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2019-2020年七年级英语上册期末专题复习专题一完形填空新版人教新目标版Hi Sally,Do you know the woman in the photo?Her names Guo Caijie.And her _1_ name is Amber Kuo.She is from Taiwan,China.Her _2_ is on February 19th.Guo is an actress(女演员)You can see _3_ in many films(电影)She is my favorite _4_I think shes very beautiful.Guo has a film Sky on Fire.I want to _5_ it on November 25th.Are you _6_ on that day?I want to go and watch the film _7_ you.You must love it _8_ Daniel Wu is in the film,too.I know you _9_ him very much.Please _10_ me if you like to go.My phone number is 6634288.Li Siyu(D)1.A.firstBmiddle Clast DEnglish(B)2.A.class Bbirthday Ctrip Dgame(A)3.A.her Bshe Cme DI(C)4.A.teacher Bclassmate Cstar Dfriend(B)5.A.finish Bwatch Cbuy Dplay(A)6.A.free Bhappy Cnice Dcool(D)7.A.in Bfor Cabout Dwith(A)8.A.because Bso Cthen Dbut(C)9.A.get Bhelp Clike Dwant(B)10.A.ask Bcall Cthank Dhave(二)Jenny and her mother Mrs. Green are at a clothes store.Jennys shoes are too _11_So she needs to buy a new(新的) _12_ for school.Mrs. Green says to Jenny,“Do you _13_ this pair of shoes?It looks good.And its only $28.”“Oh,_14_,what do you think of(认为) this pair of trousers?It looks very _15_,”says Jenny.Mrs. Green says,“Yeah,_16_ you have many(很多) pairs of trousers.You dont _17_ it.And I dont think it suits(适合于) _18_”“Mom,please!Can you buy it _19_ me?”ask Jenny.“No,dear.We cant buy things because they look cool.We buy things because theyre _20_,”says Mrs. Green.“I see,Mom,”says Jenny.(C)11.A.big Blong Cold Dsmall(A)12.A.pair Bruler Cone Dbag(A)13.A.like Bfind Csell Dknow(B)14.A.Dad BMom CGrandpa DGrandma(D)15.A.tidy Bsmall Cshort Dcool(B)16.A.so Bbut Cthen Dbecause(C)17.A.lose Bhave Cneed Dhelp(C)18.A.me Bmy Cyou Dyour(A)19.A.for Bto Cwith Dat(D)20.A.great Bnice Chealthy Duseful(三)Dear Kate,From your email,I know there is _21_ art festival in your school on December 12th.You _22_ Jenny like to sing at it.You want me to go and _23_ it,but I cant.Im busy _24_ that day.I have four _25_ in the morning.Theyre English,Chinese,P.E. and math.My _26_ is not good,so I must take the class.I have art and geography in the afternoon.Art is my favorite _27_Our teacher Miss White always teaches(教) _28_ great music.Im not _29_ in the evening,either(也)I have to play pingpong from 7:00 pm. to 8:30 pm.Have a good time at the festival!_30_ some photos and let me have a look,please.Amy(B)21.A.a Ban Cthe D/(A)22.A.and Bwith Cor Dafter(C)23.A.know Blook Cwatch Dplay(D)24.A.with Bat Cin Don(C)25.A.tests Bparties Clessons Dhours(A)26.A.math Bgeography Chistory Dscience(A)27.A.subject Bgame Cterm Dthing(D)28.A.he Bhim Cwe Dus(B)29.A.happy Bfree Cuseful Dbusy(C)30.A.Think BBuy CTake DHave(四)Hello,boys and girls.My name is Li Fei,_31_ I am a student in Class 92.I want(想要) to _32_ you for help here.I lost a book.Its _33_ is Taylor Swift.There is a photo _34_ the singer(歌手) on the book cover(封面)I lost it at school,and I dont _35_ where it is.I borrowed(借) the _36_ from the school library.And my ID card is in it.I must _37_ it.Please help me.If(如果) you see the book,you can _38_ me.My telephone number _39_ 3769295.You can find me in my classroom,_40_Thanks.(A)31.A.and Bbut Ctoo Dwell(B)32.A.meet Bask Cthink Dhave(C)33.A.card Bgame Cname Dcolor(B)34.A.on Bof Cin Dat(D)35.Ae Bsay Chelp Dknow(C)36.A.pencil Bnotebook Cbook Dcard(B)37.A.lose Bfind Cthank Dsay(D)38.A.see Bspell Cexcuse Dcall(C)39.A.are Bam Cis Dbe(A)40.A.too Bnow Clast Dbut(五)Susans birthday is next week.Her family are sitting(正坐在) _41_ the sofa.They are talking about(正在谈论) _42_ birthday.Dad says,“She loves _43_ pingpong.I want to buy(买) her a pingpong bat.”“I _44_ she will(将) like it.I will buy her a _45_ bat,”says Mom.“I know you like red,but Susan doesnt like the _46_She likes white,”says Dad.“You are _47_I will buy her a white _48_What about you,Jerry?”says Mom.Jerry says,“I want to make(做) a cake for her,_49_ I dont know how to do it._50_ you teach(教) me,Mom?”“Sure,”says Mom.(B)41.A.for Bon Cunder Dto(A)42.A.her Bhis Ctheir Dour(C)43.A.losing Bthinking Cplaying Dfinding(D)44.A.see Bcall Cthank Dthink(A)45.A.red Byellow Cblack Dwhite(B)46.A.sport Bcolor Cfruit Dvegetable(C)47.A.good Btidy Cright Dnice(A)48.A.bat Bschoolbag Ceraser Dnotebook(B)49.A.well Bbut Cso Dthen(D)50.A.Be BAre CIs DCan

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