2019年高考英语试题分类汇编 动词及动词短语.doc

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2019年高考英语试题分类汇编 动词及动词短语05全国Before building a house, you will have tothe governments permission.A.get fromB.followC.receiveD.ask for答案D考点本题考查动词短语的辨析。解析句意为:建房子需请求政府的允许。get.from.从得到;follow遵循, 依照行事;receive收到, 此三项均不符合题意。05上海The pany is starting a new advertising campaign to new customers to its stores.A.joinB.attractC.stickD.transfer答案B考点考查动词意义。解析句意为:为了把新的顾客吸引到店内, 公司开始了一场新的广告战。join参加;stick粘, 贴;固定在某处;transfer转移;传给。05福建The dictionary is being printed and it will soon.A.turn outBe outC.start outD.go out答案B考点本题考查动词短语的辨析。解析句意为:这本词典正在印刷, 不久将出版。turn out关掉;结果是;生产;start out出发;开始做某事;go out外出;熄灭;过时。05湖南I was just talking to Margaret when Jackson.A.cut in B.cut down C.cut out D.cut up答案A考点本题考查动词短语的辨析。解析cut in插话, 打断别人的话;cut down砍倒;cut out剪掉, 剪下;cut up剁碎, 砍碎。05湖北This picture was taken a long time ago.I wonder if you canmy father.A.find out B.pick out C.look outD.speak out答案B考点本题考查动词短语的辨析。解析find out(通过努力等)找到, 发现;pick out拣出;挑出;look out注意;向外看;speak out大声说出, 只有pick out符合题意。05重庆His idea of having weekly family meals together, which seemed difficult at first, hasmany good changes in their lives.A. got throughB. resulted fromC. turned intoD. brought about 答案D考点本题考查动词短语的辨析。解析句意为:他的每周一次的家庭团聚的主意, 一开始似乎困难, 但现在已给他们的生活带来了巨大变化。get through通过;完成;result from(作为原因)产生, 发生;turn into变成;bring about导致。05山东Modern plastics canvery high and very low temperatures.A.standB.holdC.carryD.support答案A考点考查动词意义。解析句意为:现在的塑料能忍受高温和低温。故A项正确。05山东What shall we use for power when all the oil in the world has?A.given outB.put outC.held upD.used up答案A考点考查动词短语的用法区别。解析由句意可知空白处的意思应为 “用光”, 选项A和选项D均含有此意, 而give out表示 “用光”时是不及物的, 不用于被动结构, 故选项A正确。05江西Please tell me how the accident.I am still in the dark.A.came by B.came upon C.came to D.came about答案D考点考查动词短语的用法区别。解析e by得到;获得;e upon发现;碰上;e to达到;提及;e about产生, 引起。05江苏Everybody in the village knew him, so we hadhis house.A.turning upB.putting up C.making upD.showing up答案C考点考查动词短语的用法区别。解析turn up表示 “出现, 露面”, put up表示 “建立, 搭起”;make up表示 “编造, 组成”;show up表示 “使显眼, 显现”。根据句意, 空格处应该表示 “编造”。05江苏In our childhood, we were oftenby Grandma to pay attention to our table manners.A.demandedB.remindedC.allowedD.hoped答案B考点考查动词辨析。解析句意为:在儿时, 祖母经常提醒我们注意用餐礼节。demand要求, 需求;remind提醒;allow允许;hope希望, 故答案是B。05湖北To understand the grammar of the sentence, you must break it into parts.A.down B.up C.up D.out答案A考点考查动词短语的用法区别。解析break down分解;拆分;break up毁坏, 破坏, break off断绝;中断;break out爆发, 突然发生, break down意思合适。05北京Its the present situation in poor areas thatmuch higher spending on education and training.A.answers forB.provides forC.calls forD.plans for答案C考点考查动词短语的用法区别。解析call for要求;answer for 负责;provide for供养, 为做好准备;plan for为作计划, 打算。05天津Sorry to you, but could I ask a quick question?No problem.A.worryB.preventC.troubleD.disappoint答案C考点考查动词意义。解析Sorry to trouble you.很抱歉要麻烦你。这是个固定的日常交际用语。05天津Julia said she sent you a birthday card yesterday.Have you got it?Oh, really!I haventmy mailbox yet.A.examinedB.reviewedC.testedD.checked答案D考点考查动词的含义区别。解析examine指 “对某事物仔细观察以了解有关情况或从中得知”;review “回顾, 复习”;test指 “测试、试验, 检验”, check指 “检查以确定某事物是否正确、有变化, 状况是否良好, 是否有效”。05辽宁Could you please tell me where you bought the shoes youyesterday?A.tried onB.put onC.had onD.pulled on答案C考点考查动词短语的用法区别。解析have on穿(衣服、鞋等), 表示穿着的状态;put on和pull on穿上, 表示穿的动作;try on表示 “试穿”。05浙江The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour withouthis notes.A.bringing upB.referring toC.looking forD.trying on答案B考点考查短语动词的意义辨析。解析bring up养育, 抚养;提出;呕吐;refer to谈及, 涉及;查阅, 参考;look for寻找;try on试穿。句意为:总裁在这次商务会议上发表了近半小时的讲话, 而没有参看他的笔记。05福建If anyone happens to drop in while I am out, him or her leave a message.A.haveB.get C.askD.tell答案A考点考查动词用法。解析动词get, ask和tell后需接带to的不定式作宾语补足语, 而have是使役动词, 其后接不带to的不定式作宾补;由题干中的动词原形leave可知have符合题意, 故选A项05湖北They started off late and got to the airport with minutes to.A.spare B.catch C.leaveD.make答案A考点考查动词意义。解析to spare是固定短语, 意为 “剩余的”。句意为:他们动身晚了, 到达机场时只剩下几分钟了。05安徽The manager had fallen asleep where he, without undressing.A.was layingB.was lyingC.had laidD.had lied答案B考点此题考查单词lie和lay的词形变化。解析句意为:经理在他刚才躺的地方睡着了, 没有脱衣服。当 “躺”或 “位于”讲时, 原形动词为lie, 过去式和过去分词分别是lay, lain, 现在分词是lying。此处用的是过去进行时态was lying, 其他词形都不正确。05安徽He is such a man who is alwaysfault with other people.A.putting B.seeking C.finding D.looking for答案C考点考查动词意义。解析find fault with sb.意为 “故意找麻烦”。05广东John is leaving for London tomorrow and I willhim at the airport.A.send;away B.see;off C.leave;off D.show;around答案B考点考查动词辨析和句意理解。解析句意为:John明天要要伦敦, 我要到机场去给他送行。send away意为 “打发走”;see off意为 “给某人送行”; leave off意为 “停止”;show around意为 “带领某人参观”。06江西For all these years I have been working for others.Im hoping Ill my own business someday.A.turn upB.fix upC.set upD.make up答案C考点考查短语解释。解析turn up找到;出现;证明出;调大;fix up修补;解决;治愈;set up建立;成立;make up编造;组成;化妆。06安徽It was already past midnight and only three young menin the tea house.A.leftB.remainedC.delayedD.deserted答案B考点考查动词意义。解析句意为:早已过了半夜, 仅有3位年轻人还留在茶房。remain作系动词, 后可跟名词、介词短语、现在分词、过去分词, 不定式的被动式作表语。06安徽 Four dollars a pair? I think its a bit too much. If you buy three pairs, the price for each willto three fifty.Ae downB.take downC.turn overD.go over答案A考点考查短语解释。解析e down下降, 下来;take down把拆开;turn over翻转, 翻身;go over复习;仔细检查。06江苏 Are you going to have a holiday this year? Id love to.I cant wait to leave this place.A.offB.outC.behindD.over答案C考点考查动词短语的辨析。解析leave off使停止;不再使用;leave out省去, 略去;遗漏;leave behind把丢在后面;遗留;leave over留下, 剩下。由句意 “我很想(度假), 我迫不及待地想离开此处(把此处抛在脑后不管”知C项正确。06广东The traffic lightsgreen and I pulled away.A.came B.grew C.got D.went答案D考点考查动词意义。解析go green表示转变、转换。06广东I was still sleeping when the fire, and then it spread quickly.A.broke out B.put out C.came outD.got out答案A考点考查动词短语的辨析。解析break out发生, 符合题意;put out扑灭;e out, get out出来。句意为:火灾发生时, 我正在睡觉。06四川The boss said we had only three days to finish the work.Dont worry.We have alreadytwo thirds of it.A.got downB.got throughC.given inD.given away答案B考点考查动词短语的辨析。解析get through做完。06陕西With no one toin such a frightening situation, she felt very helpless.A.turn toB.turn onC.turn offD.turn over答案A考点考查动词短语的辨析。解析turn to求助于;turn on打开(开关、电源等);turn off关掉(灯等);turn over翻身, 翻转。06湖北One of the best ways for people to keep fit is tohealthy eating habits.A.grow B.develop C.increaseD.raise答案B考点考查动词意义。解析develop形成;开发;develop a habit of.形成习惯。06湖北Its already 10 oclock.I wonder how itthat she was two hours late on such a short trip.A.came over B.came out C.came aboutD.came up答案C考点考查动词短语的辨析。解析e over过去;e out出来;e about出现, 到来;e up发生, 符合题意。06湖北The building around the corner caught fire last night.The police are now the matter.A.seeing throughB.working outC.looking intoD.watching over答案C考点考查动词短语的辨析。解析C项意为 “调查”, 符合题意;A项意为 “浏览”;B项意为 “解决”;D项意为 “观察”。06湖北As I grew up in a small town at the foot of a mountain, the visit to the villagescenes of my childhood.A.called upB.called forC.called onD.called in答案A考点考查动词短语的辨析。解析A项唤起, B项需要, C项号召, D项召集。句意为:本次参观使我想起了童年的情景。因此选A项。06湖北Although the wind has, the rain remains steady, so you still need a raincoat.A.turned upB.gone backC.died downD.blown out答案C考点考查动词短语的辨析。解析C项意为 “平息”。A项意为 “出现, 到来”;B项意为 “回来”;D项意为 “吹出”, 句意为:虽然风停了, 但是雨还在下, 因此你要带上雨衣, 因此选C项。06重庆 How are you managing to do your work without an assistant? Well, Isomehow.A.get alongBe onC.watch outD.set off答案A考点考查动词短语的用法。解析get along(接着之前在做的事)继续干。如:Id like to stay and chat, but I really must be getting along. 我想留下来聊天, 但我确实得继续干活了。e on快;进步(展);发生;开始;watch out当心, 注意;set off动身出发。根据句意知A项正确。06山东Someone who lacks staying power and perseverance is unlikely to a good researcher.A.make B.turn C.getD.grow答案A考点考查动词意义。解析make表示 “使成为”为及物动词;turn表示 “变成, 变为”为不及物动词;get表示 “变成, 做成”为不及物动词;grow表示 “生长, 成长”。根据句意及句式结构知, 空格处应使用及物动词表示 “使成为”之意, 故A项正确。06山东After he retired from office, Rogerspainting for a while, but soon lost interest.A.took up B.saved up C.kept up D.drew up答案A考点考查动词短语的用法。解析由后置语境 “but soon lost interest”可知, 空白处应表示 “对产生兴趣”, 故A项正确。save up储蓄;keep up使不掉下来;draw up起草, 拟订。06全国Wethe last bus and didt have any money for taxi, so we had to walk home.A.reached B.lost C.missed D.caught答案C考点本题考查动词词义辨析。解析reach到达;延伸;lost丢失, 失去;missed错过;caught抓住, 赶上。句意为:我们错过了(未赶上)最后那班公交车, 也没钱坐出租车, 只好步行回家。06全国Mike didnt play football yesterday because he hadhis leg.A.damaged B.hurt C.hit D.struck答案B考点本题考查动词词义辨析。解析damage指 “破坏, 损坏”;hurt伤害, 使受伤;hit击中, 打中;strike指击打, 敲打。句意为:Mike不能踢球是因为他的腿受伤了。故hurt符合要求。06全国The watercool when I jumped into the pool for morning exercise.A.was felt B.is feltC.felt D.feels答案C考点本题考查系动词的用法。解析feel作为系动词用时, 其后常跟形容词作表语, 指 “(东西)摸上去有某种感觉;给人某种感觉”。如:Cotton feels soft.棉花摸上去很柔软。此处指 “水(给人的感觉)很凉爽”, 故A、B两项排除, 不应用被动语态;由jumped判断, 此处应用一般过去式;故C项为正确答案。06全国Mary wanted to travel around the world all by herself, but her parents did not her to do so.A.forbid B.allow C.followD.ask答案B考点考查动词意义。解析句意为:玛丽想独自环球旅行, 可是她父母不允许她这样做。答案为B。06天津We want to rent a bus which can40 people for our trip to Beijing.A.loadB.holdC.fillD.support答案B考点考查动词意义。解析句意为:我们想租一辆能容纳40人的公共汽车到北京旅游。hold有 “容纳、包含”之意;which引导定语从句, 先行词为bus, 故不能用fill.06天津Most of us know we should cut down on fat, but knowing such things isnt much help when itshopping and eating.A.refers toB.speaks ofC.focuses onDes to答案D考点本题考查短语动词的用法。解析when it es to (doing) sth.当涉及(做)某事的情况、事情或问题时;refer to参考, 提及;speak of说起;focus on注意, 聚焦于。06辽宁The puter systemsuddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet.A.broke downB.broke outC.broke upD.broke in答案A考点本题考查短语动词的用法。解析break down(机器等)发生故障;(人)感情崩溃;break out(战争, 灾难等)突然发生;break up分开;分解;结束。break in强行进入; 打断(谈话等)。06浙江Were trying to ring you back, Bryan, but we think we your number incorrectly.A.looked upB.took downC.worked outD.brought about答案B考点本题考查短语动词的用法。解析look up查找;take down记下;写下;work out制订;算出;bring about带来;产生;引起;导致。句意为:我们设法给你回电话, 但我们认为我们记错了电话号码。06浙江 What should I do first? The instructionsthat you should mix flour with water carefully first.A.go B.tell C.writeD.say答案D考点本题考查动词的用法。解析句意为 “我应该先做什么?” “说明书上说你应该首先把水和面粉仔细地搅拌好。”表示 “东西上说或写着时”要用say或read, 如:The board says/reads, “Keep off the grass.”牌子上写着: “勿踏草地。”06福建SheJapanese when she was in Japan.Now she can speak it freely.A.picked outB.made outC.made upD.picked up答案D考点本题考查动词短语的辨析。解析pick up偶然、无意中学会。07全国Does this meal cost $50? Isomething far better than this!A.preferB.expectC.suggestD.suppose答案B考点本题考查动词辨析。解析prefer更喜欢;expect期待;估计;suggest建议;表明, 暗示, suppose认为。此处用expect(期望, 期盼)表示 “原以为这顿饭会更好一些”, 体现了说话者失望的心情。07全国I haveall my papers but I still cant find my notes.A.looked throughB.looked forC.looked afterD.looked out答案A考点本题考查动词辨析。解析look through浏览, 仔细查看;look for寻找;look after照顾;look out当心, 注意。句意为:我查看了我所有的试卷, 但我仍没找到我的笔记。根据句意答案为A项。07全国“Goodbye, then, ”she said, without evenfrom her book.A.looking downB.looking upC.looking awayD.looking on答案B考点本题考查动词辨析。解析look down向下看;look up 抬头, 向上看;look on旁观。由句意可知B项正确。07全国Why dont you justyour own business and leave me alone?A.makeB.openC.considerD.mind答案D考点考查动词意义。解析make制造;使;open开;consiodler认为;考虑;mind在意, 介意。mind your own business管你自己的事情。07天津Lucy has all of the goals she set for herself in high school and is ready for new challenges at university.A.acquired B.finished C.concluded D.achieved答案D考点考查动词意义。解析句意为:露西在高中已经实现了她为自己制定的所有目标, 并准备在大学迎接新的挑战。achieve ones goal/aim实现某人的目标。07上海At minus 130, a living cell can befor a thousand years.A.spared B.protected C.preservedD.developed答案C考点考查动词意义。解析句意为:在零下130, 一个活细胞可以保持一千年的时间。preserve保持, 维持。07天津Hardly could hethis amount of work in such a short time.A.get through B.get off C.get intoD.get down答案A考点本题考查动词短语辨析。解析句意为:在这么短的时间内他几乎不能做完这些工作。get through做完;通过;get off动身;起飞;下班;下车;get into进入;染上(习惯);陷入;get down使沮丧;记下。07安徽Didnt you have a good time at the party?Of course I did. As a matter of fact, I had such fun that time seemed toso quickly.A.go by B.go away C.go outD.go over答案A考点本题考查动词短语辨析。解析表示 “时间过去”用go by。07江西Dont take too much of the medicine; it does you more harm than good if you.A.do B.take C.likeD.have答案A考点本题考查do的用法。解析前文已出现动词take, 因此后文再次出现时用代动词do。07湖北Emergency line operators must alwayscalm and make sure that they get all the information they need to send help.A.grow B.appear C.beeD.stay答案D考点考查动词意义。解析四个选项后都可接形容词作表语, 但A、C两项是表示动态变化的动词, 不符合句意;appear意为 “看上去”, 也不符合句意;stay calm保持镇静, stay用作系动词, 意为 “保持(某种状态)”。07浙江Look!Hes running so fast!Hard tohis legs were once broken.A.know B.imagine C.realizeD.find答案B考点考查动词的意思。解析句意为:“看!他跑得那么快!” “很难想像他的腿从前断过。”know知道;imagine想像;realize意识到;find找到, 发现。07江苏Have yousome new ideas?Yeah.Ill tell you later. Ae about Be into Ce up withDe out with答案C考点本题考查动词短语辨析。解析e about发生;e into进入;得到;e up with想出;e out with发表, 公布;说出。句意为:“你想出新的主意了吗?” “是的, 我过会儿告诉你。”07山东Its the sort of work thata high level of concentration.A.calls for B.makes up C.lies in D.stands for答案A考点本题考查动词短语辨析。解析call for需要, 需求;make up弥补;lie in在于;stand for代表。句意为:就是这种工作需要高度集中注意力。07湖北If the firms failed to make enough money, they would.A.close down B.call off C.turn downD.set off答案A考点本题考查动词短语辨析。解析close down关闭;call off取消;turn down调低;拒绝;set off出发。句意为:如果公司不能赚足够的钱, 它们就会倒闭。07陕西We had wanted to finish our task by noon, but it didnt quiteas planned.A.find out B.give out C.hand out D.work out答案D考点考查动词短语意义辨析。解析find out查明, 发现, 了解;give out分发;筋疲力尽;用完;hand out分发;work out算出;结果是。由句意“我们本想正午前完成任务, 但结果并没像计划的那样”可知应选D项。07四川Mumto us, “Be quiet!Your little sisters sleeping.”A.whisperedB.shoutedC.explainedD.replied答案A考点考查动词意义。解析句意为:“安静!你们的小妹妹在睡觉”。根据句意及情景知, 妈妈应对我们低声说, 而不是大喊大叫。07浙江We firmly believe that war never settles anything.It onlyviolence.A.runs into Bes from C.leads to D.begins with答案C考点考查动词短语的意思。解析句意为:我们坚决认为战争不会解决任何事情, 只会导致暴力。run into撞上;e from来自;lead to导致;begin with以开始。07辽宁You cant imagine what difficulty we hadhome in the snowstorm.A.walked B.walk C.to walk D.walking答案D考点考查have difficulty (in) doing sth.短语的变式运用。解析difficulty在句中充当先行词, 其后为定语从句。07江苏Can I smoke here?Sorry.We donthere.A.people smokingB.people smokeC.to smokeD.smoking答案D考点考查动词allow用法。解析allow doing sth.允许做某事;allow sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事, 二者均为allow的固定用法。07山东Please remain until the plane has e to a plete stop.A.to seat B.to be seatedC.seating D.seated答案D考点考查动词remain用法。解析remain在此用作连系动词, 意为 “保持某种状态”, 后接adj., seated作表语。07湖北Surely it doesnt matter where the Student Association get their money from;whatis what they do with it.A.countsB.appliesC.stressesD.functions答案A考点考查动词意义。解析count在句中的含义为 “有价值, 有意义”。句意为:毫无疑问, 学生会从哪儿弄到的钱这无关紧要, 真正有价值的是他们用这些钱来做什么。07四川It was so dark in the cinema that I could hardlymy friend.A.turn outB.bring outC.call outD.pick out答案D考点考查动词短语的意思。解析句意为:电影院里太黑了, 我几乎找不到我的朋友。pick out(在许多人、东西当中)看出, 辨别出;turn out结果是, 证明是;bring out取出来;使出现;call out大声喊叫。根据题意知, D项正确。07湖北If we canour present difficulties, then everything should be all right.Ae acrossB.get overCe overD.get off答案B考点考查动词短语的意思。解析A项意为 “偶遇”;B项意为 “克服(困难等)”;C项意为 “来访”;D项意为 “下车”。句意为:如果我们能克服目前的困难, 那么一切都会好起来的。07重庆Shes having a lot of trouble with the new puter, but she doesnt know whom to.A.turn toB.look forC.deal withD.talk about答案A考点考查动词短语的意思。解析turn to sb.求助于某人;look for寻找;deal with处理, 应付;talk about谈论。由句意知A项正确。07浙江Would you pleasethis form for me to see if Ive filled it in right?A.take offB.look afterC.give upD.go over答案D考点考查动词短语的意思。解析句意为:你可以帮我检查一下这个表格填得是否正确吗?take off脱下;起飞;look after照顾;give up放弃;go over复习;仔细查看。07福建The news of the mayors ing to our school for a visit wason the radio yesterday.A.turned outB.found outC.given outD.carried out答案C考点考查动词短语意义辨析。解析turn out结果是, 证明是;find out查明, 发现, 了解;give out分发;筋疲力尽;(消息等)发布, 发表;carry out执行, 实施。由句意 “市长要来我们学校参观的消息昨天在收音机上公布了。”可知应选C项。07辽宁Dont beby products promising to make you lose weight quickly.A.taken offB.taken outC.taken awayD.taken in答案D考点考查动词短语的意思。解析A项意为 “起飞;脱掉;(事业)腾飞”;B项意为 “拿出”;C项意为 “带走”;D项意为 “欺骗”。由句意可知D项正确。07江苏Do you think that housing price will keepin the years to e?Sorry, I have no idea.A.lifting upB.going upC.bringing upD.growing up答案B考点考查动词短语的意思。解析lift up举起;go up上升, 上涨;bring up抚养;呕吐;grow up成长。由句意可知, 此处表示 “价格上涨”。07山东In this seaside resort, you canall the fort and convenience of modern tourism.A.enjoy B.applyC.receiveD.achieve答案A考点考查动词意义。解析A项意为 “享受”;B项意为 “申请, 运用”;C项意为 “收到”;D项意为 “实现, 得到”。由句意可知此处指 “享受”到所有现代旅游业的舒适与便利, 故选A项。08全国What fruit is in season now?Pears and apples, .A.I know B.I think C.I seeD.I feel答案B考点考查动词短语的区别,解析考查I think “我认为, 我想”的用法, 可放于句前或句末。08全国The performance nearly three hours, but few people left the theatre early.A.covered B.reached C.playedD.lasted答案D考点考查动词意义。解析考查动词的用法及与句意的结合。last意为 “持续”。08全国After studying in a medical college for five years, Janeher job as a doctor in the countryside.A.set out B.took over C.took upD.set up答案C考点考查动词短语辨析。解析take up为 “从事, 做”的意思。08全国What are you reading, Tom?Im not really reading, justthe pages.A.turning off B.turning around C.turning overD.turning up 答案C考点本题考查turn构成的动词短语。解析第二句句意为:我没在真正看书, 我只是在翻书。turn over翻过一页书(纸), 符合句意。turn off关闭;turn around完成;提供;生产出;turn up调大;出现;发生。08全国Little Johnny felt the bag, curious to know what it.A.collected B.contained C.loadedD.saved 答案B考点考查动词意义。解析句意为:小约翰尼摸着袋子, 非常好奇地想知道里面装着什么东西。contain包含, 含有;collect搜集;整理;load装载;save 挽救。08天津The meal over, the managers went back to the meeting room totheir discussion. A.put awayB.take downC.look overD.carry on答案D考点考查动词短语辨析。解析put away收好, 放好;take down写下, 记下;look over从上面看;察看, 检查;carry on继续。句意为:吃完饭, 经理们回到会议室继续讨论。08天津Her shoesher dress;they look very well together.A.suit B.fit CpareD.match答案D考点考查动词意义。解析句意为:她的鞋和衣服很搭配, 二者搭配看起来很不错。suit指时间、口味等合乎需要;fit指大小、尺寸合适;pare比较, 对照;match指颜色、款式等的搭配。08安徽Are you happy with your new

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