2019年高考英语 Module 4 Carnival课后达标复习检测(含解析)外研版必修5.doc

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2019年高考英语 Module 4 Carnival课后达标复习检测(含解析)外研版必修5.单项填空1. Toms birthday party was_ success. We sang and danced until it came to_ end at ten. Aa;/Ba;anC/;an D/;/2. The medical team sent to the floodstricken area_30 members in the summer of xx. Amade up Bwas made upCconsisted of Dwas consisted of3. I think I should wear a dress instead of this jeans. Its just a small informal party, so you dont have to_. Awarm up Bput upCdress up Dkeep up 4. If you pretend_what you dont know, youll only make a fool of yourself. Aknowing Bhaving knownCto be knowing Dto know 5. With everyones face_ behind the mask, its hard to tell who they really are. Ahidden Bbeing hiddenChaving hidden Dhiding 6. There are many bad customs and laws that ought to be_.Aabolished BpolishedCabsorbed Dpublished7. I invited some friends to a restaurant to dinner where each room _with names of Chinese famous places. Ais marked Bhad markedCmarked Dbeing marked 8. I lent him ten magazines,_ are more wonderful than you can imagine. Amost of which Bmost of themCand most of which Dmost of that9. With the car show_ for another week,it was possible for more car fans to visit it. Aexpanded BlastedCspread Dextended10. After bargaining for the painting,the foreign dealer made a _ with the Chinese seller. Abargain BbusinessCpeace Dtrade11. There is no _to argue that meaningless question. Its a waste of time.Apossibility Btime Cdoubt Dneed12. (xx山西太原模拟)When the boss came in,the workers pretended _ hard on their machines. Ato work Bto be workingCto have worked Dworking 13. It is a mon subject in many science fiction stories that the world may one day be _ by insects. Abroken in Btaken overCrun over Dfilled in14. After spending an hour solving the maths problem, she felt very _and happy. Arelaxing BrelaxedCrelaxation Delegant15You seem to show interest in cooking.What? On the contrary, _.AI hate it BI love itCits OK DI really like it.完形填空 (xx 山东沂州实验中学第一次月考)I was stopped at a red light only a mile or so from my goal of my brothers house. We were planning to_1_down together to North Carolina to be with my father who was critically ill. As I_2_at the stop light, I noticed Sharpers Florist over to the left. It was the same _3_I had stood as a young man nervously_4_out some roses for my date floods of memories_5_my mind.I noticed the liquor store straight ahead where my father and I had been many times before, buying the beer of the week. We both liked German_6_.The light finally came_7_. And I made my left turn and drove through the_8_section of our_9_. I remembered how each thanksgiving my_10_would be together.I also remembered how my father would_11_some time each thanksgiving making sure there was no one _12_in the neighborhoods surrounding where we _13_. I can remember as a young boy going with him to _14_some food.I was scared.I had_15_ been into this part of town this deeply before. But my father seemed_16_and went about his business. The people we went to seemed to know him and _17_accepted what he came to offer. My father seemed able to_18_the food in a way that honored those he was giving to. He would stop at each place and talk a little. My father wanted to be sure_19_had food. If there were people he found who didnt have food he would _20_ and get more. Thats the kind of man he was.1. AturnBdriveCwalk Dslow2. Awaited BthoughtCrested Dlooked3. Amark BplaceCway Dsign4. Apicking BmakingCpointing Dturning5. Agot up Bwent awayCgot through Dwent through6. Aflowers BcarsCbeer Dfood 7. Ayellow BgreenCred Ddark8. Adirty BnoisyCpoor Drich9. Ahometown BschoolCstreet Dcity10. Afriends BfamilyCbrothers Dclassmates11. Atake BspendCwaste Duse12. Acold BtiredCthirsty Dhungry13. Aworked BlivedCstudied Dplayed14. Abuy BsellCcook Ddeliver15. Aalmost BneverCnearly Dreally 16. Acalm BnervousCworried Dembarrassed 17. Acarefully BeasilyCgratefully Dhardly 18. Agive away Bkeep awayCput away Dcarry away 19. Ano one BeveryoneCsomeone Danyone 20. Astep forward Bstand outCwalk out Dgo back.阅读理解Hispanic Heritage Month (拉丁文化月) is the period when people recognize the contributions of Hispanic Americans to the United States and to celebrate Hispanic culture. Hispanic Heritage Week was accepted by President Lyndon Johnson in 1968 and was agreed by President Ronald Reagan in 1988 to cover a 30day period starting on September 15 and ending on October 15. The law came into force on August 17, 1988.September 15 was chosen as the starting point for the celebration because it is the anniversary of independence of five Latin American countries: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. They all declared independence in 1821. In addition, Mexico, Chile and Belize celebrate their independence days on September 16, September 17 and September 18.Hispanic Heritage Month also celebrates the long and important presence of Hispanic Americans in North America.A map of late 18th century North America shows this presence, from San Francisco to Florida.Spanish explorers traveled further north along the Pacific Coast to Canada in 1774 and by the late 18th century they had established a military post on Vancouver Island, 350 miles north of Seattle. The Spanish sailed up the Atlantic Coast through the Chesapeake Bay in 1526, then called the Bahia de Santa Maria, about 80 years before the romanticized English encounter with Pocahontas. In the 1520s Spanish navigators also explored as far north as Cape Cod, Massachusetts, and the present site of Bangor, Maine. The Spanish settled in the southwest of North, America in the 16th century and officially founded Santa Fe, New Mexico in 1610.About 47 million people in the United States are Hispanic American. Their families e from countries where people speak Spanish.Here are some ways you can take part in this special month.Move Your FeetMusic is a big part of Hispanic life. People dont just listen. They get up and dance!Play a GamePinatas are toys filled with treats. Kids take turns trying to break a pinata with a stick. They pick up the treats that fall out.Wrap It UpThe tortilla is a popular food.It is a type of flat bread.It is often filled with meat, beans, tomatoes, and cheese. Then it is wrapped up and eaten. Yum!Speak SpanishMany Hispanic Americans speak two languagesSpanish and English. Say “hola”. That means, “hello” in Spanish.1The first paragraph is mainly about _.Athe establishment of Hispanic Heritage MonthBthe celebrations during Hispanic Heritage MonthCthe contributions of Hispanic AmericansDthe importance of Hispanic culture2What do we know about Hispanic Heritage Month?AIt was first celebrated in 1968.BIt honors some famous Hispanic Americans.CIt is celebrated mainly in Latin America.DThe biggest celebrations take place on September 1618.3When did the romanticized English encounter Pocahontas?AIn about 1526. BIn about 1446.CIn about 1606. DIn about 1774.4We can learn from the passage that_.Apinatas are made of sticksBtortillas are a kind of food for childrenCMexico declared independence on September 15DHispanic Americans had an influence on 18th century America必修5Module 4课后达标检测28.单项填空1解析:选B。a success“一件成功的事情”,e to an end“结束,终止”,是固定搭配。2解析:选C。句意:在xx年夏天被派往洪灾地区的这个医疗队由30名成员组成。consist of“由组成”,不用于被动语态,相当于be made up of。make up“构成”。3解析:选C。句意:我觉得我该穿件礼服而不该穿这条牛仔裤。这只是个非正式的小型聚会,没必要刻意打扮。warm up热身,变暖;put up建造,举起,推举,提名,供给住宿;keep up保持,继续; dress up打扮,装饰,穿上盛装。4解析:选D。句意:不懂装懂就会闹笑话。pretend意为“假装”,后跟动词不定式。know无进行时。5解析:选A。句意:每个人的脸都藏在面具后,很难分辨他们是谁。face与hide构成动宾关系, 故用过去分词作宾补。6解析:选A。abolish“废除,废止”;polish“擦亮,磨光”;absorb“吸收,吸引”;publish“公布,发表”。7解析:选A。句意:我邀请了一些朋友在一家饭店吃饭,那里的每间房都标有中国著名地方的地名。room与mark之间为被动关系,又因该空在where引导的定语从句中作谓语,故选A。 8解析:选A。句意:我借给他十本杂志,大部分都比你想象的更有趣。most of which 引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词ten magazines。9解析:选D。考查动词辨析。句意:随着车展又延长了一周,可能有更多的车迷前来观展。expand扩大,膨胀;last“持续”,侧重指事情从始至终的一段时间;spread伸展,铺开;extend“延长”,侧重指在原来的既定时间上又延长的时间,符合句意。10解析:选D。句意:对这幅画讨价还价后,这个外国商人与中国商人最后达成交易了。make a trade此处意为“成交”。bargain便宜货,讨价还价;business生意,个人事务;peace和平,平安。11解析:选D。句意:没有必要争论那个毫无意义的问题,那是在浪费时间。根据句意可知D项正确。12解析:选B。句意:当老板进来时,工人们假装正在机器旁努力工作。用to be doing表示当时那一刻正在进行的动作。13解析:选B。句意:在许多科幻故事中有一个普遍的话题,那就是这个世界有一天将被昆虫接管。break in“插话”;take over“接管”;run over“溢出”;fill in“填”。14解析:选B。句意:花了一个小时的时间解出那道数学题之后,她感到很轻松愉快。relaxed“(感到)轻松的”,符合句意。15解析:选A。考查表示嫌恶的I hate it。句意:你好像对烹饪很感兴趣。(你说)什么?正相反,我讨厌烹饪。.完形填空解题导语作者开车回家乡,打算同弟弟一起去陪伴病重的父亲。离家越近,那些与父亲有关的记忆就越清晰 1解析:选B。根据文章第三段第二句中的“I made my left turn and drove through”可知答案。 2解析:选A。根据上下文可知,这里指作者在等红灯的时候看到了Sharpers Florist这个地方。由“I noticed Sharpers Florist”可知不能选D。3解析:选B。此处指Sharpers Florist这个地方。就是在这里,年少的作者曾经紧张地挑选约会用的玫瑰。4解析:选A。 pick out挑选;make out弄清楚;point out指出;turn out结果是。A项符合语意。5解析:选D。get up起床;go away离开;get through通过(考试等),耗尽;go through经历,这里指往事历历在目。6解析:选C。根据上文的“buying the beer of the week”可知,这里指作者和他的父亲都非常喜欢德国啤酒。7解析:选B。根据下文“我左转”可推知这时交通灯变绿了。 8解析:选C。下文提到作者经常和父亲一起帮助穷人,因此可以推知这个地区非常贫困。 9解析:选A。上文提到作者年轻的时候在这里,因此这里是作者的家乡。10解析:选B。 每一个感恩节作者的家人都会聚集在一起。11解析:选B。根据句中making sure 可知,这里用spend指花一些时间干某事。12解析:选D。 作者的父亲会花一些时间来确保在他们居住的地方的周围没有人在挨饿。13解析:选B。参见上题解析。14解析:选D。作者小时候跟父亲一起去送食物。deliver投递;递送。 15. 解析:选B。根据“I was scared”可知作者应该是以前从来没有来过这个地方。 16解析: 选A。联系此句的But和上文的“I was scared”可知作者的父亲很镇静(calm)。17解析:选C。按照常理可知,把东西赠送给别人,别人应该是很感激地(gratefully)接受。 18解析:选A。作者的父亲能够用一种尊重别人的方式来分发食物。give away赠送,分发;keep away远离;put away把收起;carry away带走。19解析:选B。这里指作者的父亲想要确保每个人都有东西吃,不挨饿。20解析:选D。 step forward主动站出来;stand out突出;walk out脱身,一走了之;go back返回。D项符合语意。一旦发现有人没吃的,作者的父亲就会回去再拿一些。.阅读理解解题导语 本文主要介绍美国拉丁文化月的一些情况。1解析:选A。段落大意题。第一段主要讲的是在美国两任总统的努力下,美国拉丁文化月最终建立。2解析:选B。细节理解题。由文章第三段中的Hispanic Heritage Month also celebrates the long and important presence of Hispanic Americans in North America.可知,举办拉丁文化月也是为了纪念一些著名的拉丁裔美国人。3解析:选C。细节理解题。由第三段The Spanish sailed up the Atlantic Coast through the Chesapeake Bay in 1526, then called the Bahia de Santa Maria, about 80 years before the romanticized English encounter with Pocahontas.可知波卡洪塔斯与(英国男子)的传奇邂逅时间是1526801606年。故答案为C。4解析:选D。细节理解题。由文章第三段中的A map of late 18th century North America shows this presence, from San Francisco to Florida.可知,拉丁裔美国人在十八世纪已经产生影响力了。

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