2019-2020年高考英语 短文填词考前突破(一).doc

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2019-2020年高考英语 短文填词考前突破(一)I have written letters of apology to my teacher before. I remembered at the age of 7, when h English lessons, I pulled my classmates chair76. _aside when he was about to sit down after answering questions. a result, 77. _ he fell onto the ground and cried. The whole class burst into (笑声).78. _ My English teacher was so angry I had to apologize by writing 79. _a letter to her and she (宽恕) me. 80. _Even now if I b badly in class, I will still write a letter of 81. _apology to my teachers due to the f reasons. Firstly, I should take82. _responsibility for _ I do. Secondly, writing letters of apology to83. _teachers canhelp _(提醒) myself to be good in class. Finally, it is 84. _ a good way of _(交流) with teachers when they are in anger.85. _二、The difficulty I faced in learning English was how to develop a store of vocabulary. At first, I found it b_ to learn lists of 76._vocabulary _heart repeatedly. But things began to change 77._after I j_ a club for astronomy lovers in our school. There I 78._read lots of materials on space w_ in English. To understand 79._them, I had to look the words up in the _, consult the teacher 80._or guess the new words myself. _is more, I municated 81._with my American e-pals on this topic via e-mail. I f _ in 82._love with this way of English study _(逐渐地). I found my 83._vocabulary getting l_ than ever before. I came to realize that 84._interest is the mother of _ (成功) and that we can learn 85._English well through practice.三、In Grade Eight I took physics. In one test I get76 only 36 percent of the answers c I failed the77 next one, too. I started to think that maybe I not78 good at it. However , I was l _ .enough to79 have a teacher did not take my bad grades as a80 (判断 ) of my abilities, but simply as an indication81 why I should study harder. He pulled me aside and t 82 me that he knew I could do better, He p me to retake83 the test, and I pulled my grade to an A. This is 84 I discovered: That some (科目)are difficult to85 learn does not m you are not good at them. 四、People are often worried about going to other countries due to the “language problems”. But as a matter of_ , you can still have a 76. _great time living a_ without many language skills. Here are some tips. 77. _ To begin with, take the time to learn a few basic _ (表达) and 78. _how to c_ from one to ten. Secondly, open your mouth and say“ahh” 79. _before _ (问) the way, as if you were at the doctors. Follow“ahh” 80. _by the name of the place youre going to, l_“ahh Paris”. Lastly, 81. _speak simply. Say“Menu, please.”rather_“I would like a menu, 82. _please.”If your vocabulary is_ (有限), try to municate by writing. 83. _Carry_ and a pen, and get waiters or clerks to write down prices for 84. _you. Most importantly, give y_ a chance to use body language. 85. _五、I started to learn English at the age of seven. The experience ofsinging and chatting _ English gave me the feeling that English76. _is a beautiful language, _ can bring people a lot of joy. At that time,77. _English was indeed a very good friend to me. After I _ (上学)78. _middle school, I began to find English learning wasnt so _. 79. _In fact, I had to be as hard-working as o fellow students, 80. _but I _ (不能) to make any greater progress. I was about to 81. _give up my English study _ I met Miss Wang, a kind teacher, 82. _who encouraged me to p more. With her help, I took part in 83. _English petitions and won many p . Since then English 84. _has absolutely been one of my _(最喜欢的)subjects.85. _六、When it es to traveling way, different people will offer different_.76. _ Some people like to travel alone, _ others prefer to travel with a panion.77. _Of course, everyone has his _ (考虑) for his preference.78. _Traveling alone, one can enjoy more freedom. The traveler can _(安排)79. _his tour as he wishes w_ troubling others. Moreover, traveling alone tend to80. _bring the traveler unexpected surprise, such as _ a new friend and enjoying81. _a different scenery. C_ with traveling alone, traveling with a 82. _panion has also its a_The group members can look 83. _after each other and share costs with them in the journey. As to me, I prefer to travel with a panion. I can deal with the _ (可能的) 84. _problems and difficulties in the journey and share the p_ of traveling with others.85. _七、It is hard for us to learn English quite well because it is aliving language. Many researchers have_(注意)that 76. _English is c . New English words are born every day. Lets77. _take the field of puter science for _. We have 78. _“bugs(漏洞)” in our system. To make things even w , puter79. _“viruses” keep _(进攻)us every now and then. Today we 80. _email our _ (信息) as it has bee part of our life. That 81. _is we no longer write many letters. There are many changes82. _in s_ English too. It may be considered impolite to speak 83. _to our boss in the w_ we speak to our family members.84. _Language develops every day, which makes _ necessary 85. _for us to learn it endlessly. 八、The Internet has been a huge influence ever since its development. First, the Internet is the _(容易的 ) way 76. to find interesting information. _ once requires effort and 77. a trip to the local library can now be done in just a few clicks. _(另一个)great thing about the Internet is that its a vast 78. munity, _ consists of the efforts and interests of 79. people from all over the _. Advice and technical 80. information that cant be found from websites can be found t_ forums and chats. Thirdly, Internet not only 81. b_ in much information about foreign culture and 82. makes our life colorful, but also helps to spread our culture to the other countries. F_, the Internet makes the whole 83. world connected. And it has _(改变) the speed and the 84. way the world does business. So, the Internet is very _ 85. (重要) in our lives.参考答案:一、 76. having 77. As 78. laughter 79. that 80. forgave81. behave 82. following 83. what 84. remind 85. municating二、 76: boring 77: by 78: joined 79:written 80: dictionary81: What 82: fell 83: gradually 84: larger 85: success三、 76. correct 77. was 78. lucky / fortunate 79. Who 80. judgement / judgment 81. told 82. persuaded / permitted 83. what 84. subjects 85. mean 四、 76. fact 77. abroad 78. expressions 79. count 80. asking 81. like 82. than 83. limited 84. paper 85. yourself五、 76. in 77. which 78.entered / attended 79. easy 80. other 81. failed 82. when 83. practice / practise 84. prizes 85. favo(u)rite 六、 76. opinions 77. while78. consideration79.arrange80. without 81. making82. pared83. advantages.84. possible85. pleasure七、 76. noticed 77. changing78. example/ instance79.worse80.attacking81.messages /information 82.why 83. spoken 84.way 85. it八、

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