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2019-2020年七年级英语下册Unit3WeletoSunshineTownReading教案新版牛津版l 教学目标1.Learn new words: quiet, air, fresh, local, underground, famous, Western, theater, miss, soon2.Read and learn something about Sunshine Town.3.Grasp the main idea of each paragraph.4.Know some words about the lifestyle and activities.5.Make the students develop the ability of introducing their hometown.l 教学重点难点1. Words and phrases: quiet, air, fresh, local, take the underground, be famous for, Western, theater, miss doing, soon2. Learn some words about the lifestyle and activities. 3.Grasp the main idea of each paragraph.4.Make the students develop the ability of introducing their hometown.l 教学用具Tape- recorder,multimedial 教学方法Working in groups.l 教学内容Step 1 Free talk1. Show some pictures of the city and the town. 2. Get the students to talk about different lives between the city and the town. Where would you like to live? Would you like to live in a modern city or in a small town?设计目的:自由谈话直接导入本课, 引导学生说出愿意在现代都市还是小镇上生活。在唤醒学生对已学知识的记忆的同时,激活学生的发散性思维,开阔学生思路。Step 2Pre-reading new wordsTeach the new words by pictures.设计目的:通过呈现阳光镇的图片来学校新单词和句型,让学生在语境中学习新知识,在理解的基础上容易记住新单词,为下面将展开的阅读扫除了字词障碍。Step 3 While-reading1. Listen&answerListen to tape and answer the question: What can the exchange students do in Sunshine Town?2. Read in silence and finish PartB13. Read each paragraph aloud after the tape and finish Part B24. Read with partners and then finish Part B35. Read in groups and finish Part B46. Careful reading1) Read Para. 1 and answer the questions.How far is Sunshine Town from the centre of Beijing?How is the air there?2)Read Para. 2 and match3) Read Para. 3 and answer the questions:What is famous in Chinese restaurants here?Are there lots of Western restaurants there?设计目的:听录音,从整体上把握文章大意。默读课文,从上下文理解新单词。多种形式朗读课文,获取更多的信息。分段仔细阅读,深入理解文章。Step 4 language points“Living”1. in the centre of在的中心 There is a garden _ our school. 2. like jogging in the park Do you like _ (在公园慢跑) in the morning? 3.far from (离远) My home is _ my school. 她在离家很远的一个小镇工作。She works in a town far from her home4. by underground We can take the exchange students to the cinema _ (乘地铁). by + 交通方式 骑自行车 by bike / on ones bike ride a bike 乘公共汽车 by bus /on a bus take a bus乘火车 by train 乘飞机 by plane 步行 on foot walk to5. It takes + time + from.to. + 交通方式从我家到学校骑车10分钟到学校。_ only ten minutes _ my home _my school_.从我家到学校10分钟步行路程。(不止一种表达)It takes 10 minutes from my home to my school on foot.It takes 10 minutes to walk from my home to my school .It is 10 minutes walk from my home to my school .“Shopping”1.Most things 绝大部分东西Most things=most of the thingsSuzhu is one of the most beautiful cities in China.(最) The most interesting film The most important information2.Most things are not expensive.Step 5 PracticeFill in the blanks to retell the text.Step 6 Homework1.recite the article2.Use new words, phrases to make up sentences and introduce one of your favourite place. l 课堂达标1、 翻译词组1新鲜的空气_ 2在公园慢跑_3地方的剧院_ 4在镇中心_5错过京剧表演_ 6呆在安静的镇上_7关于阳光镇的视频_ 8许多要做的事情 _答案:1. fresh air 2. go jogging in the park 3. the local theatre 4.in the town centre5. miss the opera show 6. stay in a quiet town 7. a video about Sunshine Town8. many thing to do二、单词拼写1We often go to the_(剧院)to watch plays and shows 2Do most people go to work by_ (地铁)in your city?3There is a_ (西方的)restaurant near my home4The old man is sickLets take him to the _ (当地的)hospital now5My grandfather likes_ (慢跑)in the evening答案: 1. theatre 2. underground 3. Western 4.local 5. joggingl 板书设计7B Unit 3 Wele to Sunshine Town Readingby + 交通方式 骑自行车 by bike / on ones bike ride a bike 乘公共汽车 by bus /on a bus take a bus乘火车 by train 乘飞机 by plane 步行 on foot walk to5. It takes + time + from.to. + 交通方式从某地到某地乘坐某交通工具用多长时间。l 教学反思


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