2019年高考英语一轮总复习 写作技能突破 基础读写提升 第一板块 基础读写提升.doc

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2019年高考英语一轮总复习 写作技能突破 基础读写提升 第一板块 基础读写提升第一节如何写好五种基本句型(对应学生用书第279页)五种基本句型是任何英语句子的基本组成部分,其他如定语、状语等均是句子的次要或附加部分。只要掌握了这五种基本句型,当遇到较复杂的句子时,运用这些基本句型进行分析,对句子的理解也就变得容易多了。在写作中,必须写好这些最基本的句型。英语五种基本句型列式如下:基本句型一:SV(主谓)基本句型二:SVP(主系表)基本句型三:SVO(主谓宾)基本句型四:SVOiOd(主谓间宾直宾)基本句型五:SVOC(主谓宾宾补)基本句型一:主语不及物动词(SV)不及物动词后面可以跟副词、介词短语、状语从句等。Great changes have taken place in my hometown since xx.自从xx年以来我的家乡发生了很大变化。The next day,we set off early in the morning.第二天,我们一早就出发了。基本句型二:SVP(主系表)此句型的句子有一个共同的特点:句子谓语动词都不能表达一个完整的意思,必须加上一个表明主语身份或状态的表语,才能表达完整的意思。这类动词叫作连系动词。系动词分四类:(1)表示状态的连系动词beThe room is clean and tidy.房间又干净又整洁。(2)表示感觉的连系动词look,seem,appear,smell,taste,feel,sound等。This kind of food tastes delicious.这种食物尝起来很美味。(3)表示保持的连系动词keep,remain,stay等。We should remain modest at any time.我们在任何时候都应该保持谦虚。(4)表示转变或结果的系动词。这些词有:bee,get,grow,turn,go,e,fall(变得),prove等。The weather is getting warmer and warmer.天气变得越来越暖和。基本句型三:SVO(主谓宾)此句型句子的共同特点是:谓语动词都具有实义,都是主语产生的动作,但不能表达完整的意思,必须跟有一个宾语,即动作的承受者,才能使意思完整。这类动词叫作及物动词。Last weekend our class organized a social practice activity.上周末我们班组织了一次社会实践活动。Students have different opinions on this matter.学生们对这件事有不同的观点。基本句型四:SVOiOd(主谓间宾直宾)此句型的句子有一个共同特点:谓语动词必须跟有两个宾语才能表达完整的意思。这两个宾语一个是动作的直接承受者,另一个是动作的间接承受者。通常这一间接承受者用一个介词来连接,当动作的间接承受者在动作的直接承受者之前时,这一介词往往被省略。常见的这类谓语动词有:give,bring,tell,send,leave,pass,read,write,take,show,teach,get,award,lend,rent,buy,pay,hand,remend等。Please bring me several English books tomorrow.Please bring several English books to me tomorrow.明天请给我带几本英语书来。Shes buying her friend a gift./Shes buying a gift for her friend.她在给朋友购买礼品。基本句型五:SVOC(主谓宾宾补)此句型的句子的共同特点是:动词虽然是及物动词,但是只跟一个宾语还不能表达完整的意思,必须加上一个补充成分来补足宾语,才能使意思完整。They appointed John chairman.他们任命约翰为主席。I found him lying on the floor.我发现他躺在地上。上述英语简单句这五种基本句型是英语写作中最基础的句型,考生能否熟练掌握并在英语书面表达中灵活运用这些句型将决定着考生书面表达得分的档次。因此,建议考生在平时的书面表达训练中,根据写作信息要求,有意识地选择运用这几种基本句型,力求达到熟练运用的程度。在此基础上,进一步掌握英语复合句、并列句的相关知识,将所掌握的基本句型扩展、升级为复合句,这样就能逐步达到高考书面表达所要求的“尽量使用复杂句型”的要求,从而大大提升书面表达的得分档次,在书面表达这一题型中立足于高端位次,获得理想分数。.判断下列句子为何种句型1The teacher corrected her poor pronunciation more than once.2Story telling has much strength in improving oral English skills.3The students are studying in the classroom.4He told me how to make a chair.5This gave us much encouragement.6His wish is to bee a scientist.7The motor is out of order.8The weather is getting quite warm.9I heard him singing in the next door.10You shouldnt let him go there alone.第一板块基础读写提升(这是边文,请据需要手工删加)高三一轮总复习英语()(这是边文,请据需要手工删加)【答案】1.主、谓、宾2.主、谓、宾3.主、谓4主、谓、间宾、直宾5.主、谓、间宾、直宾6.主、系、表7.主、系、表8.主、系、表9.主、谓、宾、宾补10.主、谓、宾、宾补.高考作文单句翻译1(xx浙江高考)我很自豪这次经历。(主系表结构)_2(xx福建高考)从图画上,我们可以看到一家三口人走在红地毯上。(主谓宾宾补结构)_3(xx天津高考)我将组织校内活动,例如辩论赛和英语晚会。(主谓宾结构)_4(xx陕西高考)母亲给了我一个拥抱。(主谓直宾间宾)_5(xx江西高考)8点,我们在大青山脚下集合。(主谓)_【答案】1.I am really proud of this experience.2From the picture,we can see a family of three walking on a red carpet.3I will organize schooltoschool activities,such as a debate and an English party.4My mother gave me a hug.5At 8:00,we gathered at the foot of Daqing Mountain.第二节如何写好复合句及含非谓语结构的句子(对应学生用书第281页)高考评分标准中的“复杂结构的运用及较多的语法结构”就是指句子结构的复合性和句型的多样性。不论是复杂结构的运用,如含有名词性从句、定语从句或状语从句的复合句,还是较多的语法结构,如分词和不定式等非谓语动词的运用都指向句式的转换问题。不容置疑,这些复杂结构的运用及较多的语法结构会增加文章的表达力度、提升文章的档次。一、复合句在书面表达中,运用简单句固然可以减少表达过程中的失误,但是,书面表达中不尝试使用复杂句,写作水平永远上不了档次。因此,要大胆地尝试使用复合句。1简单句变为复合句在英语中,复合句是由一个主句和一个或者几个从句所构成的句子。汉语的句式往往短小精悍。而正式场合英语的句式为了追求语言表达的准确度,往往层层限制,多采用层次复杂的复合句式。在复合句式中,主要的思想用主句来显示,而其他次要的思想则根据它们和主句的逻辑关系,分别变为从句、短语。高中英语作文明确要求学生能够运用多种句式,这其实是要求学生除了掌握简单句以外,也要学会熟练运用多种基本的复合句。善于改变句式,才能使文章更加流畅生动。简单句变为复合句,使文章看起来更有层次感,更为多样化。复合句往往体现了写作者对语言较强的驾驭能力。I am tired.I still do my homework.(简单句)Although I am tired,I still do my homework.(复合句)I am tired,but I still do my homework.(并列句)通过比较,我们不难看出,后两个句子明显比前一个句子更有层次感,逻辑也更加严谨。2多种手段灵活运用巧妙灵活地使用各种句式,可以有效避免千篇一律的弊病,提高文章的品位。高中生在进行英语写作的时候,既可以使用同义词语或结构表达相同的意思,也可以交替使用长、短句等丰富表达手段。下面是两个在作文题目中提示出信息的句子。(1)现在有时间看课外书、参观博物馆,学习电脑;(2)现在有时间看新闻、读报纸等。有部分同学表达为:(1)Now we have more time to read some books and visit museums.(2)And we also have more time to read newspapers and watch news on TV.在总字数只有100多字的高中英语作文中应该竭力避免使用一些长度类似、结构相同的句型。以上两个句子的长度接近,句式相同,应该注意改进。如若改为下面方式来表达,长短句合理使用,就会为文章增光添彩,体现出作者深厚的写作功底。Now I have more free time.I can follow my interests such as reading,visiting museums,and taking puter lessons.In the evening,I can watch news on TV or read newspapers.二、使用非谓语动词或独立主格结构在书面表达中,可以运用非谓语动词(分词、不定式、动名词)或独立主格结构把几个松散的句子整合起来,对句式加以简化,使写出来的句子更加准确、得体、精炼、灵活。我们休息了片刻,然后开始欢快地玩耍,唱歌跳舞、下象棋、讲故事。We had a short rest.Then we began to play happily.We sang and danced.Some told stories.Some played chess.After a short rest,we had great fun playing,singing and dancing,telling stories and playing chess.在实际写作中,要想提高文章档次,就必须在文章中灵活使用复合句和高级表达方式。只有这样,才能从整体上提升文章的档次品位。.用适当的连接词填空1Neither Jack _ his wife can play the piano.2Lets go out for a walk _ you are too tired.3So what will happen _ you dont like your major?4_ he was ill,he could not go to school.5We chat with our colleagues all the time,_ we have lunch,or leave work together.6Excuse me for breaking in,_ I have some news for you.7He helps me do the cleaning _ I help him with his physics.8The car broke down,_ we had to find a telephone.9Hurry up,_ youll be late.10It must have rained last night,_ the ground is wet.【答案】1.nor2.unless3.if4.Because5whether6.but7.while8.so9.or10.for.用复合句或非谓语结构改写下列句子1The sun gives off heat and light.This makes it possible for the plants on the earth to grow._2I was walking along Park Road towards the east.Suddenly an old man came out of the park on the other side of the street._3My brother was riding the bike and I sat on the seat behind him._4I am Wang Shan.I am sixteen years old.I am attending Beijing Yangguang Middle School presently._5He was deep in thought.He forgot his lunch._6A man is shaking hands with my father.He is a policeman._7We have lost the game.This is the fact._8He was late.This made his teacher unhappy._【答案】1.The sun gives off heat and light,which makes it possible for the plants on the earth to grow.2I was walking along Park Road towards the east when an old man came out of the park on the other side of the street.3My brother was riding the bike with me sitting on the seat behind.4I am Wang Shan,a girl of sixteen,presently attending Beijing Yangguang Middle School.5Deep in thought,he forgot his lunch.6The man who is shaking hands with my father is a policeman.7The fact is that we have lost the game.8His being late made his teacher unhappy.第三节如何应用特殊句式与高级词汇(对应学生用书第283页)高级词汇和复杂句式的使用是衡量高中生英语写作水平的一个重要指标。许多高中生在英语写作中基本能够表述自己希望表达的思想,但是贫乏的词汇和单一的句式结构影响了作文的整体风貌。丰富多彩的词汇和灵活多变的句式可以点石成金,使一篇简短的英语作文变得跌宕起伏、摇曳生姿,使读者产生一种耳目一新的感觉。高级词汇和特殊句式应该在高中英语写作中得到相应的应用,但在运用中需要注意恰当、灵活、自然。一、高级词汇在高中英语写作中的应用高级词汇,是指较为复杂的,更为书面化的词汇。学生可以用些书面化的、典雅的词汇,以代替那些司空见惯的词汇。在英语写作中,词汇使用得恰当,不仅能够使文章更加生动活泼,而且也可以吸引阅卷老师的眼球,成为评分时的加分亮点。1避免运用“过滥”的词汇据统计,高中生在英语写作中经常会遇到“我喜欢”、“我想去(做)”和“有益的”等的表达,很多学生习惯地运用“I like.”“I want to.”“helpful”等平庸无奇、毫无新意的词汇。虽然运用这些简单的词汇并不错,但是在短短的100多字的作文中如果充斥了过多这样的词汇,其实也反映出该生词汇的贫乏和表现力的欠缺。但是,如果将上述表达换成“.is one of my favorite hobbies”“I would like to.”和“be of benefit”会显得更正式,更让人产生新奇的感觉。很显然,采用了高级词汇的句子更加新颖一些,也更能吸引读者的注意力。这也表现出了作者较强的语言运用能力。2使用新颖的表达方式和高级词汇对于一些优秀的学生来讲,可以通过各种途径,寻找与众不同的表达方式。学生在写作的过程中,可以有意地运用一些自己已经学过的、有把握的词汇,也可以使用构词法变来的新词或使用在课外阅读中所学到的适合所写文章语境的表达方式。例如:In short,things have began to improve since schools were called to reduce learning load.but I used to have to work even at weekends doing endless homework and attending classes as well.As far as I know,everyone is happy about this new arrangement of things.本片段使用了所学单词end的派生词endless,arrange的名词arrangement,还使用了in short,as far as I know,whats more等关联词,增强了句与句之间的联系,使文章浑然一体。高中生在英语写作中应该追求新意,有意地多运用一些新奇的高级英语词汇。这将会使作文的形式和内容之间更富有张力,也将进一步增强高中生灵活运用高级词汇的能力,提高他们的写作水平。二、特殊句式在英语写作中的应用为提高书面表达的档次,可根据文章中的信息要点合理使用特殊句型,如:强调句、it句型、倒装句等。He knew what had happened after he read the newspaper.He did not know what had happened until he read the newspaper.It was not until he read the newspaper that he knew what had happened.All the forests will be destroyed soon.It wont be/take long before all the forests are destroyed.选用适当短语取代句中画线部分fix ones eyes upon;put up with;consist of;lose sight of;remind.of;make up ones mind;be devoted to;make full use of;carry on;turn up1The little boy looked_at the picture on the wall._2The small group has six people._3I can hardly bear his rudeness._4All his life was_given_to the Partys educational cause._5He used all his time._6He decided to be a teacher when he grew up._7I watched the plane go higher and higher until I couldnt_see it._8The film made_him_recall what he had seen there._9In any case,we should go_on_with our research._10Its time for the meeting,but he hasnt e yet._【答案】1.fixed his eyes upon2.consists of3put up with4.was devoted to5.made full use of6.made up his mind7.lost sight of8.reminded him of9.carry on10.turned up.按照要求改变句式1The bell had no sooner rung than the boys rushed out.(改为倒装句)_2You didnt get up early,so you were late for class.(改为省略if的虚拟语气句)_3He did not know how to do the job until I told him.(使用强调句型)_4Although he is young,he knows how to get along well with others.(改为as/though引导的倒装句)_5It is very important for us to learn a foreign language well.(改为how开头的感叹句)_6While I was reading his position,I noticed some mistakes.(改为省略句)_7You will make greater progress only when you spare no efforts to do it.(改为倒装句)_8I dont know what made him so upset.(改为强调句)_【答案】1.No sooner had the bell rung than the boys rushed out.2Had you got up early,you wouldnt have been late for class.3It was not until I told him that he knew how to do the job.4Young as/though he is,he knows how to get along well with others.5How important it is for us to learn a foreign language well!6While reading his position,I noticed some mistakes.7Only when you spare no effort to do it will you make greater progress.8I dont know what it was that made him so upset.第四节如何做到自然衔接与过渡(对应学生用书第285页)近年来,高考英语作文评分标准有了重大调整,该评分标准把衔接和连贯作为核心标准,更强调文章语言的“连贯性”和“复杂性”。要求一篇好的文章不但要句子正确,要点齐全,更重要的是要有意地使用语句间的连接成分。因此,恰当使用好连接性的词语和句子,是作文获得高分的一个重要因素。一、适当运用连接词,理顺句子逻辑关系连接词作为语篇的逻辑纽带,主要在句子之间,甚至段落之间起着承上启下的桥梁作用,使句子、段落和篇章结构逻辑上关联、语义上连贯。过渡连接词按词义划分为以下最常见的几种类型。1表示时间顺序的词语:first,then,finally,at last,soon,suddenly,immediately,meanwhile,while,as soon as等。2表示空间顺序的词语:on the right/left,to the right/left of,on one side of.,on the other side,at the top/foot/end of,in the middle/center of,here,there,next to等。3表示递进关系的连接词语:besides,moreover,worse still,above all,whats more,in addition,to make matters worse,furthermore等。4表示转折关系的连接词语:but,however,otherwise,nevertheless,in spite of,on the contrary,on the other hand等。5表示因果关系的连接词:so,therefore,consequently,as,as a result,owing to,thanks to,due to,because,because of,as a consequence of,on account of等。6表示解释说明的连接词语:that is (to say),in other words,such as,for example,and so on等。7表示归纳总结的连接词语:in short,to sum up,in conclusion,in a word,on the whole,in brief,all in all,to conclude等。8表示强调的连接词语:indeed,in fact,especially,no doubt,obviously,certainly等。9表示个人观点的连接词语:personally,in ones opinion,in the view of sb.,in ones view等。二、使用过渡句,自然衔接句子和段落过渡句在句子与句子之间、段落与段落之间起到承前启后的作用,使句子或段落之间的衔接自然、连贯,逻辑合理,结构严谨。三、讲究谋篇布局,增强语篇连贯性所谓谋篇布局就是根据题目要求,在全面理解所要求内容的基础上勾画出全篇写作的轮廓,分清文章应该写几个方面,或几个段落。在高考书面表达中,我们可以按时间、空间或其他逻辑顺序来安排各个要点,同时为使主题突出,结构严谨,我们还应学会使用篇章交代句以及段落的主题句,从而使得整篇文章段落划分得当,行文连贯,层层递进,结构紧凑。而要真正掌握这一写作技能,平日的训练中就要有意识地尝试使用常用的过渡衔接词,这样最终才能在写作中写出衔接自然、语句流畅的佳作。.用适当的连接词填空1He was tired,_(然而)he kept working.2The survey shows that half of the girls choose film and TV stars as their idols,_(然而)48% of the boys like sports stars.3_(总之),great changes have taken place in our village.4_(因此),it is not difficult to draw the conclusion.5_(另一方面),people feel like having a walk after supper.6_(依我看来),we should attach more importance to the education.7_(首先),you must work hard and be fully prepared before the exam.8_(从判断) the figures,it is not difficult to know the truth.【答案】1.however/nevertheless/yet2.while3In conclusion/In a word/All in all4.As a result/Therefore5.On the other hand6.In my opinion/As far as I am concerned/In my view7.To begin with/First/Firstly/First of all8.Judging from(by)/According to.使用合理的手段,变化下列句子(注意连贯手段的使用)1I can follow my own interests.I can read books,visit museums and take puter lessons._2I wanted to play football.I went to Li Mings house.He was doing some washing and refused to go with me._3Bus No.11 can take you straight to the school.Its only one stop._4You enter the park by the main gate.You walk straight on.You e to a stream._5Natural resources are very limited.They will be exhausted in the near future.It is not true.But it bees a major concern around the world.This is a widely accepted fact._6The Mississippi River is one of the longest rivers in the world,and in the springtime it often overflows its banks,and the lives of many people are endangered._【答案】1.I can follow my own interests,such as reading books,visiting museums and taking puter lessons.2I wanted to play football,so I went to Li Mings house.However,he was doing some washing and refused to go with me.3Bus No.11 can take you straight to the school.In fact,its only one stop.4You enter the park by the main gate,walk straight on and then e to a stream.5It is a widely accepted fact that there is a major concern around the world for the exhaustion of limited natural resources in the near future,though it is unlikely to be true.6The Mississippi River,which is one of the longest rivers in the world,often overflows its banks in the springtime,endangering the lives of many people.

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