2019-2020年七年级英语下册 Units 3复习学案 人教新目标版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语下册 Units 3复习学案 人教新目标版1.有几分,挺kind of =a little= a little bit 2吃草eat grass 吃树叶eat leaves3和她的朋友玩 play with her friends4安静些 be quiet 5在白天期间 during the day6在晚上 at night 7其他的动物 other animals8放松他自己 relax himself9南非 South Africa10.想去看企鹅 want to see penguins11. 起来 get up句型 : 1. 你为何想看海豚?Why do you want to see the dolphins? 2. 你为什么喜欢考拉?Why do you like koalas? 3. 你喜欢什么动物?What animals do you like? 4. 他喜欢什么其他动物?What other animals does he like?5让他先睡觉吧。 Let him sleep first. 完成句子1 _ do you like pandas? Because theyre _ _(很聪明). 2 Why _ he _(like) koalas? _ theyre _ _ _ (几分有趣).3 Where _ lions _(来自于)? They _ _ _ _ (来自南非).4 What _ _ (其他的动物)do you like? I like _ (长颈鹿),_? (为什么)Because theyre _ _ _.(友好而且聪明)5 Molly likes to _ _ _ _ (和朋友玩)and _ _ (吃草).he is _ _(一头大象)6 Shes _ _(很害羞).7. He _ _ _(来澳大利亚 ). He _ _ _8. He_ _ _ _ (白天睡觉), but _ _ (在晚上) he _ _ _ _ _ (起来吃叶子)9. He usually _(睡觉) and _ _ _ _(每天休息20个小时)10. 列举知道的小动物:_ _ _ _Notes 1.有几分kind of =_ _ =_ _ _一种 a kind of 各种各样 all kinds of 这种_ 那种_各种各样的动物_2. 一箱a box of一箱子土豆 a box of _两箱子裙子_ _ _ _延伸: 一条裤子_一副眼镜_一玻璃杯牛奶_(两玻璃杯呢?)3. 和一块儿玩 play with play v. play the +乐器 play +球类 n. 戏剧下棋_ 弹小提琴_他喜欢和这只考拉一起玩_ 变一般疑问句,否定句_4.every day每天(在句首或句尾作时间状语) everyday+名词 每日的每日新闻_ 每日一歌_每日英语_5. 频率词never(从不)sometimes(有时)often(经常)usually(通常) always(总是)以上各词放在be后:She is often angry.她经常生气。 I am _ _ _others. 我总是对他人友好。以上各词 放在实义动词前:He sometimes gets up late. 他有时起床晚 She _ _ _ _late.6.want =would like want to do want sth. Want sb to doa) 妈妈想让我弹钢琴:b) The kid wants to see koalas.= The kid_ _ _ see koalas. 7.south north west east middle(形容词: ) 东北: 西南:北美: 东非8. also/ too be动词之后实义动词前他也喜欢历史_ 两种句型她的父母都是银行职员 _Too反义词: either 他也不是记者_ 练习题 选择 1. Wele _ the zoo.A. forB. toC ./2. Let _ help you. A.IB. my C. me3. Koalas are _ Australia.A. fromB. inC.for4. Our teachers are very friendly _ us.A. for B. toC. with5. I want _ lions first.A. to seeB.seeC. seeing6. Elephants are very friendly and they like _ grass.A. eatB. to eatingC. to eat7.Its time for class,please _ quiet.A. isB. beC. are8. He likes sleeping _ the day.A. duringB. atC. on9. The little boy is only five _.A. year old B. old yearC. years old10.Dont play _fire(火).Its dangerous(危险).A. inB. withC. on11. She isnt ugly. She is _.A. shyB. cuteC. beautiful12.Do lions eat grass or meat? _.A. Yes,meatB. MeatC. Grass13.Why do you like pandas? _ they are very lovely.A. becauseB.ForC. Because14. Is this _ elephant or _ lion?A. an; aB. a; anC. an; an15.Does a panda e from China? _.A.Yes,she doesB.No,it doesntC.Yes,it does16.The tiger is _dangerous.A little B a kind of C kinds of D kind of 17.The girl is new, so she _ shy.A look like B look C looks D looks like 18. Toms little sister is only eight _.A day old B year old C years old D days old词形填空 ugly, get, beauty, dirty, friend, cute, lazy, clever, they 1. My brother is_, so he is often late for school. 2. I like the _ bird in the tree.3.the elephants are _.My son doesnt like them.4.Our math teacher is_ to us. 5.He is a_ boy, He learns everything quickly.6.Penguins are_ . Children like _. 7.my shoes are _, I have to wash them.8.Mike always_ up at 6:00.句型转换1.Please be very quiet.(改为否定句)Please _ _ very quiet.2.I like elephants because they are friendly.(对划线部分提问)_ _ you like elephants?3.Where are the Greens from?(改为同义句)Where _ the Greens _ from?4.-What else do you like? - lions(改为同义句)-_ _ _ do you like?-lions5.There is a school near here.(改为一般疑问句)_ _ a school near here?6.Lida is 10 years old._ _ _ Linda?7.Lily likes penguins and giraffes.(否定句)Lily _ _ penguins_ giraffes. 8. Are there any animals in the zoo?变陈述句 _ _ _animals in the zoo.完成句子1.他经常在晚上看电视和做作业。He often _ _ and does his homework _ _.2.你还喜欢其他的什么动物?What _ _ do you like?3.安喜欢和她的中国朋友玩。Ann likes to _ _ her Chinese friends.4.我认为狮子非常懒惰。I think lions _ _ _.5.你为什么想看大象?_ _ you want_ _ elephants?6动物园有各种各样的动物。 There are all _ _ animals in the zoo.UNIT3 测试题一、选择填空。15*31.Which kind of animals have long legs and neck? A. Pandas B. Penguins C. Giraffes2.Why do you like koala bears?-_ they are cute and smart.A. And B. For C. Because3._ is the biggest animal on the earth? A. An elephant B. A koala bear C.A giraffe4._ pandas from China?A. Are B. Is C.Do5.Students _ nine hours a day.A. sleeps B. sleep C. are sleep6.People usually think lions are _scary. A. kinds of B. kind C. kind of7.Tigers like _ meat.A. eat B. eats C. eating8.Koala bears sleep _.A. at night B. during the day C. at noon9.Do you ever play _ pandas?A. withB.to C.and10.Foxes can count numbers. So people think they are _.A. scary B. interesting C. clever11.He has two sisters, _is a doctoer ,_ is a clerk. A one, he other B one, other C one, others D one, he others12._ Im hungry,_ I eat some dumplings.A Because , so B because, / C /, so Dso, because13.-What_movis do you like?-I like thrillers, _ A else, too B other, also C oher, too D else, also14. Isnt he ?_ A Yes, he isnt B No, he isnt C No, he is D Yes, he does. 15.Dont_, my good girl.A shy B be shy C to shy D to be shy 二、favorite, do, are, animal, lets, e1. - What kind of _ do you think are the biggest on the earth?- Elephants.2_ go to see the new teacher in our school.3Why _ Maria like small animals?4Is your _ pet panda?5Where do lions _ from?三 看音标写单词5*1 1.There are some _ frentmin _/ plei i / with a_ pnd 2.the baby _ pegwinis _ /kaind/ clever.四。按要求转换句型, 一空一词。15*11. A koala es from Australia. (变否定句)A koala _ _ from Australia.2. He likes dolphins very much. (变一般疑问句)_ he _ dolphins very much?3. The zoo is across from a big and clean hotel. _ _ the zoo?4. I like Tom because he is very friendly. _ do _ like Tom?5. The shy girl wants to see giraffes. (对划线部分提问)_ _ does the shy girl want to see?6. Does he have lots of clever friends? (变陈述句)_ _ lots of clever friends.7. Pandas are from China. (同义句转换)Pandas _ _ China.8. She doesnt want bananas at all. (变肯定句)She _ bananas very much.翻译句子15 1.难道这些狮子不是来自南非吗 _ these lions from_ _ ?2.他每天放松2小时He _2 hours_ _ .3.长颈鹿喜欢吃草而老虎喜欢吃肉。_like _ _ _, but tigers like eating _.4.他们很健康,因为他们每天睡10小时。They _very _ , _ they _ 10 hours a day.任务型阅读10 Where is the best place to see animals? The answer is Australia.(a)There are many cute animals there. The koala is one of them. Koalas likes to sleep.They often sleep _ the day, but _ night they often get up and eat leaves. There is another animal. They cant run but they can jump.They usually only live in Australia.(d)they have pocket in front of them and they put their babies there. What are they? They are kangaroos.1.将(a)变一般疑问句_2.用合适的介词填补(b) (c)两处(b)_ (c) _3.Can kangaroos run or jump?_4. What is a kangaoo?_(汉语翻译)5. 将(d)翻译成汉语_

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