2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习单项填空精练精析7 (I).doc

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山东德州xx届高考英语二轮复习单项填空精练精析71. The plan was _ when it was discovered just how much the scheme would cost. A. releasedB. desertedC. resignedD. abandoned2. If youre a poor driver, you should not _ at night. A. to try drivingB. try to driveC. to try to driveD. try driving3. xx西安模拟_ it is to sit down and have a good chat with your close friends! A. What great funnyB. What a great funC. What great funD. How good fun4. The _ of Suzhou and Hangzhou in spring is attractive. A. viewB. sceneryC. sceneD. sight5. The faces of four famous American presidents on Mount Rushmore can be seen from a _ of 60 miles. A. lengthB. distanceC. wayD. space6. Ad-makers choose words and brand names very carefully in order to make a creative image of the product they are _ . A. processingB. producingC. providingD. promoting7. xx哈尔滨模拟Do you begin the day by reading the newspaper, then go off to work and then return home _ for bed? A. tired and readyB. to tire and be ready C. tiredly and readilyD. tiring and ready8. xx广安模拟I tried _ you several times yesterday, but I couldnt _ to you. A. calling up; e acrossB. to call on; go throughC. ringing; get throughD. to call; get across9. xx杭州模拟Last year my college friend Melissa _ her family business, a pany supplying metal boxes to other factories. A. took upB. took downC. took offD. took over10. The munication satellite _ from Xichang Space Center has entered the orbit successfully. A. to be launchedB. launchedC. launchingD. having launched11. Please _ vocabulary about Market & Price if you want to know better about the article. A. e toB. refer toC. add toD. get to12. xx攀枝花模拟Everything is easily _ so its not wise to follow the fashion. A. out of sightB. out of dateC. out of reachD. out of memory13. It is because he _ experience that he is rejected. A. is short ofB. is short for C. lacks ofD. lacks for14. The _ explosion _ all the people present just now. A. frightened; frightenedB. frightening; frightenedC. frightened; frightensD. frightening; frightens15. Would you mind if you helped me with my math? _ . I have set my mind to help you. A. Never mindB. Dont mention itC. No wayD. Of course not2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习单项填空精练精析7 (I)1.【解析】选D。句意:当发现这个方案将耗费巨资时,它被放弃了。abandon 意为“放弃”。release “解除,免除”;desert 表示抛弃自己的职责或应尽的义务;resign “辞去,辞职,放弃”。2.【解析】选D。句意:如果你是个技术不过关的驾驶员,你不应该尝试在晚上驾车。try to do努力去做;try doing试着做。3.【解析】选C。考查感叹句。句意:坐下来和亲密的朋友们聊聊天是多么惬意啊!fun是不可数名词,应由what引导感叹句,且fun前不加冠词。4.【解析】选B。考查名词辨析。句意:春天的苏杭,景色宜人。view表示“从高处或远处看到的风景”; scenery泛指一个地方的风景,是不可数名词;scene场景,一幕;sight指“视力,一个地方的名胜”。【变式备选】The Dragon Tower, from whose top visitors can enjoy a good _ of Harbin, attracts hundreds of tourists every day. A. sightB. viewC. sceneryD. scene【解析】选B。from whose top. . . Harbin是非限制性定语从句修饰the Dragon Tower,whose在此处表示“这座塔的”。view表示“从高处或远处看到的风景”,sight指“视力,一个地方的名胜”。根据语境可知选B。5.【解析】选B。考查名词辨析。句意:在罗斯摩尔山的四位美国著名总统的脸从60英里之外就能看到。length长度;distance距离;way方法,道路;space空间。此处指距离,应选distance。6.【解析】选D。句意:广告制造者十分小心地选择词汇与商标的名字是为了给他们所推广的产品制造一个具有创造性的形象。process处理; produce生产; provide提供;promote促进。7.【解析】选A。考查形容词作状语。句意:你是通过读报纸开始一天的生活,然后去上班,回到家很累,很想睡觉吗?根据句意以及句子结构可知此处tired and ready for bed作伴随状语,表示回到家时主语的一种状况。故选A。8.【解析】选C。句意:我昨天试着给你打了几次电话,但一直没接通电话。try to do努力去做; try doing试着做; e across偶然相遇,碰见,被理解;go through通过,检查;get through打通电话;get across让人理解。故选C。【变式备选】How much did you get about this chapter? Almost nothing. The teacher explained three times but didnt _ . A. get onB. get throughC. get acrossD. get off【解析】选C。考查get动词短语。句意:这一章你理解了多少?几乎一点也没理解。老师讲了三遍但没让我明白。get on进展, 上车;get through打通电话,完成,通过(考试);get across让人理解;get off下车。9.【解析】选D。考查take短语辨析。句意:去年我的大学朋友Melissa接管了家族企业,这是一家给其他工厂加工金属盒子的公司。take up拿起,占据,开始从事;take down记下,写下;take off脱下,起飞,休假;take over接管,接收。10.【解析】选B。考查非谓语动词。句意:在西昌卫星中心发射的通讯卫星已经成功地进入轨道。根据句子结构以及句意可知launched from Xichang Space Center作定语修饰the munication satellite,且launch这一动作已发生并与被修饰词the munication satellite之间是被动关系,所以用过去分词。11.【解析】选B。考查动词短语。句意:如果你想更好地理解这篇文章,请查阅关于市场和价格的词汇。e to来到,达到;refer to提到,指的是,查阅;add to增添;get to到达。12.【解析】选B。考查固定短语。句意:一切都容易过时,所以赶时髦是不明智的。out of sight看不见;out of date过期的;out of reach够不着;out of memory被忘记。13.【解析】选A。句意:正是因为他缺少经验才被拒绝了。be short of=lack缺少;be short for是的简称。14.【解析】选B。第一个空填frightening(令人害怕的),修饰explosion。根据句子结构可知第二个空考查句子的谓语,由just now可知,此处用一般过去时,所以选B。15.【解析】选D。Never mind不重要,别担心;Dont mention it不用谢;No way没门儿,不可能;Of course not当然不会。根据I have set my mind to help you. 可知,第二个说话者认为自己会提供帮助。故选D。

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