2019-2020年七年级英语下册 Unit 2 Lesson 13 What Are You Doing教案 冀教版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语下册 Unit 2 Lesson 13 What Are You Doing教案 冀教版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年七年级英语下册 Unit 2 Lesson 13 What Are You Doing教案 冀教版.doc_第2页
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2019-2020年七年级英语下册 Unit 2 Lesson 13 What Are You Doing教案 冀教版Lesson 13 What Are You Doing?Teaching content:1. Mastery words: quiet, word, newspaper, bab y2. A dialogue about what they are doing.3. Present Continuous TenseTeaching goals:1. Understand the meaning of the text.2. Remember the mastery words.3. Use the Present Continuous Tense.Key points:1. What are you doing? I am2. some useful wordsDifficult points:the Present Continuous TenseTeaching aids:audiotape, flashcards, slide projector, word cardsType: textTeaching procedures:1. Class opening1) Greet the students in everyday English and make sure they can response correctly.2) Duty report: they can say anything they like to say3) Check the homework in lesson 12 and explain when necessary.2. New lessonStep 1. Lead inDiscuss the questions in “THINK ABOUT IT”What is your favorite game? Why?Do you like babies? Why or why not?Today we are going to learn a dialogue. It happens on the train. Li Ming and his friends are doing different things. Lets look at what they are doing.Step 2. Listen to audiotape and answer the following questions:What is the baby doing?What are Wu Li and Jenny doing?What is Danny doing?Answer them with the students and discuss the text again. Deal with some important points at the same time. Make sure the students understand the meaning of the dialogue. When explaining the language points the teacher can use some pictures, write on the blackboard or on the slide projector.Step 3. Listen to audiotape again and let the students read after it.Step 4. Have them read the text aloud a nd correct their pronunciations when necessary. Then have them act out the dialogue in roles.Step 5. PracticeDivide the class into small groups. Ask each group to make up a dialogue about offering and eating foods. When the students “eat,” some are quick and some are slow. The students need to be creative about situations where this would happen!Step 6. Deal with “LETS DO IT”Play a word game in a small group. Cut some pieces of paper into 2cm squares. Try to make about 100 squares. On each piece of paper, write a letter of the alphabet. Then use the squares to make English words. Join the words together like a crossword.Step 7. SummaryToday we learn a dialogue between Li Ming and his friends. They are on the train to Beijing. They are doing different things. Jenny and Wu Li are playing a word game. Danny is playing with a baby. So we must remember how to express what sb. is doing. After class you should practice the Present Continuous Tense.Homework:1. Understand the meaning of the text.2. Remember the mastery words in this lesson.3. Finish the activity book of Lesson 13.4. Read the next reading in Lesson 14.


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