleep?What does she do when she is hungry?(2).What colour is the parrot?What does he do when his master es home?Does he knock on the cage when he is full?Step III Writing1.Ask students to read the passages again and try to find out what does each passage talk about.a, appearance ( colour, paw, tail, feather, etc.)b, characteristic ( what they eat/drink, what they do, etc.)2.Divide the students who wants to write the same kind of animal into one group. In groups, students talk about what they want to write about.3.Ask students to write their positions. They have to write at least ten sentences, including the appearance and characteristics of this kind of animal.4.Students write their passages. If they dont know the words they want, they can use a dictionary or ask the teacher for help.5.Ask several students to show their positions for the class.6.Set an evaluation on students work. Encourage them to write their own passages.StepIV ExercisesI.用动词的适当形式填空 your sister (go) to school by bike every day? Where Jill (e) from ? Dont (talk) in class. They want (see) Uncle Wang today. He (like) (watch) CCTV news in the evening .II.选择题( ) Theres something wrong my puter. A. on B. of C. with D. at ( ) My cat a black and white tail. A. have B. has C. there is D. there ( ) My parrot is special food. A. very a B. a quite C. a very D. very ( ) My father was cooking supper when I . A. got home B. got to home C. e home D. e to home ( ) My parrots feathers look so nice the sun. A. under B. between C. into D. iVocabularyWhat does she like to chase? Where does she sleep?板书设计教学反思

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