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2019-2020年七年级英语下册Unit6ImwatchingTVPart4SectionB同步练习新版人教新目标版一、单词和短语预习。1shop n. 商店。动词:购物。短语:do some shopping/go shopping( B )(1)Can you help me to go the _ downstairs to buy some salt for me ? Ashop Bshopping Cshopped (2)我妈妈很喜欢购物。My mother likes shopping .2study v. 学习,研究 n. 书房( B )(1) hard,and you will get great grades.AStudying BStudy CTo study (2)我弟弟正在书房画画。My brother is drawing pictures in the study .3talk on the phone: 在电话上聊天;煲电话粥( A )(1)My mother often likes talking the phone to her best friends on weekends.Aon Bin Cthrough (2)我经常和英语老师在电话上交流英语学习的问题。I often talk on the phone to my English teacher to talk about my English learing.4watch agame on TV: 在电视上观看比赛( A )(1)Mr. Li is a basketball fan, he often watches basketball game TV.Aon Bin Cthrough (2)Tommy很喜欢在电视上看足球比赛。Tommy enjoys watching football game on TV .5wish n. 祝愿,祝福(常用复数形式)。wish to do sth.:希望做某事( B )(1)Zhu hui misses his family and wishes his moms delicious zongzi.Ahave Bto have Chaving (2)新年快乐并送你最好的祝福。Happy New Year and best wishes to you.6a picture of sb./sth.: 某某的一张照片。take a picture of sb./sth.: 给某人、某物拍一张照片( A )(1)The little boy enjoys taking pictures his cute pet cat with his mothers mobile phone.Aof Bfor Cto(2)新年就来了,我寄给你一张我们的全家福。Happy New Yea is ing and I send you a picture of my family . .7interesting adj. 有趣的。 interest n. 趣味。show great interest on sth. 对某事表现出很大的兴趣( C )(1)The book is so that I read it for several times.Ainterest Binterested Cinteresting(2)小孩们都对这种室内运动表现出浓厚的兴趣。The kids show great interest on this kind of sports indoors.二、Section B(1a1d)句型学习。1爱丽丝正在超市购物。Alice is shopping in the supermarket.2Mike还在学校。Mike is still at school.3汤姆不在做作业,他在打篮球。Tom isnt doing his homework and he is playing basketball.4Julia现在正在图书馆。Julia is in the library now.5那个人正在河里游泳吗?Is the man swimming in the river? 三、Section B 2b篇章理解预习。(一)预习课文内容,完成下列各句。1Zhu Hui is a student from Shenzhen . 2Now ZhuHui is studying in the USA .3Today is a traditional festival the Dragon Boat Festival in China.4Zhu Huis family are in Shenzhen China now. And they are at home . 5Zhu Huis father in America is watching a soccer game on TV now in New York.(二)预习课文并选择正确的答案。 ( B )1Where are Zhu Huis family on Dragon Boat Festival?AThey are in the USA BThey are in Shenzhen.CThey are on TV. DThey are watching race outside.( B )2What traditional food do Chinese people have on Dragon Boat Festival?AJiaozi.BZongzi. CNoodles. DMooncakes.( B )3Zhu Hui misses his family and wishes to have his moms delicious zongzi. What does the word “misses” mean?A错过 B想念 C想起 D发现( D )4How many people are there in ZhuHuis family on Dragon Boat Festival in Shenzhen?A2 B3 C4 D5( D )5Which is RIGHT about Zhu Hui according to the passage?AHe doesnt feel happy in the US.BHe doesnt miss his family.CHis host family dont like Zhu Hui. DZhu Hui likes the host family in the US, but he still misses his family.四、Section B2b篇章短语归纳。1和美国家庭住在一起 live with an American family 2端午节 Dragon Boat Festival 3包粽子 make zongzi 4在电视上看赛龙舟 watch the boat race on TV 5他的寄宿家庭 his host family 6给读故事 read stories to 7在电话里交谈 talk on the phone 8想念他的家人 miss his family 五、完形填空。Tony and Bill are in the same school, 1 they are in different classes. Their favorite 2 is Chinese. They 3 Chinese is very interesting. They go to school on weekdays. They e to school 4 7:00 in the morning. Today is Tuesday. Tony and Bill are in their own(自己的)classrooms.Tony 5 an English class. Look! He is talking 6 his English teacher in English. Bill is having a Chinese class. His teacher is talking 7 Beijing Opera with them. The students are looking at their teachers. They 8 carefully(认真地)But one of Tonys classmates 9 a book, because he isnt good at English and he 10 English.( A )1Abut Band Cor Dbecause( D )2Asport Blanguage Ccountry Dsubject( A )3Asay Bspeak Ctell Dtalk( C )4Ain Bon Cat Dabout( D )5Ahave Bis hasing Chas Dis having( B )6Aat Bto Cfor Dof( C )7Ato Bin Cabout Dat( C )8Alisten to Blistening to Care listening Dare listening to( B )9Aare reading Bis reading Creads Dread( B )10Alikes Bdoesnt like Cdont like Disnt liking

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