2019-2020年高考英语一轮总复习 第一部分 Unit1 A land of diversity随堂演练 新人教版选修8.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语一轮总复习 第一部分 Unit1 A land of diversity随堂演练 新人教版选修8.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高考英语一轮总复习 第一部分 Unit1 A land of diversity随堂演练 新人教版选修8.单词拼写1Actually,these _(申请人)can only apply for the positions as a conductor.2Such kind of things never _(发生)in a socialist country.3The new research _(预示着)that the seagulls staying here e from Spain.4My father _(雇佣)three men to help him with the harvest last summer.5Voters always _(竞选)those who represent their needs.6The _(大多数)of the young people who are from Italy are learning Chinese in our school.7Only a small _(百分比)of the countries are thankful for our assistance.8_(显然地),many Chinese women are interested in Korean movies.9Hardly had we put down our _(行李)and sat down when the train started off.10She had looked everywhere for her children,but they were _(到处都无)to be found,which made her very worried.答案1applicants2.occur3.indicates4.hired5.elect6majority7.percentage8.Apparently9luggage/baggage10.nowhere.用所给词的适当形式填空1The new contract will _ (means) the start of the whole project.2_ (slavery) used to be sold from Africa to the new world.3At the meeting, young people were in the _ (major)4The _ (discover) that her husband was unfaithful to her was a shock awakening.5She will probably be late but she will e _ (eventual)6The _ (nation) of the minority groups in that country is still an issue.7As the wages were low, there were few _ (apply) for the job.8It was _ (apparently) that he knew nothing about how to repair cars.9Faced with such situation, she felt a strange _ (mix) of excitement and fear.10The _ (immigrate) of the birds is a mystery to us.答案1mean2.Slaves3.majority4.discovery5.eventually6nationality7.applicants8.apparent9.mixture10immigration.单句语法填空1He was the first person _ (put) forward a good solution to the problem.2Since the 1980s, people from Africa _ (live) in California.3_ is believed that he was the first to grow such vegetables.4The club _ (consist) of five women and ten men attracted the old people.5In recent years, we _ (plant) a great many trees.6He pretended _ (be) dead when the bear came near.7He felt like _ (walk) in the warm sunshine.8The fact _ he failed the exam disappointed his parents.9California has the second _ (large) Jewish population in the United States.10_ occurred to me that I had left my handbag on the train.答案与解析1to put序数词后用不定式形式作定语。2have been livingsince the 1980s与现在完成进行时连用。3Itit作形式主语,代替后面的不定式。4consistingconsist of由组成,无被动语态,故用现在分词形式作定语。5have plantedin recent years与现在完成时连用。6to bepretend后跟不定式形式。7walkingfeel like后跟动名词形式作宾语。8thatthat引导同位语从句,无意义,也不充当任何句子成分。9largest序数词后用形容词的最高级形式。10Itit作形式主语,代替that从句。.课文浓缩语法填空On the next day, I teamed _1_ with a couple, Peter and Terri from my hotel and hired a car. We spent all day driving around the city. Theres a great drive _2_ (mark) out for tourists. It has blue and white signs with seagulls on them to show the way to go. Its a 79 km roundtrip taking _3_ all the famous spots. We stopped many times to admire the view and take photographs. Now we have a really good idea of _4_ the citys like.In the evening, I went to Chinatown with them. Chinese immigrants _5_ (settle) in this area in the 1850s. The fronts of the buildings are _6_ (decorate) to look like old buildings in southern China. There are some interesting temples here, and a number of markets and a great many _7_ (restaurant). Also there are art galleries and a museum _8_ (contain) documents, photographs and all sorts _9_ objects about the history of Chinese immigration, but its closed in the evening. We will go back during the day. After _10_ (have) a delicious meal, we walked down the hill to our hotel.答案1up2.marked3.in4.what5.settled6.decorated7restaurants8.containing9.of10.having

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