2019-2020年七年级英语下册《Unit 6 Pets》导学案 牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语下册Unit 6 Pets导学案 牛津版课 题学习目标知识目标掌握几种动物的名称、单复数形式。掌握四会单词,词组和句型。能力目标1)能够表述自己喜爱的动物及原因。2)说一说自己的宠物。情感目标培养学生爱动物的意识。学习重点1)重要短语及句子。2)表述自己喜爱动物的长相、喜爱的原因。学习难点适度扩充学生的词量,能够描述几种动物的典型特征。课前自学一、 在文中找出短语并背诵。1. 游来游去 2. 睡在我的膝上 3. 把它握在手里_ 4. 喂它胡萝卜_5. 教它说话 6. 把我的午餐拿来_7. 更加有礼貌 8. 应该_二、预习对话,能够熟练表演。三、预习Wele to the Unit, Part B,熟读这些句子。能表述自己喜爱的动物及喜爱的原因。四、尝试用几句话来描述一种动物的主要特征。课堂交流展示一、学生上黑板展示课前自学的短语,学生或老师领读。二、听录音,回答ic strips问题。1. What time is it?2. What does Eddie ask Hobo to do?三、 朗读对话,并且小组内分工合作表演对话。四、 完成Wele 的A部分,讲解goldfish, mouse两个词的复数形式。能够简单描述这些动物。五、A)说出六个学生的宠物及他们喜欢各自宠物的原因。 B)小组合作,选择一种动物并谈论它的外貌、习性等,小组展示。课堂达标检测一、根据首字母和中文提示完成单词。1. I f_ fish to my cat twice a week.2. I like my p_ because it can say hello to me.3. You cannot _ (拿着) the goldfish in your hand.4. There are two _ (老鼠) in the box.5. You o_ not to frighten the cat.二、 用动词的适当形式填空。 1. They should _ (take ) good care of their pets.2. Mrs Wang is teaching the girls _ ( dance ).3. Where does your dog sleep? It _ ( sleep ) in its house in the garden.4. He _ ( bring ) his pet to school yesterday. 5. Who _ ( teach ) you English last term.三、完成句子 1. 我应该更有礼貌。I _ _ be _ _ .2. 记着明天把作业带来。Remember to _ _ _ here.3. 我喜欢我的狗,因为我放学后可以和它玩。 I like my dog because I can _ _ it _ _.4. Bring me my lunch. _ my lunch _ me.5. You can give her carrots to eat. You can _ carrots _ her.学习感悟:课 题 Unit6 Reading(1)学习目标知识目标a. 熟记词汇和短语。 b. 掌握重点句型。能力目标a. 了解诗歌的押韵,押韵。b. 谈论有关动物的行为。情感目标学习重点1. 朗读课文,享受诗歌的韵律。2. 掌握重要单词及短语。学习难点掌握重要单词及短语。课前自学一、找出重要的单词和短语,自主学习完成下列内容。1. catch(汉语)_ (过去式)_2. chase = run after(汉语)_追赶一个球_3.hunt(汉语)_猎人hunter4. bite(汉语)_5. fight(汉语)_(过去式)_They never fight with each other.6. build(汉语)_(过去式)_7. trouble(汉语)_ be in trouble _8. empty(汉语)_(反义词)_There is _ _ ( 一个空的)bottle.9. care(汉语)_ They dont_(介意,在乎)10. hide (汉语)_(过去式) _课文理解【短语翻译】1. most of the time _2. make a lot of noise_3. ring the doorbell _4. look around_【句式归纳】 1. I will look after him _ _ _ (直到最后).2. She _ _ (不需要)a bed.3. Cats sleep _(任何地方). They _ _ (不介意). 4. We should help people _ _(处于困境)5. Look! The cat _( 追赶)a colorful ball. 6. I can look after myself well. (同义句)I can _ _ _ _ myself.二、大声朗读课文。三、完成Part B on P95.课堂交流展示一、对课前自学中的重要的语言知识点(单词、短语、句型)在组内和班内展示。二、学生自己朗读课文,每组一到两名同学到台前展示。三、有能力的同学背诵这些诗或其中的一、两首。四、完成Part B1 on P95,带读这些词汇。五、小组合作展示:根据诗所描写的内容,说出这些宠物的习性特征。课堂达标检测一、根据汉语写出单词1. Whats the _ (麻烦)with you?2. The dog often _ (追赶)birds and cats.3. The boy likes _ (打仗)very much.4. Dont _ (躲)in the kitchen.5. Our classroom is 8 meters _(宽).6. Dont make any _(噪音). The man is sleeping.7. He _(赶上) his bus last Sunday.8. There are three rabbit _(笼子) .9. There is an _ (空的)box in the room. 10. Cats sleep _(任何地方). They dont _(介意) .二、完成句子 1. He is _ (clever) animal of all. 2. He _ _ _ (四处张望寻找)me. 3. We _ _ _ _ (不需要喂养)goldfish too much food. 4. _ _ _(在-末尾)of this month, she will visit her grandparents. 5. My dog often barks when someone _ _ _(按门铃)6. He is running after a man. (同义句) He is _ a man.7. You dont need to eat too much food.(同义句) You _ eat too much food.学习感悟:课 题7B Unit6 Reading(2)学习目标知识目标词汇:学会运用本课时的四会单词和重点词组能力目标能对动物的习性与特征进行描述情感目标爱护动物,与动物为友。学习重点掌握并运用本课时的四会单词、 词组和句型。学习难点掌握并运用本课时的四会单词、 词组和句型。课前自学一、继续学习巩固Reading,能够背诵全文。二、完成Part C on P96。三、完成B2部分,朗读这两段材料。四、仿照B2,用一段话来描述自己的宠物。_课堂交流展示一、朗诵比赛。每组一名代表背诵,给予评价。二、完成Part C on P96。三、完成B2部分,划出重要短语。四、课堂展示:每组一名同学描述自己的宠物。根据学生展示的内容随机提问其他同学。课堂达标检测一、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. My cat is so _ (friend), she never miaows at others.2. Youd better keep the windows _ (open). Its hot inside the room.3. When my dog feels _ (hungry), she barks. 4. My English teacher does _ (exercise) beside the road every morning. 5. My small animals can do _ (wonder) tricks.二、把下列句子翻译成英语。 大部分时间,我的猫只想睡在我的膝上。 _ _ _ _, she just _ _ sleep _ _ _. 当有人按门铃的时候,Eddie会叫起来。Eddie _ when _ _ _ _. 一些人害怕狗,因为他们认为狗会咬他们。 Some people _ _ _ dogs because they think dogs _ _ them. 4.她一点也不麻烦 She _ _ _.学习感悟:课 题Unit 6 Vocabulary学习目标知识目标掌握动物身体部位的名词和描述动物的动词。能力目标描述不同的动物。情感目标学习重点掌握动物身体部位的名词和描述动物的动词。有用的表达方式。学习难点掌握动物身体部位的名词和描述动物的动词。有用的表达方式。课前自学一、自学动物身体部位的词语,对照97页图片,完成A。二、你还知道哪些人或动物身体部位的词,把他们写下来。 _ _三、自学B部分阴影部分的单词,朗读,掌握他们的汉语意思。四、完成这两篇小短文,朗读并就短文设计一些问题。 如: What color is the cats tail? _ _ _五、写作 描写自己的宠物,不少于6句话。 _ _ _ _课堂交流展示一、 使用图片来学习一些有关词汇完成A部分的内容,并且记忆二、学生展示预习二的内容,扩充词汇量。三、完成预习三,学生认读新单词.四、 完成B部分内容。核对答案,学生朗读。五、 口头表述自己所描写的动物。课堂达标检测一、根据提示和句意写出单词1. My parrot has special _(羽毛). They look colorful.2. Birds can fly in the sky because they have two w_.3. Listen! Who is _ (敲) at the door.4. My parrot is clever and it can _(重复) my words.5. The boy doesnt do anything all day. He is very l_.二、选择题( ) 1. A parrot has _ and _. A. fur, paws B. a tail, feathers C. fins, a tail D. wings, paws( ) 2. My parrots feathers look so nice _ the sun. A. under B. between C. into D. in( ) 3. “Bite” rhymes with _.A. bark B. miaows C. cries D. bubbles( ) 4. You cant give fish _ food.A. much too B. too much C. many too D. too many( ) 5. The woman _ send these letters.A. doesnt have to B. doesnt need C. isnt have to D. need 三、翻译1. 我有一只四只黑爪子的白猫。 I have a white cat _ _ _ _.2. 当它累了,它喜欢在太阳下睡觉。 When it is _, it _ _ _ _ _ _.3. 它快乐地唱歌当它吃饱的时候。 It _ _ when it _ _.学习感悟:课 题 Unit6 Grammar A学习目标知识目标1) 掌握祈使句的用法。能力目标1)能够正确使用祈使句。情感目标学会用祈使句发出命令或者给予请求。学习重点掌握祈使句的用法。学习难点能够正确使用祈使句。课前自学一、讨论什么叫祈使句,在何种情况下会使用祈使句以及其结构e.g: Give him enough food every day. Give him clean water. Brush his fur every morning. Dont pull his tail. Dont kick him.二. 给出一些例句,与同桌一起阅读检查是否正确。E.g: Stand up. Please open the window. Please clean the blackboard. Dont play football on the street.三、读98页A1与A2部分的内容, 试着自己独立完成。课堂交流展示一、 同学之间展示自己准备的祈使句例句。二、 根据预习,展示Grammar A Part A1与A2的内容。课堂达标检测一、句型转换1. Put some stones at the bottom of the tank.(改为否定句)_2. Feed it some water, please.(改为否定祈使句)_3. Dont give the dog any food to eat(改为肯定句)_4. Please pull the dogs tail.(改为否定祈使句)_5. Be in the room all day, please.(改为否定祈使句)_6. You mustnt talk in class.(改为祈使句)_二、翻译1. 不要在课堂上讲话。_2 不要在图书馆里吃零食。_3请不要坐在课桌边上。_4快点离开这里。_5请安静,别叫。_6不要吓着孩子们。_7不要在床上看书。_8多吃点蔬菜。_学习感悟:课 题 Unit6 Grammar(B)学习目标知识目标掌握 must 与 should的用法能力目标学会正确使用must 与 should情感目标在运用所学语法结构谈论人和事物的过程中,引导学生尊重客观事实、尊重他人。学习重点学会使用情态动词must和should表示职责和责任。学习难点学会使用情态动词must和should表示职责和责任。课前自学一、用情态动词should表示职责和责任。should/shouldnt 表示提建议,告诉人们什么(不)应该做。e.g: You should play with your pet for some time every day.You shouldnt feed your dog at the table.二、must表示必须、必要e.g: You must finish your homework. You must look after your pet.三、mustnt禁止,不准e.g: You mustnt play football on the road.课堂交流展示一、 学生展示课前预习一、二、三部分所给例句。二、 完成课本P100B1、P101B2页的练习,小组内互相核对答案。三、 同学分组讨论用should与must给出更多的例句。课堂达标检测一、选词填空。must, mustnt, should, shouldnt1. Cars, buses _ stop when the traffic lights are red.2. Bob, if you feel lonely, you _ keep a pet.3. Look at the sign. You _ take your dog into the park.4. You _ be polite to the old.5. You _ play on the street. Its dangerous.6. We _ hurry up, or well be late.二、完成句子。1、你应当经常带你的狗出去散步。You _ take your dog for a _.2、我们不应该喂宠物太多食物。We _ _ our pets _ _ food.3、我不知道如何照顾我的宠物。I dont know _ _ _ _ my pet.4、给他们足够的干净的水是必要的。Its _ _ _ them clean water.三、选择正确的词语填空(每词限用一次) (do, dont, should, should not, ought to, ought not to, must, mustnt, can, cant, may)1.If your cat pet is in the street, a car _ hit you. 2.Dolphins _ “Walk” on water for a short time.3.We students _ study hard for our country. 4.If you feel lonely, you _keep a pet.5.You_play with your pet for some time every day. 6._your exercises all by yourself, please. 7._beat your pet cat or dog. Its not right. 8.You _speak while you are eating. 9.Its raining outside. You_ go out.10.According to the law, anyone _kill any pet.11.Although he is very good at his school subjects, he _get dressed by himself.学习感悟:课 题Unit6 Integrated Skills学习目标知识目标1)掌握和运用本课时的四会单词。2)根据听力材料了解更多有关金鱼的有用信息。能力目标1)提高学生的听力水平。2)根据听力材料了解更多有关金鱼的有用信息。学习重点1) 听懂录音材料的内容并能够完成相关练习。2) 了解并掌握更多有关金鱼的有用信息。学习难点1) 听懂录音材料的内容并能够完成相关练习。2) 了解并掌握更多有关金鱼的有用信息。3)能谈论宠物。课前自学一、就如何正确喂养金鱼查阅有关资料,并与组内成员讨论后列出来。二、预习A1部分,自己找出难点或者重点。三、预习A2部分,用已学过的 should、 shouldnt、 must或 mustnt 完成六个句子四、预习103页A3部分,自己划出重难点。五、在做听力之前好好总结102-103页所给出的有关金鱼的信息。课堂交流展示一、 听录音,Do T or F in Part A1 on page 102.二、核对答案三、小组讨论102页A2 部分答案四、再听录音,回答所给的三个问题并完成103页Part A3。1. What was the talk on?2. Do we need to feed the goldfish very often?3. Do they make any noise?五、展示课前自学一的内容,学生就如何喂养金鱼表述各自观点。课堂达标检测一、词组互译1. 重约4千克_ 2. 把她拿出水面_ _3. 听报告_ 4. 和不同_5. eat special fish food_ 二、根据中文或首字母提示写出单词。1.He _(重)70 kilograms. 2.The fantail fish is d_ from others. 3.I like the cats, because theyre f_. 4.What did you do at the Young Pet_(主人)Club . 5.Whats your _(最喜欢的)?三、用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. You should _(put) it there.2. 2. The cats are easy _(look) after.3. We dont know how_(take) care of them.4. Why not _(like) the dogs?5. Lily, _(not take) it out of the water.四、翻译下列句子1. -你为什么养猫呀?-因为它很好照看。_.2. -一只金鱼有多重?-大概不到半公斤吧。_.3. 宝宝在睡觉,不要发出任何声响。_.4. 在阳光下看书对眼睛不好。_.5. 这里的春天很好,不太冷也不太热。_.学习感悟:课 题Unit6 Speak up& Pronunciation学习目标知识目标了解一个句子里面的重音。能力目标了解句子里面的重音,并能找准重音应该在哪些单词上。学习重点了解句子里面的重音,并能找准重音应该在哪些单词上。学习难点了解句子里面的重音,并能找准重音应该在哪些单词上。课前自学一、根据本单元所掌握的有关宠物知识,仿照103页Speak up 部分与同桌谈论宠物。二、初步了解朗读句子时重音落在哪些单词上。课堂交流展示一、Speak Up:Talking about pets听录音,回答问题: 1. What is Amys favourite pet?2. Why does Amy like them? 3. Does Amy like dogs?4. Does Amy like fish? Why?二、 朗读对话,小组展示所编写的新对话。三、 小组总结一些单词或句型的意思。 四、听104页A、B部分录音,学生模仿朗读。初步了解句子的重音。五、自己试着找出一些句子里面的重读单词。课堂达标检测一、用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. She _(have) a dog _(call) Eddie.2. I spend a lot of time _(help) him. 3. There _(be) some fish food.4. _(not give) any money to her.5. You ought to _(be) more polite.二、 单项选择( )1.Youd better keep your mouth _and your eyes _. A. close; open B. closed; open C. closed; opened D. close; opened( ) 2. That mountain looks _ an elephants trunk.A. like B. as C. for D. a( )3. He is interested _dancing and singing.A .to B. in C. for D. behind( )4. My cat often plays _ my dog.A. with B. to C. at D. and( )5. English is difficult _.A. to learn B to learn it C for me learning D. for him to speak it( )6. Many girls are afraid _ tigers.A. at B. to C. about D. of( )7. Man cant live without air _ water.A. and B. with C. or D. but( )8. Remember to _ your homework to school tomorrow. A. take B. bring C. buy D. carry( )9._ nice feathers!A. What a B. How a C. What D. How( )10. Im learning about_ take care of Hobo A. how do I B. how can I C. how will I D. how to三、句型转换1. Give the goldfish some fish food.(否定句) _ give the goldfish _ fish food. 2. Peter likes goldfish best. (同义句)Goldfish are Peters _.3. She has a dog, its name is Eddie.(同义句)She has a dog_ Eddie.4. My dog is cleverer than the other animals.(同义句)My dog is_ _ of all the animals.5. I have lots of bread.(同义句)I eat _ _ _ bread.学习感悟:课 题 Unit6 Main task学习目标知识目标1)词汇:理解并运用本单元的四会单词. shy, basket2)词组:look like, think about, belong to, play with, take good care of能力目标1)围绕本单元话题,对相关信息进行梳理2)运用本单元所学信息,对自己所喜爱的宠物能进行描述3)能对自己喜爱的宠物写一篇文章情感目标热爱身边的美好事物及美好的生活学习重点1)围绕本单元话题,对相关信息进行梳理2) 运用本单元所学信息,对自己所喜爱的宠物能进行描述学习难点能对自己喜爱的宠物写一篇文章课前自学一、认读生字词并背默。二、就自己喜爱的宠物能试着从其外表、性格特征、生活方式及如何照顾进行谈论。三、根据你谈论的信息完成Part A, page 105。四、阅读B部分,找出重难点。课堂交流展示一、 小组内交流,展示预习作业二What does it look like ? 二、结合B部分描述自己喜爱的宠物。三、 完成Part B, page 104,学生找出其中的语言点并展示,讲解四、 朗读Part B课堂达标检测一、句型转换: 1. Its cold out side. Ill watch TV at home. I wont go out.(改为同义句)its cold out side. Ill watch TV _ _ _ out.2. He forgot to bring his football boots to school. (改为否定句)He _ _ _ bring his football boots to school.3. You asked me to your party. Thanks. (改成一句)Thank you _ _ me to your party.4. We must learn English well. (改为同义句)Its _ _ _ us _ learn English well.5. Everyone should help each other. (划线提问)_ _ _ _?6. Its a lovely baby.(改为感叹句)_ _ lovely baby!_ _ the baby is!二、完成句子:1. 即使天下雨的时候,他也练习打篮球。He _ _ basketball even when it _.2. 他们轮流打扫教室。They _ _ _ _ the classroom.3. 我们必须使孩子们远离河和湖。We must _ children _ _ rivers and lakes.4. 知道长颈鹿用舌头清洁耳朵是有趣的。_ is _ _ learn that giraffes clean there ears with their tongues5. 你上次考试太粗心了,下次应该更仔细些。You were too _ in your _ exam, You _ be _ _ next time.三、写作1. 完成104页B部分的内容. 尝试为自己制作一份时尚服饰海报不少于60字2. 课堂展示_学习感悟:课 题Unit6 Check out学习目标知识目标1)理解并运用本单元的四会单词。 2)理解并掌握本单元的重点词组和重要句型 。 能力目标1)对本单元所学语法进行复习总结。2)能很好地表述各种动物的习性特征。情感目标学习重点复习本单元的重要词汇和短语。复习祈使句的用法、复习情态动词。学习难点复习本单元的重要词汇和短语。对本单元所学语法进行复习总结。课前自学一、复习总结祈使句的用法,自己写出三个祈使句。 _ _ _二、复习情态动词should, must。写出含有情态动词的句子并能够改写成一般疑问句和否定句_三、完成A, B部分练习,朗读这些句子。课堂交流展示二、 小组内交流,讨论正确使用祈使句的注意点。三、 展示学生自己写的祈使句,老师适当扩展,如反义疑问句等。三、复习情态动词should, must的用法,学生展示学生自己写的祈使句。四、完成A, B部分练习,核对答案,划出短语,朗读这些句子。课堂达标检测一、根据句意和提示完成句子。1. He works hard and now he _ (赶上) up with others.2. Open you mouth _ (张大地) when you play the game.3. My dog never _ (打架) with others.4. _ (羽毛) can help birds fly.5. Its _ (必要的) to clean the tank twice every week.二、用合适的情态动词填空。1. You _ play games in the street.2. - _ I hand in my homework right now? - No, you _.3. Look at your exercise book, you _ be more careful.4. puters _ work out problems very quickly.5. As a middle school student, you _ learn to be polite.三、句型转换。1. You musnt eat snacks in the classroom. (改为祈使句) _ eat snacks in the classroom.2. Open the door, _ _. (反义疑问句)3. 请安静,别在教室里大声喧哗。(翻译) _ _ , dont make _ _ in t


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