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2019-2020年七年级英语上册Unit7Howmucharethesesocks学案5新版人教新目标版Period Five【学习目标】知识目标:1.掌握词汇:buy, clothes, sale, price, store,. sell, boy, all, a pair of, very。能力目标:1. 学会阅读广告,了解广告的内容。2.学会制作商场促销广告。【学习难点】:制作商场促销广告。【学习过程】:知识链接 单项选择( )1. Lets go and have _ his new CD.A. look at B. a look at C. a look D. the look at( )2. The T-shirt is only ten dollars. Ill _it.A. buy B. Take C. Sale D. sell( )3. I like sports. My friend Allan _likes sports.A. too B. But C. And D. also( )4. How much _ do you want?A. tomatoes B. Bananas C.hamburgers D.chicken( )5. The car is too _, I cant buy it.A. cheap B. Dear C. Nice D. Good请根据对话内容判断下列各句正( T )误(F )( S=shopper C=clerk)S: Excuse me, do you have any sports bags?C: Yes. What kind do you need? The big one?S: Yes, how much is it?C: It is 35 dollars.S: Oh, its too dear!C: How about the small one? It is cheap and its 15 dollars.S: But I dont like black bags.C: We have this kind of bags in all colors.S: Thats great! I will take the red one.C: Here you are.( )1. The shopper wants a school bag.( )2. The big bag is not cheap.( )3. The small bag is 35 dollars.( )4.The shopper likes the red bag.( )5. The shopper takes the bag for 15 dollars.【课堂导学】一、自主学习学习任务一:和同桌合作完成2a。学习任务二: 1.和同桌完成上部分后,再完成2b,然后核对答案。2.完成2d部分,并和同桌互相练习。3.学习完2b的广告后,完成3a部分。4.小组内合作,写一则服装店的广告。二、合作共建搜集一些店铺的广告传单。【当堂检测】基础达标 单项选择( ) 1.We have pants _all colors _a good price.A. in; for B. in; at C. at; for D. in; in( )2.She has socks _red for only 2.A. in B. on C. at D. for( ) 3.The store _many school things _the students.A. sell; to B. sells; to C. buys; from D. buy; from( )4. e down _ Huaxing and see _yourself.A. to; for B. for; for C. to; to D. at; at( )5.I often _book s _the bookshop.A. buy ;from B. buys; from C. sells; to D. sell; from能力提升 阅读理解MACKS CLOTHES STOREDo you need new clothes? e and buy your clothes at Macks Clothes Store now! We have very good prices on bags , T-shirts , sweaters and more! e in and see for yourself.Item PriceItem PriceBagsRed bags 10Blue bags 12White bags 9 PantsBlack pants 18Blue pants 16Green pants 20T-shirtsWhite T-shirt 5Green T-shirt 6Hats 12Shorts (all colors) 8SweatersRed sweaters 28Yellow sweaters 26Socks 31.The_bags are 12.2.The_T-shirts are 5.3.The black _are 18.4.The_are8.5.The red_are 28.6.The green pants are_学习反思 答案:知识链接 单项选择1.B 2.B 3.D 4.D 5.B请根据对话内容判断下列各句正( T )误(F )1. F 2.T 3. F 4.T 5.T 【当堂检测】基础达标 单项选择1.B 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.A能力提升 阅读理解1. Blue bags 2. White 3. pants 4. Shorts (all colors) 5. Red sweaters 6.20

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