2019年高考英语总复习 Unit 3 A healthy life课时作业 新人教版选修6.doc

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2019年高考英语总复习 Unit 3 A healthy life课时作业 新人教版选修6.单词拼写1With exams only a week away,I am under a lot of _ (压力)答案stress2_(智力) health is as important as physical health.答案Mental3Now that she is _(怀孕的) she eats a good diet because she wants her baby to be born healthy.答案pregnant4When the old lady climbed up to the sixth floor,she was already _ (上气不接下气)答案breathless5The police are looking into the_(抢劫案)that happened last night.答案robbery6They were caught selling_(违法的) books.答案illegal7His only chance of_(幸存)was a heart transplant.答案survival8In my_(判断),we should make an apology to them.答案judgement9He looked_(尴尬的)when I asked him where hed been.答案embarrassed10He tried to dance,but he was too_(笨拙的)答案awkward.单句语法填空1What _ shame! She should fail this round.答案a2He said that he was accustomed to _(make) important decisions.答案making3If you go online tomorrow,your puter might run the risk _ being attacked by a virus.答案of4Her son addicted himself _ smoking,which had a bad effect on his health.答案to5Either you or one of your students _(be) to attend the meeting that is due tomorrow.答案is.用所给词的适当形式填空1What really_her was the_situation,so she looked_.(embarrass)答案embarrassed;embarrassing;embarrassed2Luckily,I_the terrible car crash last week and I was the only_of the accident.(survive)答案survived;survivor3It is_to hunt the endangered animals.(legal)答案illegal4As a_,he has good_and never_a person by his appearance.(judge)答案judge;judgement;judges5Youve put me in an_position.(awkward)答案awkward.完成句子1One solution would be to change the shape of the screen,_ _(也就是说),to make it wider.答案that is2Years of research work has failed to produce_(治愈的办法)the disease.答案a cure for3_(第一次)I saw Brenda,she asked me to hold her glasses.答案The first time4It is_ _(只有当时候)I see the watch at close quarters_(我才意识到)how unusual it is.答案only when;that I realize5If you develop AIDS,_(你们存活的可能性)are very small.答案your chances of survival.短文语法填空W: Why did you decide to take a working holiday?M: I wanted to experience _1_ different culture,and a working holiday seemed like the best way to do _2_.W: Where did you go and why?M: I went to Canada because its working holiday programs accept people over the age of 30. I started in Vancouver because I _3_ (establish) connections there already. I would probably stay in Vancouver throughout my working holiday for the _4_ of convenience.W: What were you most worried about _5_ you left?M: I was, and still am, a bit worried about _6_ (find) a job when I return home to Taipei.W: Where did you stay and work during your working holiday?M: I got a house in Vancouver,and I worked _7_ an assistant to a Chinese medicine doctor.W: What was the _8_ ( big) challenge you faced?M: I wondered about a lot of things before I left. I got a lot of assistance from my friends at church, _9_. So since I arrived in Canada,I havent really run into any huge obstacles.W: What was the most important lesson you learned?M: I spent a lot of time alone there,so I had learnt to really appreciate who I am.W: _10_ you do it again?M: For me,this is a onceinalifetime experience.1_2._3._4_5._6._7_8._9._10_1解析考查冠词。此处泛指一种不同的文化,故用不定冠词a。答案a2解析考查代词。分析句子结构可知,此处that指代“to experience_a_different culture”。答案that3解析考查时态。分析句子结构可知,此处establish表示的动作发生在 started这一过去的动作之前,故用过去完成时。答案had established4解析考查名词。此处for the sake of为固定短语,表示“为获得(或保持)某物”。答案sake5解析考查连词。结合语境可知,此处表示“在以前”,故用before。第8空下面的“I wondered about a lot of things before I left.”也有暗示。答案before6解析考查非谓语动词。由空格前的介词about可知,此处应用find的动名词形式。答案finding7解析考查介词。此处是固定短语work as,意为“从事工作”。答案as8解析考查形容词的最高级。结合语境并分析句子结构可知,此处应用形容词的最高级。答案biggest9解析考查副词。结合语境可知,此处though用于补充说明,使语气减弱了,意为“不过”。答案though10解析考查情态动词。结合下一句的答语可知,此处表示“你愿意再做一次吗”,故用Would。答案Would.阅读理解(xx广东省六校高三第一次联考)Like any good mother,when Karen found out that another baby was on the way,she did what she could to help her 3yearold son,Michael,prepare for a new baby. They find out that the new baby is going to be a girl,and day after day,night after night,Michael sings to his sister in Mommys stomach.In time,the labor pains e. But plications arise during delivery. Finally,Michaels little sister is born. But she is in serious condition. With alarm in the night,the ambulance rushes the_infant to the neonatal intensive care unit at St. Marys Hospital,Knoxville,Tennessee. The days go by. The little girl gets worse. The pediatric (儿科的) specialist tells the parents,“There is very little hope. Be prepared for the worst.”Karen and her husband contact a local cemetery about a burial plot. They have fixed up a special room in their home for the new baby,but now they plan a funeral. Michael keeps begging his parents to let him see his sister,“I want to sing to her,”he says. But kids are never allowed in Intensive Care. Karen makes up her mind. She will take Michael whether they like it or not. If he doesnt see his sister now,he may never see her alive.She dresses him in an oversized suit and marches him into ICU. He looks like a walking laundry basket,but the head nurse recognizes him as a child and shouts,“Get that kid out of here now. No children are allowed. Never disturb patients here.” The mother rises up strongly and said,“He is not leaving until he sings to his sister!”Karen leads Michael to his sisters bedside. He gazes at the tiny infant losing the battle to live. And he begins to sing. In the pure hearted voice of a 3yearold,Michael sings:“You are my sunshine,my only sunshine,you make me happy when skies are gray.”Instantly the baby girl responds. The pulse rate begins to calm down and bees steady.“Keep on singing,Michael.”encouraged Karen with tears in her eyes.“You never know,dear,how much I love you,please dont take my sunshine away.”The next day,the very next day,the little girl is well enough to go home! Womans Day magazine called it “the miracle of a brothers song”. The medical staff just called it a miracle. Karen called it a miracle of Gods love!Never give up on the people you love.1What can the underlined words “the infant” refer to?AThe baby BKaren CMary DMichael解析猜测词义题。从它的前面一句“Finally,Michaels little sister is born.But she is in serious condition.”可知是把婴儿送去医院的重症监护室。答案A2What do we know about the little sister after she was born?AShe was driven to St. Marys shop. BA doctor came to see her in her house.CShe was very thin and couldnt speak. DShe was in great danger.解析推理判断题。从第二段可知婴儿的生存希望很小。答案D3Why did Karen firmly let little Michael see his sister in ICU?ABecause he could make his sister alive.BBecause his sister would be sent to a far hospital.CBecause his sister was going to die soon.DBecause his father wanted to take him away.解析细节理解题。从第四段“If he doesnt see his sister now.he may never see her alive.”一句可知。答案C4What do we know about the head nurse?AThe head nurse was careful.BThe head nurse was rude.CThe head nurse was responsible.DThe head nurse had no sympathy.解析推理判断题。医院不许小孩进入重症监护室以防影响病人休息,所以说护士不让他进说明护士很负责任。答案C5What is the general idea of the text?AA boy s singing saved his sister s life.BThe little girl is well enough to go home.CMichaels little sister is born with a serious disease.DNo children are allowed to enter the intensive care unit.解析文章主旨大意题。这个故事讲述的是小男孩用歌声挽救生命垂危的妹妹的故事。答案A.(七选五)阅读填空(xx辽宁五校高三考试)1_Whether you handle a pick or a pen,a wheelbarrow or a set of books,digging ditches or editing a paper,ringing an auction bell or writing funny things,you must work.If you look around,you will see the men who are the most able to live the rest of their days without work are the men who work the hardest._2_It is beyond your power to do that on the sunny side of thirty.They die sometimes,but it is because they quit work at six in the evening,and do not go home until two in the morning.Its the interval that kills._3_It also lends solidity to your sleep.Besides,it gives you a perfect and grateful appreciation of a holiday.4_It does not know their names.Nobody likes them.The great,busy world doesnt know that they are there._5_The busier you are,the less harm you will be likely to get into,the sweeter your sleep will be,the brighter and happier you holidays,and the more satisfied the world will be with you.ADont be afraid of killing yourself with overwork.BEven it simply speaks of them as“old SoandSos boy”CThere are young men who do not work,but the world is not proud of them.DWork gives you an appetite for your meals.EEach thing that we do adds a new dimension to our personality.FSo find out what you want to be and do,and take off your coat and make a dust in the world.GRemember,you have to work.答案15GADCF.短文改错A few days before,Miss Wang was going home by bikes. While she was riding in the street,she sudden saw a man with a knife in his hand and with his face covering with a piece of black cloth running towards her.The man had pulled her handbag out of the basket of her bike and ran away before she could find a person to turn for help.Luckily,she had the mobile phone in her pocket.She took it out,dialing 110 and told the police in which direction the man had run.She also told the police that the man was like.The police came five minutes later,but caught the man soon.答案A few days ,Miss Wang was going home by . While she was riding in the street,she saw a man with a knife in his hand and with his face with a piece of black cloth running towards her.The man pulled her handbag out of the basket of her bike and ran away before she could find a person to turn for help.Luckily,she had mobile phone in her pocket.She took it out, 110 and told the police in which direction the man had run.She also told the police the man was like.The police came five minutes later, caught the man soon.

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