2019-2020年高考英语核心词汇复习 第22课时(smart-store).doc

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2019-2020年高考英语核心词汇复习 第22课时(smart-store)I. 单词拼写1. The _(聪明的) kid got good grades and went off to the college.2. Tommy, go and wash your hands with s_(肥皂)。3. You need special s_(软件) to view the information in the file.4. The king lives in a s_(辉煌的)palace.5. The criminal was a danger to s _ (社会).6. _How do you s_ your name? _S-M-I-S-H.7. The boy dreamed of traveling to the moon in a s_ (宇宙飞船).8. The shopping mall occupied an area of 500 s_ meters.9. In England doctors have traditionally enjoyed high social s_.10.An ant has 2 _. One holds the food for itself and the other is for food to be shared with other ants.II. 词形变化1.It will take about 3hours if everything goes _(smooth)2. To my surprise, he came to see me on one_ (snow) January day.3. Unemployment and poor education are the countrys serious _(society )problems.4. Dr. Smith works at the White house as a _(special) in African politics.5. The professor told m e to check my essay to correct _(spell) mistake. 6. Her uncle works as a White House _ (spoke).7. About 30 million people die of _(starve) each year.8. Thieves can sell _(steal )cars for a lot of money.9. After the conference, the president made a _(state) and answered questions.10.My father is a heavy _(smoke)-he smokes a lot.III. 单项选择1. -_can you finish the report? -In about two days.A. How long B. How soon C. How farD. How often2. The little thief ran off so fast _. A. as not to be caughtB. as to not be caughtC. not as to be caughtD. as to be not caught3. _Guy called for you while you were gone.A. SeveralB. Any C. Some D. Someone4. The bathing product is natural and _. A. smells wellB. smells goodC. is smelt well D. is smelt good.5. We put an advertisement in the local paper to look for a _secretary. A. spoken GermanB. speaking GermanC. German spoken D. German-speaking6. I cant stand _around me when I am eating.A. people smokeB. people to smokeC. people smokingD. people are smoking 7. _modern standards, the puter is very slow. A. By B. WithC. On D. In 8. Jack, _while I tie your shoes.A. keeps stillB. keep still C. keeping quietD. keep quiet9. -What is wrong? - I have got something _in my throat.A. being stuckB. to be struckC. be stuckD. stuck10.Who knows what will b e _for human beings one million years from now?A. in storeB. on stageC. on the spotD. in spiritIV. 选词填空Spare speed solid sort state stand spot speak space somehow1. _the managed to climb in through the bathroom window.2. Although he doesnt _ a word of French, Eric loves France very much.3. The big piano take sup much _ Lets put it against the wall.4. The house was in a terrible _ when we moved in but we cleared it up.5. The black school were crowded, while hundreds of classrooms _empty in white schools.6. The snack bar sells burgers, pizzas, that _of thing.7. It can be hard for even a trained doctor to _the symptoms of lung cancers.8. Could you possibly _me a few minutes? I want to have a talk with you. 9. Nancy, if you dont _up we wont be there until midnight.10. The lake was frozen _.V. 中译英1. 总统立即采取措施以阻止争斗。2. 你听起来好像感冒了。3. 医生建议我们定期锻炼。4. 盯者外宾看是不礼貌的。5. 卡车正以每小时50 英里的速度行驶。6. 她把所有的空余时间都用在画画上。7. 这种疾病在穷人中间迅速蔓延开来。8. 我们学校有120 名员工。9. 在我国儿童7岁开始上学。10. 因为堵车所以我迟到了。 第22课时答案I. 单词拼写1. smart 2. soap3. software4. splendid5. society6. spell 7. spaceship8. square 9. status 10.stomachsII. 词性变化1. smoothly2. snowy3. social 4. specialist 5. spelling6. spokesman 7. starvation8. stolen 9. statement 10. smokerIII. 单项选择1 5 BACBD6 - 10 CABDAIV. 选词填空1. Somehow2. speak 3. space4. state5. stood6. sort 7. spot8. spare9. speed10. solidV. 句子翻译1. The president took immediate steps to stop the fighting.2. You sound as if you have got a cold.3. Doctors advise us to exercise regularly to stay healthy.4. Its ban manners to stare at foreign guests.5. The truck is traveling at a speed of 50 mph.6. She spent all her time painting.7. The disease spread rapidly among the poor.8. Our school has a staff of 120. 9. Children start school at the age of 7 in our country.10 . I was late because I was stuck in a traffic jam.

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